Oxford-style debate on the future of the European Union
24 April 2018, by Internetredaktion
Photo: Pixabay
On Friday, 27 April 2018, from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m., the China-EU School of Law invites legal scholars and students to reflect on the state and look at the future of the European Union in room 412 in the Mingfa Building.
„Brexit, Frexit, Polexit… what should be the future of the European Union and who should decide on it?“ is the the topic Assistant Professors Nick Hallemeesch, Monika Prusinowska, Dr Nicolas Soelter and Zurab Gvelesiani will address in an Oxford-style debate.
They follow a competitive debate format that begins with the audience casting a vote on the topic. Each Assistant Professor presents an opening statement. Then the four take questions from the audience. Finally, each Assistant Professor delivers a closing argument, after which the audience delivers a final vote on the topic.
Is the European Union a good model? Should more member states consider leaving the Union? Who should make decisions about leaving – citizens or somebody else? These are the questions at the heart of this discussion.
The event addresses in particular students who are planning to do a Master in European and International Law next year, are already enrolled, will soon travel to Europe for elective courses or simply are curious about the future of the European Union.