Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Karsten Paetzmann, LL.M. (London)
Photo: privat
Professor gem. § 17 Abs. 1 HmbHG
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Law
Institut für Recht und Ökonomik
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
Office hours
- Geboren 1968 in Hamburg, evangelisch-lutherisch, verheiratet, zwei Kinder
- Dipl.-Kfm. (Hamburg), LL.M. (London), Dr. rer. pol. (Köln), Habilitation (Hamburg)
- Finanzvorstand eines Versicherungsunternehmens
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- Paetzmann, K. (2023). Financial Innovation, Adaptability and Regulation. Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, 38(8), 288−300.
- Paetzmann, K. (2022). Challenges of Blockchain Technology in Financial Services: Use Cases, Smart Contracts and Governance. Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation, 37(8), 294−305.
- Hoffmann, B., & Paetzmann, K. (2018). Investor Protection, Valuation Methods and the German Alternative Funds Industry. Journal of Risk Finance, 19(2), 174−189.
- Paetzmann, K. (2016). Sustainable Corporate Governance: Sustainability Reporting de lege ferenda. Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance, 12(6), 279−285.
- Paetzmann, K. (2015). Bad Assets Options and Bank Resolution in Europe: Lessons Learned in and after the 2008 Financial Crisis. Journal of Risk Finance, 16(5), 486−497.
- Paetzmann, K., & Lippl, C. (2013). Accounting for European Insurance M&A Transactions: Fair Value of Insurance Contracts and Duplex IFRS/U.S. GAAP Purchase Accounting. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance − Issues and Practice, 38(2), 332−353.
- Paetzmann, K. (2013). Kapitalplanungsprozesse mit Prudential Filtern: Vierte MaRisk-Novelle, Basel III und IFRS 9. Journal of Banking Law and Banking, 25(3), 187−202.
- Paetzmann, K. (2011). Discontinued German Life Insurance Portfolios: Rules-in-Use, Interest Rate Risk, and Solvency II. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 19(2), 117−138.