News27 May 2019|China-EU School of LawPhD researchers discuss developments in Chinese lawOn 24 May 2019, twelve PhD researchers from ten different European and international universities met in Hamburg and presented their current research on developments in Chinese Law. The workshop on “Recent Developments in Chinese Law”...27 May 2019|China-EU School of LawCESL Debates on the Issues of Migration in EuropeOn Friday afternoon, 24 May, the CESL community had its annual debate on the future of the EU. Each year in spring, the CESL community meets to discuss the hot topics related to the EU. The questions debated this year were: “Is migration...6 May 2019|China-EU School of LawPhD Workshop on Chinese LawOn 24 May 2019, the China-EU School of Law Consortium Office, at Universität Hamburg, will hold a PhD workshop on recent developments in Chinese law. PhD students from all over Europe will give presentations on their current research. The...30 April 2019|China-EU School of LawMonty Silley is CESL’s New European Executive Co-DeanPhoto: UHH/JuraA new Executive Co-Dean took office at the head of the China-EU School of Law administration: Ronald “Monty” Silley. 8 January 2019|China-EU School of LawCriminal Justice in China: Domestic Violence, Sexual abuse offences and #MeTooPhoto: UHH/CESLWhen: Di, 15.01.2019, 6 pm Where: Universität Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 33, 20148 Hamburg, Raum 131 Language: English Public lecture in the context of the China-EU School of Law Lecture Series Prof. Dr. Yue Liling, China University of...21 November 2018|China-EU School of LawChina-EU School of Law celebrates 10th AnniversaryPhoto: UHH/Jura China-EU School of Law celebrates 10th Anniversary Nicolas Chapuis, EU Ambassador to Beijing, highlighted the importance of the China-EU School of Law as part of the China-EU School of Law's 10th anniversary celebrations on 15 November...24 April 2018|International AffairsOxford-style debate on the future of the European UnionPhoto: PixabayOn Friday, 27 April 2018, from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m., the China-EU School of Law invites legal scholars and students to reflect on the state and look at the future of the European Union in room 412 in the Mingfa Building. 19 April 2018|ResearchResolving the EU-China solar panels trade disputePhoto: PixabayFive years ago, the European Union imposed provisional anti-dumping tariffs on Chinese solar panels. Since then, Brussels and Beijing defused this dispute. Dr Coraline Goron from the University of Oxford China Center demonstrates this in an...16 April 2018|Studies and TeachingLegal philosopher Ulfrid Neumann discusses Criminal Law at CESLPhoto: CESLIn the Netherlands, you are allowed to sell up to five gram of cannabis without the risk of prosecution, while in Germany the same action is illegal – what does this say about Criminal Law? Legal philosopher Ulfrid Neumann discussed this at...5 April 2018|EventTilburg University and China-EU School of Law intensify dialogue on tax lawPhoto: CESLThe China-EU School of Law and the Dutch Tilburg University have renewed their collaboration on tax law research and teaching. Scholars, practitioners and students intensively shed light on Chinese and Dutch tax law at a workshop on 2 April...2 April 2018|InternationalesLin Chen acclaimed as new Students’ Union ChairmanPhoto: CESLIn an intensive candidate forum on 2 April, graduate students at the China-EU School of Law have elected new student leaders for 2018. Chairman-elect Lin Chen was acclaimed. 26 March 2018|ResearchWorkshop: Updating the protection of propertyPhoto: moerschy/pixabay.comThe constitutional protection of property in China and Europe still mainly covers the protection of things and goods. Yet this notion of property needs to be adapted to new requirements in modern business life and digitalisation - this is...20 March 2018|EventAlumni provide insights into their careersPhoto: CESLOn 17 March 2018, the China-EU School of Law organised the Alumni Day with graduates. Five young professionals gave advice on how to enter the legal job market.19 March 2018|Studies and TeachingDr Gemma Minero Alejandre is new lecturer on IP LawPhoto: Minero AlejandreStarting on 19 March, Dr Gemma Minero Alejandre teaches Intellectual Property Law at the China-EU School of Law. Gemma is a true expert on Intellectual Property Law – and experienced with teaching postgraduate law students. “A good law...15 March 2018|EventStudent Zheng Yan first ever Chinese Best Individual Speaker at Shanghai MootPhoto: CESLAt the 2018 Shanghai Moot held on 8 March, China-EU School of Law student, Zheng Yan, was honoured with Best Individual Speaker – the first ever Chinese student to have claimed the title.12 March 2018|Studies and TeachingProf. Ardit Memeti will teach WTO lawPhoto: MemetiMacedonia, USA, the Netherlands and Kuwait – he has crossed many borders between different cultures and legal systems, and therefore his legal expertise also is a global one: Starting on 12 March, Prof. Ardit Memeti will teach World Trade...8 March 2018|Studies and TeachingVis Moot team practices with AnJie lawyersPhoto: Monika PrusinowskaHow do you successfully negotiate? Six master’s students from the China-EU School of Law now got advice from AnJie law firm partners Arthur Dong and lawyer Darren Mayberry on this question. With the two-hour training, students prepared for...5 March 2018|Studies and TeachingDean of University of Leuven Law Faculty Prof. Bernard Tilleman is new lecturer on CISGPhoto: TillemanAfter career stages at the office of the Belgian Prime Minister and as an attorney at the law firm Cleary-Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in Brussels, Prof. Bernard Tilleman, Dean of the University of Leuven Law Faculty, will now teach the CISG...2 March 2018|Interview“All of China’s top law firms now position themselves in the global legal market”Photo: Zhang DaleiZhang Dalei graduated with a Double Master’s degree in 2017. Today, he is a lawyer at the prestigious law firm Zhong Lun. He explains why his international education was the decisive recruitment requirement.22 February 2018|Studies and TeachingNew lecturer on Conflict of Laws: Prof. Stefaan VoetPhoto: KU LeuvenHe knows about conflicts and drama: In his leisure time, Prof. Stefaan Voet is a freelance opera critic. Yet his main profession is to teach law as an Associate Professor at the renowned University of Leuven in Belgium. Starting on 26...Show all news