Publications via Method
- Anne van Aaken, The Individual in (International) Law and Economics. In: Anne Peters/Tom Sparks (eds.), The Individual in International Law. History and Theory (Oxford University Press 2024), pp. 343-363. (open access)
- Anne van Aaken, Making Trade Agreements Contribute to Sustainability: The Potential of Behavioural Science. In: Geraldo Vidigal/Kathleen Claussen (eds). The Sustainability Revolution in International Trade Agreements (Oxford University Press 2024), pp. 23-38.
- Anne van Aaken, Effectuating International Law against Corruption: Behavioral Insights, 22/2 International Journal of Constitutional Law (I-Con), (open access)
- Anne van Aaken, Behavioural Sciences used by the United Nations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Roadmap and some Stop Signs, 4/1 Journal of Environmental Law & Policy 2024, 1-21 (open access)
- Anne van Aaken and Moshe Hirsch (eds.), International Legal Theory and the Cognitive Turn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024, open access)
- van Aaken, A., Rationalist and Behavioralist Approaches to International Law. In: Jeff Dunoff and Mark Pollack (eds.), International Legal Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 261-281.
- van Aaken, A., The Individual in (International) Law and Economics. In: Anne Peters/Tom Sparks (eds.), The Individual in International Law. History and Theory, forthcoming 2022.
- van Aaken, A. and Broude, T., International Pandemic Lawmaking: Some Perspectives from Behavioural Economics, in: Alicia Ely Yamin, Joelle Grogan and Pedro Villarreal (eds.), International Pandemic Lawmaking: Conceptual and Practical Issues Report (Petrie-Flom Center and Max Planck Institute, November 2021).
- van Aaken, A., The Cognitive Psychology of Rules of Interpretation in International Law, 115 American Journal of International Law Unbound (2021), pp. 258–262.
- van Aaken, A. and Stradner, I., Economic Analysis of International Law. In: Rossana Deplano and Nicholas Tsagourias (eds.), Research Methods in International Law: A Handbook (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2021), pp. 367-385.
- van Aaken, A. and Broude, T., Arbitration from a Law and Economics Perspective. In: Thomas Schultz and Frederico Ortino (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020), pp. 874-894.
- van Aaken, A., Experimental Insights for International Legal Theory. In: 30(4) European Journal of International Law (2019), pp. 1237–1262.
- van Aaken, A. and Vasel, J.J., Demultilateralization: A Cognitive Psychological Perspective. In: The Postnational Constellation Revisited, 25 European Law Journal, Special Issue Celebrating Jürgen Habermas’ 90th Birthday (edited by Alexander Somek), 2019, pp. 487-493.
- van Aaken, A., Constitutional Limits to Regulation-by-Nudging. In: Holger Strassheim, Silke Beck (eds.), Handbook of Behavioral Change and Public Policy, (Handbooks of Research on Public Policy Series), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019), pp. 304-318.
- van Aaken, A., Die Befolgung des Völkerrechts zwischen Realismus, Konstruktivismus und Verhaltensökonomik. In: Patrick Hilbert/Jochen Rauber (eds.), Warum befolgen wir Recht? Rechtsverbindlichkeit und Rechtsbefolgung in interdisziplinärer Perspektive (Tübingen, Siebeck/Mohr, 2019), pp. 135-160.
- van Aaken, A., The Concept of Law Revisited: A Psychological Approach to Legal Theory. In: Christoph Bezemek, Michael Potacs, Alexander Somek (eds.), Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy, Volume 2, (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2020), pp. 185-205.
- van Aaken, A. and Broude, T (eds.), The Psychology of International Law, Special Issue, 30(4) European Journal of International Law (2019).
- van Aaken, A. and Steinbach A., Ökonomische Analyse des Völker- und Europarechts (Tübingen: Siebeck/Mohr), 2019.
- van Aaken, A., Behavioral Aspects of the International Law of Global Public Goods and Common Pool Resources. In: 112 (1) American Journal of International Law (2018) pp. 67-79.
