Electronic media
The Datenbank-Infosystem (database info system, DBIS) and the Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (electronic journals library, EZB) are two extensive resources that you can use in your literature search. They are arranged according to subject area and you can obtain information and access to all available databases and other e-media in the library system at University of Hamburg.
For licensing reasons, many journals and databases are only available on the university network for university members. Not all of the Internet resources are available free of charge.
Legal databases:
Beck Online | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Beck-ebibliothek Studienliteratur | ebibliothek.beck.de |
Chinalawinfo | en.pkulaw.cn |
Duncker & Humblot eLibrary | elibrary.duncker-humblot.de |
Edward Elgar |
www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Foreign Law Guide | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte | www.HRGdigital.de |
Hein Online | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
JURA-Kartei (JK) online | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Juris | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Kuselit | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Kluwer Arbitration | www.kluwerarbitration.com |
Makrolog-Recht für Deutschland | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
MPEPIL (Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law) | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Nomos | www.nomos-elibrary.de |
Oxford Constitutions of the World | oxcon.ouplaw.com |
Sozialgesetzbuch Hauck/Noftz SGB digital | www.haucknoftzsgb.de |
SpringerLink | www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |
Westlaw Next | next.westlaw.com |
Westlaw UK | westlaw.co.uk |
Wolters Kluwer Online (formerly Jurion, LexisNexis Recht) |
www.sub.uni-hamburg.de |