Coordination Team
The Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law’s academic program is coordinated and administrated by its research assistants. Please refer to them for all questions concerning the program, scholarships, and applications. The Front Office of the Graduate School is situated on Rothenbaumchausse 33.
Coordination Team
The coordination team is led by the research assistant Dr. iur. Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, LL.M., and supported by the student assistants Eva-Maria Laas and Anna Uchakina.
Dr. iur. Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, LL.M.
Tel.: + 49 40 42838-3026
3. Floor
Room: A317
Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law
Universität Hamburg
Faculty of Law
Rothenbaumchaussee 33
20148 Hamburg
Research Interest
- European and International Migration Law and Policy, including Asylum and Refugee Law as well as Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in Migration
- Turkish Law, esp. Constitutional Law, Citizenship Law, Aliens Law
- European Law, in particular the Law of the External EU Migration Policy, Soft Law Instruments, and the Institutional Law of the EU
- International Law, esp. Human Rights Law and International Comparative Law
Academic career
since 01/2024 Professional Individual Academic Coach, International Coaching Federation
since 07/2021 Postdoc at the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg.
11/2020 PhD at the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg with scholarship. Dissertation: "Association to the EU and migration policies with special reference to Mediterranean third countries".
10/2013 LL.M. at the College of Europe Hamburg, University of Hamburg with scholarship.
06/2012 LL.B. at the Faculty of Law, Istanbul Kültür University, Turkey with scholarship.
2009-2010 Erasmus at the Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig.
SoSe 2024
- Lecture in the context of "Master of European and European Legal Studies" and "Master of European and International Law: "European Migration Law"
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Migration in Global Context“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Einführung in das türkische Recht–Zivilrecht“
- Lecture in the context of Summer School International Law Plus: „Migration in Global Context"
WiSe 2023/24
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in Migration“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Einführung in das türkische öffentliche Recht“
SoSe 2023
- Lecture in the context of "Master of European and European Legal Studies" and "Master of European and International Law: "European Migration Law"
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Human Rights of Migrants“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Einführung in das türkische Recht–Zivilrecht“
WiSe 2022/2023
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence in Migration“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Türkische Rechtsterminologie: Türkisches Öffentliches Recht“
SoSe 2022
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Human Rights of Migrants“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Einführung in das türkische Recht–Zivilrecht“
WiSe 2021/22
- Seminar in the context of International and European Law: „Migration in Global Context“
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/Istanbul Hamburg/Istanbul: „Türkische Rechtsterminologie: Türkisches Öffentliches Recht“
SoSe 2021
- Lecture in the context of GSR Hamburg/IstanbulGSR Hamburg/Istanbul: „Einführung in das türkische Recht–Zivilrecht“
Since SoSe 2014 lecturer in the key qualification of foreign language courses on Turkish law, especially on migration law and policy in Turkey as well as the relationship between the EU and Turkey at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg.
2021 - Assoziierung zur EU und Migrationspolitiken unter der Berücksichtigung der mediterranen Drittstaaten, Baden-Baden.
2020 - The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies: Border Management, Human Rights and Development Policies in the Mediterranean Area (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, Prof. Dr. David Moya und Dr. Andrea Romano), Baden-Baden.
2018 - Migration Policy in Crisis (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Sirkeci und Dr. Emilia Castro), London.
Essays and other contributions:
2024 - Book Review: Eva Kassoti and Narin Idriz (Eds.), The Informalisation of the
EU’s External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum. The Hague:
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2022. vi + 346 pages. ISBN: 9789462654860,
in: Common Market Law Review, Vol. 61, No. 1.
2022 - §17 Das Recht der auswärtigen EU-Migrationspolitik, in: Enzyklopädie Europarecht, Band: 12 Europäische Außenbeziehungen, Baden-Baden.
2020 - EU-Turkey Relations in Migration Matters (gemeinsam mit Chad Heimrich), in: Kotzur/Moya/Sözen/Romano (Hrsg.), The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies: Border Management, Human Rights and Development Policies in the Mediterranean Area, Baden-Baden.
2019 - Back to Square One or a New Blueprint has been Found for the ‘Refugee’ Definition?, in: EJIL: Talk vom 05.03.2019.
2018 - The Need of a New Blueprint for Refugees (gemeinsam mit Dr. Annalisa Morticelli und Dr. Emilia Castro), in: Archiv des Völkerrechts, Band 56, Heft 2.