- van Aaken, A. and Pinto de Albuquerque, P., Punitive Damages in Strassbourg. In: Anne van Aaken and Iulia Motoc (eds.), The ECHR and General International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. 230-250.
- van Aaken, A., Constitutional Limits to Nudging: A Proportionality Assessment. In: Alexandra Kemmerer, Christoph Möllers, Maximilian Steinbeis, Gerhard Wagner (eds.), Choice Architecture in Democracies: Exploring the Legitimacy of Nudging (Oxford/Baden-Baden: Hart and Nomos, 2017), pp. 199-235.
- van Aaken, A. and Broude, T., Behavioral Economics and International Law. In: Eugene Kontorovich and Francesco Parisi (eds.), Economic Analysis of International Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016), pp. 249-276.
- van Aaken, A. and Antonovic, J. (eds.), Too Big to Handle? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Question of Why Societies Ignore Looming Disasters, 7 Global Policy, 2016. Special Supplement 1, May 2016, pp. 1-118.
- van Aaken, A., Is International Law Conducive to Prevent Looming Disasters? In: Anne van Aaken/Janis Antonovic (eds.), Too Big to Handle? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Question of Why Societies Ignore Looming Disasters, 7 Global Policy, 2016. Special Supplement 1, May 2016, pp. 1-118.
- van Aaken, A., Towards a Psychological Concept of Law. In: Stephan Kirste and Michael Anderheiden (eds.), Interdisziplinarität der Rechtswissenschaften (Berlin: Duncker&Humblot, 2016), pp. 187-204.
- van Aaken, A., Judge the Nudge: In Search of the Legal Limits of Paternalistic Nudging in the EU. In: Alberto Alemanno and Anne Lise Sibony (eds.), Nudge and the Law. A European Perspective (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2015), pp. 83-112.
- van Aaken, A., Behavioral International Law and Economics. In: 55 Harvard International Law Journal (2014), pp. 421-481.
- van Aaken, A., Towards Behavioral International Law and Economics? Comment on Kenneth Abbott. Illinois Law Review (Symposium Issue on International Law and Economics) (2008) 1, pp. 47-59.
- van Aaken, A., Das deliberative Element juristischer Verfahren als Instrument zur Überwindung nachteiliger Verhaltensanomalien - Ein Plädoyer für die Einbeziehung diskursiver Elemente in die Verhaltensökonomik des Rechts. In: Christoph Engel/ Markus Englerth/ Jörn Lüdemann/ Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann (eds.), Recht und Verhalten: Beiträge zu Behavioral Law and Economics (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007) pp. 189-230. („The Deliberative Element of Juridical Procedures as an Instrument of Debiasing: A Plea for Incorporating Discursive Elements into Behavioral Economics“)
- van Aaken, A., Begrenzte Rationalität und Paternalismusgefahr. Das Prinzip des schonendsten Paternalismus. In: Michael Anderheiden, Hans M. Heinig, Stephan Kirste, Kurt Seelmann (eds.), Paternalismus und Recht (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006) pp. 109-144. (“Bounded Rationality and the Danger of Paternalism: The Principle of Least Intrusive Paternalism”).
- van Aaken, A., Deliberative institutional economics, or Does Homo oeconomicus argue? A proposal for combining new institutional economics with discourse theory. Philosophy & Social Criticism (2002) 28(4), pp. 361-394.
- van der Zee, E., How Insights on Bounded Rationality Could Inform the International Law of Environmental Assessments, German Law Journal, forthcoming.
- van der Zee, E., ‘Sustainability Labels in the Shadow of the Law’, Springer, Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation, forthcoming.
- van der Zee, E., Kwantificering van de voor- en nadelen van duurzaamheidsafspraken onder artikel 6 lid 3 Mededingingswet, Markt & Mededinging, 2020-4.
- van der Zee, E., Quantifying Benefits of Sustainability Agreements Under Article 101 TFEU, World Competition Law and Economic Review, (43)2020-2.
- van der Zee, E. , 'Disciplining Private Standards Under the SPS and TBT Agreement: A Plea for Market-State Procedural Guidelines', (2018), 52, Journal of World Trade, Issue 3, pp. 393-414.
