41st Hamburg Conference on International Taxation
6 December 2024, by Internetredaktion
On Friday, December 6, 2024, the International Tax Institute (IIFS), in cooperation with the German Association for International Tax Law (IFA) and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, is organizing the 41st Hamburg Conference on International Taxation as a hybrid event under the direction of Prof. Dr. Lars Hummel (IIFS).
The general theme of this year's conference is “New tax challenges in international business practice”. Renowned representatives of tax practice and tax science will discuss in detail the current case law of the First Senate of the Federal Fiscal Court on international tax law, the substance requirements in international tax law, the possibilities and limits of extended duties of cooperation in cross-border situations, the current developments in the taxation of cross-border employees and the current developments in cross-border financing within the group.
Here you will find the complete program of the conference as well as a registration form.