2016 - Is a Refugee a Refugee Everywhere? A Comparative Study between Turkish, Italian and Brazilian Law (gemeinsam mit Dr. Annalisa Morticelli und Dr. Emilia Castro), in: Eroglu/Cohen/Sirkeci (Hrsg.), in: Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers, London, S. 6-14.
- Fragile Balance of EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement, in: Sirkeci/Pusch (Hrsg.), Turkish Migration Policy, London, S. 149-168.
- Loss of the Right to Residence of Family Members, Acquired on the Grounds of the Association Agreement, Due to Long-Term Stay out of the Host Country (Ortaklık Anlaşması Kapsamında Aile Üyelerinin Oturma Hakkının Uzun Süre Ikamet Ülkesi Dışında Bulunma Sebebiyle Kaybı), in: Sonderheft der juristischen Zeitschrift der Istanbul Kültür Universität, Vol. 15(1) – Prof. Dr. Turhan Esener‘e Armağan – No. 2, S. 909-923.
2015 - EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement: Not A ‘Carrot’ But More A ‘?’, in: Seker/Tilbe/Ökmen/Yazgan/Eroglu/Sirkeci (Hrsg.), Turkish Migration Conference 2015 Selected Proceedings, London, S. 53-66.
2014 - Fallstudien – Justizgrundrechte in der Rechtsprechung in Deutschland und in der Türkei, in: Die Entwicklung von Rechtssystemen in ihrer gesellschaftlichen Verankerung, S. 81-100.
- An Analysis of the Case Demirkan C-221/11 on 24.09.2013 from European Court of Justice (Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı‘nın 24.09.2013 Tarihli C-221/11 Demirkan Kararı), in: Juristische Zeitschrift der Istanbul Kültür Universität, Vol. 13(1), S. 171-185.
- EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement: Not A ‘Carrot’ But More A ‘?’, in: Akademik Yaşamının 55. Yılı Onuruna Rona Aybay‘a Armağan (2. Cilt), Sonderheft: Legal Journal of Law, S. 2049-2074.
2013 - Bundesgerichtshof – Beschluss vom 30.11.2011: Vollstreckbarerklärung eines Ausländischen Schiedsspruchs (Federal Yüksek Mahkeme’nin 30 Kasım 2011 Tarihli Kararı: Yabancı Hakem Kararının Tenfizi), in: Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (Die juristische Zeitschrift der Yeditepe Universität), Vol. 10(1), S. 219-224.
2011 - Das Verhältnis der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention zur EU-Grundrechtecharta mit zwei Rechtsprechungen von EuGH (Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı’nından Iki Karar ile Avrupa Insan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Avrupa Birliği Müktesebatı Arasındaki Ilişki), in: Fasikül, Vol. 24.
Scholarships and fellowships
10/2025 - 09/2029 Four PhD scholarsips for the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law: Graduate School Scholarship Programme 2025/2026, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Bonn, Germany
08/2023 - 08/2023 Conference Sponsorship: ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Hamburg; Claussen Simon Stiftung, Hamburg; Transnational Press London, Sale, Great Britain
09/2018 - 09/2018 Conference Sponsorship: Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst: Programm – „Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa“
01/2016 - 09/2016 Conference Sponsorship: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung für Wissenschaftsförderung, Köln, Germany
02/2016 - 09/2016 Conference Sponsorship: Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
03/2016 - 09/2016 Conference Sponsorship: Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung, Hamburg, Germany
10/2013 - 09/2017 Scholarship for doctoral studies: Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
10/2012 - 09/2013 Scholarship for master studies: Schulze-Fielitz Stiftung Berlin, Berlin, Germany
07/2011 - 09/2011 Erasmus-Sponsorship for internship
10/2009 - 09/2010 Erasmus-Sponsorship for studies abroad
09/2006 - 06/2012 State schoalrship for bachelor studies
Conferences, workshops and events
Current conference projects:
2025 - The Migration Conference, London, Great Britain (Mitorganisatorin)
Conferences, Workshops and events:
10/2024 - Symposium zur Feier des 5-jährigen Bestehens des Gemeinsamen Studiengangs Rechtswissenschaft (Hamburg/Istanbul), Istanbul, Turkey (Mitorganisatorin)
09/2024 - Human Rights in Migration Societies: Exploring the Intersection of Human Rights and Migration in Law, Politics, and Everyday Life, Tagung der Forschungsgruppe MeDiMi, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen, Germany