- van der Zee, E., Legal Limits on Food Labelling Law: Comparative Analysis of the EU and the USA, European Business Law Review (27)2016-3.
- Broude, T. and Shereshevsky, Y., “Explaining the Practical Purchase of Soft Law: Competing and Complementary Behavioral Hypotheses”, in Harlan Grant Cohen and Timothy Meyer (eds.), International Law as Behavior, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
- Broude T. and Henckels, C., “Not all Rights are Created Equal: A Loss-Gain Frame of Investor Rights and Human Rights”, Leiden Journal of International Law (2020).
- Brewster, R., Reputation, Self-Esteem, and Competitive Rewards, 115 AM. J. INT’L L. UNBOUND 210 (2021).
- Brewster, R., Exit From Trade Agreements: A Reputational Analysis of Cooperation and Fairness, 21 J. INT’L ECON. L. 379 (2018).
- Brewster, R., Pricing Compliance: When Formal Remedies Displace Reputational Sanctions 54 HARV. INT’L L. J. 259 (2013).
- Brewster, R., Unpacking the State’s Reputation, 50 HARV. INT’L L. J. 231 (2009).
- Brewster, R., The Limits of Reputation on Compliance, 1 INT’L THEORY 323 (2009)
- Cohen, H. and Meyer, T. (eds.), International Law as Behavior (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021).
- Cohen, H. and Meyer, T., International Law as Behavior: An Agenda, in Harlan Grant Cohen & Timothy Meyer (eds.), International Law as Behavior (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021).
- Cohen, H., Culture Clash: The Sociology of WTO Precedent, in Amalie Frese and Julius Schumann (eds.), Precedents as Rules and Practice (Nomos 2021).
- Cohen, H., Theorizing Precedent in International Law, in Interpretation in International Law (Oxford University Press 2015).
- Cohen, H., International Precedent and the Practice of International Law, in Negotiating State and Non-State Law: The Challenge of Global and Local Legal Pluralism (Cambridge University Press 2015).
- Duroy, S. (2023) The Regulation of Intelligence Activities under International Law Edward Elgar Publishing, Elgar International Law series.
- Duroy, S. (2022): State Compliance with International Law in Intelligence Matters: A Behavioural Approach, Journal of International Dispute Settlement.
- Duroy, S. (2021). The regulation of intelligence cooperation under international law: A compliance-based theorization. In A. Vedaschi & K. L. Scheppele (Eds.), 9/11 and the rise of global anti-terrorism law: How the UN Security Council rules the world (pp. 179-198). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fikfak, V., Peat, D., Van der Zee, E., Bias in International Law, German Law Journal, forthcoming.
- Galbraith, J., Deadlines as Behavior in Diplomacy and International Law, in INTERNATIONAL LAW AS BEHAVIOR (Harlan Grant Cohen & Timothy Meyers, eds. 2021).
- Galbraith, J., Temporary International Legal Regimes as Frames for Permanent Ones, in 2014 NETHERLANDS YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (Monika Ambrus & Ramses Wessel, eds., 2015).
- Galbraith, J., Treaty Options: Towards a Behavioral Understanding of Treaty Design, 53 VA. J. INT'L L. 309 (2013).
- Hirsch, M., ‘The Sociological Perspective on International Law’, in Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack (eds.), International Legal Theory: Foundations and Frontiers (CUP, 2022, forthcoming).
- Hirsch, M., International Law's Invisible Frames - Social Cognition and Knowledge Production in International Legal Processes (2021, co-edited with Andrea Bianchi, OUP).
- Hirsch, M., "Cognitive Sociology, Social Cognition and Coping with Racial Discrimination in International Law", European Journal of International Law (2019).
- Hirsch, M., The Role of International Tribunals in the Development of Historical Narratives’, Journal of History of International Law (2018).
- Hirsch, M., ‘Explaining Compliance and Non-Compliance with ICSID Awards: a Multiple Theoretical Approach’, Journal of International Economic Law (2016).
