Event: Interdisciplinary Comparative Law
29. Juni 2022, von Internetredaktion
The virtual Hamburg Lecture Series in Public & Comparative Law continues with an eight event:
On July 12 (Tuesday), at 6.00 pm CEST, Prof. Jaakko Husa from the University of Helsinki will give a virtual talk on his newly published book "Interdisciplinary Comparative Law".
Comparative law scholars have long recognised the importance of looking beyond legal texts and incorporating interdisciplinary methods into the study of law, yet in practice such use of non-legal methods has remained modest. In his new book, Interdisciplinary Comparative Law, Prof. Jaakko Husa, illuminates why the doctrinal approach to legal research has retained its strong position, offering a critical analysis of the difficulties of interdisciplinarity.
Commentator: Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg
To register for the online event, go here.