07/2024 - The Migration Conference 2025, Mexiko-City, Mexiko (Mitorganisatorin)
08/2023 - The Migration Conference, Hamburg, Germany (Koordinatorin)
09/2022 - "Datensammelwut in asyl- und aufenthaltsrechtlichen Verfahren“, Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein (digital)
09/2022 - The Migration Conference, Rabat, Marokko (Mitorganisatorin)
04/2022 - D-COLLAB Multiplier Event “How to use digital technologies effectively in teaching and learning?”, Bratislava, Slovakai
11/2021 - Zukunft des Migrationsrechts – jenseits von Eurozentrismus und neuem Nationalismus?, 15. Herbsttagung des Netzwerks Migrationsrecht (digital)
07/2021 - The Migration Conference, London, Vereinigtes Königreich (digital, Mitorganisatorin)
07/2021 - ICON-S Mundo Conference on “The Future of Public Law” (digital)
06/2021 - ,,Aktueller denn je - 70 Jahre Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention“, Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Berlin (digital)
12/2020 - MAPS Conference, Queen Mary Immigration Programme (digital)
11/2020 - „Recht an der Grenze/Grenzen des Rechts?“, 14. Herbsttagung des Netzwerks Migrationsrecht (digital)
10/2020 - Inter-University Webinar “Same Old? Debating the New European Pact on Migration and Asylum”, Maastricht Center for European Law (digital)
08/2020 - The Migration Conference, Tetova, Nordmazedonien (digital) (Mitorganisatorin)
05/2019 - The Migration Conference, Bari, Italien (Mitorganisatorin)
09/2018 - Barcelona Summer School: “The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies”, Barcelona, Spanien (Mitorganisatorin)
05/2018 - The Migration Conference, Lissabon, Portugal (Mitorganisatorin)
08/2017 - The Migration Conference, Athen, Griechenland (Mitorganisatorin)
09/2016 - Movement of People: A Comparative Conference on Migration, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland (Mitorganisatorin)
07/2016 - 4. Turkish Migration Conference, Wien, Österreich
06/2016 - Solidarity and its Crisis in the European Union, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland
06/2016 - Immigration, Citizenship, and Constitutional Identity: Germany in a Global Perspective, Berlin, Deutschland
06/2016 - ICON-S 2016 Conference on “Borders, Otherness and Public Law”, Berlin, Deutschland
11/2015 - Migrationspolitisches Forum „Grenzüberschreitender Flüchtlingsschutz“, Berlin, Deutschland
11/2015 - Masterclass on European and Comparative Migration Law with Kees Groenendijk, Giessen, Deutschland
10/2015 - Tagung im Bundesverwaltungsgericht „Aktuelles Ausländer- und Asylrecht“, Leipzig, Deutschland
06/2015 - Turkish Migration Conference 2015, Prag, Tschechische Republik
07/2014 - BAGSS Conference on “Migration and Integration”, Bamberg, Deutschland
06/2014 - 10. Migration Summer School, The European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florenz, Italien
09/2012 - Giessen Seminar, Universität Giessen, Giessen, Deutschland
03/2012 - Seminar on Arrestment, Istanbul Kültür Universität, Istanbul, Türkei
01/2012 - Miami Seminar, Law School, University of Miami, Florida, USA
11/2011 - Constitutional Complaint in Turkey with the Perspective of German Basic Law and ECHR, Istanbul Kültür Universität, Istanbul, Türkei
10/2011 - Consumer Symposium, Istanbul, Türkei
09/2011 - 14. Summer School, Universität Leipzig/Istanbul Kültür Universität, Izmir, Türkei
05/2011 - International Constitutional Convention, International Conference, Istanbul, Türkei
04/2011 - Colloquium of International Children and Law, Istanbul, Türkei
10/2010 - Criminology Symposium, Istanbul Kültür Universität, Istanbul, Türkei
09/2010 - 13. Summer School, Istanbul Kültür Universität, Kusadasi, Türkei
09/2009 - 12. Summer School, Istanbul Kültür Universität, Cesme, Türkei
Since 2024
- Member of the Executive Team of the „Türkiye Migration Conference"
Since 2022
- Member of the Executive Team of The Migration Conference
- Member of the Committee for the Promotion of Young Scientists, University of Hamburg, Germany
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of "Women in Global World", Topkapi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Since 2021
- Member of the joint committee of the Joint Study Program Hamburg/Istanbul, University of Hamburg
Since 01/2016
- Member of the Migration Law Network
Since 2017
- Member of the scientific committee of "The Migration Conference".