Constitutional Political Economy
Roger Congleton and Stefan Voigt
Constitutional Political Economy offers a forum for research in the broad area of constitutional analysis, which lies at the intersection of several approaches in modern economics, sharing a common interest in the systematic integration of the institutional dimension - the study of political, legal and moral institutions - into economic analysis.
Grounded in economics, Constitutional Political Economy is explicitly interdisciplinary. It encourages exchange and dialogue extending across a range of social sciences, including law, philosophy, political science and sociology. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research, as well as contributions to constitutional policy issues.
International Review of Law and Economics
Stefan Voigt is an associate editor.
The International Review of Law and Economics provides a forum for interdisciplinary research at the interface of law and economics. IRLE is international in scope and audience and particularly welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers on comparative law and economics, globalization and legal harmonization, and the endogenous emergence of legal institutions, in addition to more traditional legal topics.
Journal of Financial Regulation
Dan Awrey, Genevieve Helleringer, Kate Judge, and Georg Ringe
The Journal of Financial Regulation is an international forum for the publication of world-class scholarship examining theoretical, policy and practice-oriented issues relating to the regulation of financial markets and institutions. As reflected by its diverse editorial board, the Journal seeks to publish scholarship which examines these issues from an interdisciplinary, international, and comparative perspective. The Journal is published by Oxford University Press.
Public Choice
Stefan Voigt is member of the Editorial Board.
Public Choice studies the intersection between economics and political science. The journal plays a central role in fostering exchange between economists and political scientists, enabling both communities to explain and learn from each other’s perspectives.
This journal’s roots are in the application of economic methods to problems normally dealt with by political scientists. While it retains strong traces of economic methodology, currently it also addresses newly developed, effective techniques that are not within the domain of economists.
Review of Austrian Economics
Stefan Voigt is an associate editor.
The Review of Austrian Economics has two broadly conceived objectives: (1) to promote the development and extension of Austrian economics and (2) to promote the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective.
Jerg Gutmann is an academic editor.
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