Event: Common Good Constitutionalism
16. Juni 2022, von Internetredaktion
The virtual Hamburg Lecture Series in Public & Comparative Law continues with a seventh event:
On June 28 (Tuesday) at 6.30 pm CEST, as part of the Hamburg Lecture Series in Public and Comparative Law, Dr. Conor Casey (University of Liverpool) will be giving a virtual talk on ‘Common Good Constitutionalism'.
"Common good constitutionalism" is a natural law approach to thinking about the nature of law, its purpose, and then more specifically how we might begin to approach central questions of public law, like legal interpretation and institutional design. Dr. Casey will present a clearer picture of what the ongoing classical legal revival is all about, and why he thinks it is a compelling and true way for natural lawyers to approach questions of law and legal interpretation. In doing so, he will also dispel several misconceptions about common good constititutionalism.
To register for the online event, go here.