The faculty
Universität Hamburg, the first democratically founded university in Germany, has had a law faculty since it was established in 1919. From the beginning, the Faculty of Law at Universität Hamburg has had a strong international law focus. We are the first law faculty in Germany to offer a structured, international doctoral program in the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law. Due to our expertise in the area of international law, the Faculty of Law at Universität Hamburg is now the consortium leader for the China-EU School of Law.
Today, more than four thousand students are instructed and supervised by thirty-four professors and around eighty research associates; see also the Faculty's organizational chart.
The Faculty's main building is the Law Building on Rothenbaumchaussee, where all of the institutions (professorships, administrative offices, and Central Law Library) are located.
In its fifty-eighth joint session on 17 December 2014, the Faculty Council adopted the Faculty of Law’s mission statement.