Event: Law at the Border
12. April 2022, von Internetredaktion
The Hamburg Lecture Series in Public & Comparative Law continues with a second event on "Law at the Border ‑ New Borders of Law? The Role of the Europen Court of Human Rights in the Context of European Border Policy" on April 28 at 6.30 pm CEST.
Dr. Lena Riemer, Yale University School of Law will discuss the expulsion and rejection of migrants at the border of the state parties of the European Convention of Human Rights. Influenced by internal pressure due to diverging views of its judges and external pressure from member states, the ECtHR pursued a more regressive approach since 2016, culminating in 2020 in its N.D. and N.T. v. Spain judgment on Spain’s policy of «hot returns».
Can this shift and its consequences be contextualized inter alia analysing dissenting votes, judgments, and state practice? Could this line of jurisprudence serve as a basis for justifying proposed European border procedures in the long run? Are there effects beyond the ECHR member state context?
Commentator: Prof. Vincent Chetail, PhD, Geneva Graduate Institute
For more information, see our poster (pdf).
To register, go here.