Eine Liste der Einzelveröffentlichungen finden sie hier.
The Anatomy of Corporate Law (3rd edition 2017)
Professor Georg Ringe is among the authors of this leading international treatise on corporate law and governance. The authors start from the premise that corporations (or companies) in all jurisdictions share the same key legal attributes: legal personality, limited liability, delegated management, transferable shares, and investor ownership. Businesses using the corporate form give rise to three basic types of agency problems: those between managers and shareholders as a class; controlling shareholders and minority shareholders; and shareholders as a class and other corporate constituencies, such as corporate creditors and employees. After identifying the common set of legal strategies used to address these agency problems and discussing their interaction with enforcement institutions, The Anatomy of Corporate Law illustrates how a number of core jurisdictions around the world deploy such strategies. In so doing, the book highlights the many commonalities across jurisdictions and reflects on the reasons why they may differ on specific issues.
The analysis covers the basic governance structure of the corporation, including the powers of the board of directors and the shareholder meeting, both when management and when a dominant shareholder is in control. It then analyses the role of corporate law in shaping labour relationships, protection of external stakeholders, relationships with creditors, related-party transactions, fundamental corporate actions such as mergers and charter amendments, takeovers, and the regulation of capital markets.
The Anatomy of Corporate Law has established itself as the leading book in the field of comparative corporate law. Across the world, students and scholars at various stages in their careers, from undergraduate law students to well-established authorities in the field, routinely consult this book as a starting point for their inquiries.
Design of Constitutions
Almost anywhere in the world, new constitutions are written and passed at almost any time. Over the last couple of years, an increasing number of economists have analysed constitutions based on an economic approach with an emphasis firstly on the (economic) effects of constitutions and followed by the factors determining their content. The contributions assembled in this volume go one step further: they ask how the knowledge gained over the last number of years can usefully be applied to constitutional design. This new branch could also be termed applied constitutional economics. Along with an original introduction, Professor Voigt has compiled a valuable research collection that will be of interest to scholars and practitioners in this growing field.
"This particular work presents - in one hand and copiously footnoted hardback volume - no less than 23 of the most authoritative and ground-breaking essays and articles currently available on this relatively new avenue of economic and legal research, published by a judicious selection of the world´s top universities... If you´re a lawyer, economic adviser, policy maker, student´or acadenmic, you should acquire this book."
- Phillip Taylor MBE and Elizabeth Taylor,
The Barrister Magazine
Research Handbook on the Economics of European Union Law
Edited by Thomas Eger, Professor of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Germany and Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Affiliated Professor, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg and Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany
This comprehensive volume comprises original essays by authors well known for their work on the European Union. Together they provide the reader with an economic analysis of the most important elements of EU law and the mechanisms for decisions within the EU.
The Handbook focuses particularly on how the development of EU law negotiates the tension between market integration, national sovereignty and political democracy. The book begins with chapters examining constitutional issues, while further chapters address the establishment of a single market. The volume also addresses sovereign debt problems by providing a detailed analysis of the architecture of the EU’s monetary institutions, its monetary policy and their implications.
The depth and breadth of the Handbook’s coverage make it an essential reference for students, scholars and policymakers interested in the complexities of the European Union.
Lehrbuch der ökonomischen Analyse des Zivilrechts
Das "Lehrbuch der ökonomischen Analyse des Zivilrechts" stellt in einer umfassenden und verständlichen Bearbeitung die Grundlagen der ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts und ihre Anwendung auf das deutsche Zivilrecht dar. Als wohl anerkannteste deutsche Bearbeitung dieser - in erster Linie durch den anglo-amerikanischen Rechtskreis geprägten - Forschungsrichtung untersucht und bewertet es die Normen und Regelungsprobleme des deutschen Rechts mit den Mitteln ökonomischer Theorie.
Das Buch enthält einen zusätzlichen Fragenteil. Die Antworten zu den im Lehrbuch enthaltenen Fragen erhalten Sie hier: Antworten (PDF).
The Books
(Link to
- Shen Wei - Rethinking the New York Convention
- Petra Ebermann - Patents as Protection of Traditional Medical Knowledge? A Law and Economics Analysis
- Katarina Svatikova - Economic Criteria for Criminalization
- Lars Hornuf - Regulatory Competition in European Corporate and Capital Market Law
- Andrea Renda - Law and Economics in the RIA World
- Firat Bilgel - The Law and Economics of Organ Procurement
- Claudia Desogus - Competition and Innovation in the EU Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
- Rosa Castro Bernieri -Ex-Post Liability Rules in Modern Patent Law
- Sonja E. Keske - Group Litigation in European Competition Law
- Hanneke Luth - Behavioural Economics in Consumer Policy
- Rosa Castro Bernieri - Ex-Post Liability Rules in Modern Patent Law
Institutionenökonomik von Stefan Voigt.
Warum haben weltweit nur einige hundert Millionen Menschen ein sehr hohes Pro-Kopf-Einkommen, während Milliarden unterernährt sind? Warum führt der Import von - andernorts sehr erfolgreichen - Verfassungen häufig nicht zu Wohlstand und Stabilität? Institutionenökonomen beanspruchen, diese Fragen anders und umfassender anzugehen als traditionelle Ökonomen. Die vorliegende Einführung ist nicht nur für Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften geeignet, sondern auch für solche anderer Fächer. Denn auch informelle Institutionen wie Sitten, Gebräuche und Traditionen werden behandelt, weil immer deutlicher wird, dass diese entscheidend für Wachstum und Entwicklung sind.
"Dieses gelungene Lehrbuch wird nicht nur Ökonomen wärmstens empfohlen, sondern auch Politologen, Soziologen und Juristen, die nach einem Einstiegswerk in die Neue Institutionenökonomik suchen." -Prof. Dr. Chris Mantzavinos, Universität Witten-Herdecke