Photo: UHH/Dingler

Application documents

A complete application comprises all of the following documents (and must be submitted in one pdf-file via the application form in the below-given order):

  • only for postal application: application form (Download here
  • tabular curriculum vitae (optional: index of all publications)
  • research proposal (up to four pages; guideline for drafting a proposal)
  • personal statement about why you are applying to the Albrecht Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Graduate School
  • two recommendation letters from professors attesting the suitability for doctoral work
  • diploma and transcript of records
  • language certificates (German or English): Non-native speakers who write their dissertation in German or English must prove their language skills by  submitting relevant certificates. German: TestDaF or DSH; English: certficate proving C1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This requires test scores of at least 100 in the TOEFL ibT / 7 in the IELTS / 945 in TOEIC. The TOEFL DI Code is 2258.