- Hirsch, M., Sociology of International Law (OUP, 2015).
- Jefferies, R, ‘Transnational Legal Process: An Evolving Theory and Methodology’ (2021) 46(2) Brooklyn Journal of International Law (open access).
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Drone-Cinema, Data Practices, and the Narrative of IHL’ (2022) 82(2) Heidelberg Journal of International Law 309.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘The Invisible Frames Affecting Wartime Investigations: Legal Epistemology, Metaphors, and Cognitive Biases’ in International Law’s Invisible Frames (Andrea Bianchi and Moshe Hirsch, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021).
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Predictive Technologies and Opaque Epistemology in Counter-Terrorism Decision-Making’ in 9/11 and the Rise of Global Anti-Terrorism Law (Kim Lane Scheppele and Arianna Vedaschi, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2021), 199-221.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Bounded Factuality: The Targeted Killing of Salah Shehadeh and the Legal Epistemology of Risk’ in Security and Human Rights (Liora Lazarus and Benjamin Gould eds., Hart Publishing, 2019).
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Designing International Fact-Finding: Facts, Alternative Facts, and National Identities’ (2018) 41 Fordham International Law Journal 337.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2022. Judicial Review of Emergency Administration, American University Law Review . 72(1):66.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2022. Why Conflict Between Economic Development and International Social Rights is Inevitable, Berkeley Journal of International Law . 40(1):40.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2022. Invisible Workers, American Journal of International Law Unbound. 116.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2022. Outsourcing Enforcement, Virginia Journal of International Law . 62(2):50.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2021. The Disparate Treatment of Rights in U.S. Trade, Fordham Law Review . 90:1-57.
- Desiree LeClercq. 2008. A Snapshot of the NLRB’s Laboratory Conditions Doctrine: Erroneous Assumptions of Coercion in Surveillance Cases,, The Labor Law Journal . 59(2).
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘How to ensure Public Participation in FTA Negotiations? A critical analysis of the instruments used in the FTA-making process’, in A. Kent, E. De Brabandere, T. Gazzini (eds), Public Participation in Foreign Investment Law (Brill, 2021).
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Implementing Transparency and Public Participation in FTAs Negotiations: Are The Times A Changin’?’, 21 (3) Journal of International Economic Law (2018) [peer-reviewed; featured among the top 5 most read article in summer 2020]
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘The EU Dispute Settlement: Towards Legal Certainty in an Uneven International Investment System?’, 1 European Investment Law and Arbitration Review (2016) [peer-reviewed]
- Peat, D., Perception and Process: Towards a Behavioural Theory of Compliance’, (2022) Journal of International Dispute Settlement (forthcoming).
- Peat, D., Fikfak, V., and van der Zee, E., 'Behavioural Compliance Theory.' Journal of International Dispute Settlement 2021.
- Lauge Poulsen and Michael Waibel, ‘Boilerplate in International Economic Law’ (2021) 115 AJIL Unbound 253.
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties. International Studies Quarterly 58(1) 2014. (Reprinted in Major Works Collection: Global Governance II (Routledge, 2018).)
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Poulsen, L. and Aisbett, E., When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning. World Politics, 65(2) 2013.
- Puig, S., Indemnifying Precaution: Economic Insights for Regulation of a Highly Infectious Disease, 7 J. Law Biosc. 1 (2020) (with C. Robertson et. al.).
- Spain Bradley, A., Human Choice in International Law. Cambridge University Press (2021).
- Spain Bradley, A., The Disruptive Neuroscience of Judicial Choice, 9 UC Irvine Law Review 1 (2018).
- Spain Bradley, A., Cognitive Competence in Executive-Branch Decision Making, 49 Connecticut Law Review 713 (2017).
- Teichman, D. and Zamir, E., Normative Aspects of Nudging in the International Sphere, 115 Am. J. Int’l Law – Unbound 263–67 (2021).
- Teichman, D. and Zamir, E., Nudge Goes International, 30 Euro. J. Int’l Law 1263–79 (2019).
- Venzke, I., Cognitive Biases and International Law: The Points of Critique, in International Law’s Invisible Frames – Social Cognition and Knowledge Production in International Legal Processes (Moshe Hirsch and Andrea Bianchi eds, Oxford University Press 2021) 55-71.
- Venzke, I., Why Use the Language of the Law in Global Politics? On the Legitimacy Effects of Claiming to Act Legally, in Talking International Law: Legal Argumentation Outside the Courtroom (Ian Johnstone and Steven Ratner eds, Oxford University Press 2021) 25-43.
- Venzke, I., What if? Counterfactual (Hi)Stories of International Law, 8(2) Asian Journal of International Law 403-431 (2018).
- Venzke, I. and von Bogdandy A., In Whose Name? A Public Law Theory of International Adjudication, Thomas Dunlap transl. (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2014) (Paperback edition with a new Preface, 2016), 304 pages.
- Venzke, I., Between Power and Persuasion: On International Institutions’ Authority in Making Law, 4 Transnational Legal Theory 354-373 (2013).
- Venzke, I., How Interpretation Makes International Law: On Semantic Change and Normative Twists (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2012) (Paperback edition with a new Preface, 2014), 344 pages.
- Kevin Cope, Charles Crabtree, and Christopher J. Fariss. 2020. "Exploring Disagreement in Indicators of State Repression." Political Science Research and Methods, 8 (1): 178-187.
- Kevin Cope, Charles Crabtree, and Yonatan Lupu. 2018. "What's Next? Cross-disciplinary Possibilities for Rights Research." Law & Contemporary Problems, 81 (4): 185-195.
- Charles Crabtree and Kiho Muroga. 2021. "Measuring Gender Role Attitudes in Japan." Socius.
- Charles Crabtree and Christian Davenport. 2018. "Defining the Terms of the Debate: Repression, Oppression, and Discrimination." PS: Political Science & Politics, 51 (1): 17-25.
- Charles Crabtree and Michael J. Nelson. 2017. "New Evidence for a Positive Relationship Between De Facto Judicial Independence and State Respect for Empowerment Rights." International Studies Quarterly, 61 (1): 210-224.
- Charles Crabtree and Christopher J. Fariss. 2015. "Uncovering Patterns Among Latent Variables: Human Rights and De Facto Judicial Independence." Research & Politics, 2 (3): 1-9.
- Christopher J. Fariss, Zachary M. Jones, Fridolin Linder, Charles Crabtree, Megan A. Biek, Ana-Sophia M. Ross, Taranamol Kaur, and Michael Tsai. 2015. "Human Rights Texts: Converting Human Rights Primary Source Documents into Data." PLOS ONE, 10 (9): TBD.
- Duroy, S. (2023) The Regulation of Intelligence Activities under International Law Edward Elgar Publishing, Elgar International Law series.
- Jefferies, R, Barrett, T, Huang, C and Bashford, A, ‘Regulating Movement in Pandemic Times’, invited submission (forthcoming in Journal of Bioethical Inquiry).
- Jefferies, R and McAdam, J, ‘Locked In: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave’ (forthcoming in Australian Yearbook of International Law).
- Jefferies, R, McAdam, J and Pillai, S, “Can We Still Call Australia Home?: The Right to Return and the Legality of Australia’s COVID-19 Travel Restrictions” (2022) 27 (2) Australian Journal of Human Rights.
- Jefferies, R, ‘Bringing Externalisation Home: The International Civil Aviation Organization and “Entry Screening” in Australia’ (2021) Globalizations.
- Jefferies, R, ‘Comparative perspectives on airport asylum procedures before and during the COVID-19 pandemic’ (Policy Brief No 12, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, 2021).
- Jefferies, R, Ghezelbash, D and Hirsch, A, ‘Assessing Refugee Protection Claims at Australian Airports: The Gap Between Law, Policy, and Practice’ (2020) 44(1) Melbourne University Law Review 162 (open access).
- Jefferies, R, Ghezelbash, D and Hirsch, A, ‘Assessing Protection Claims at Airports: Developing procedures to meet international and domestic obligations’ (Policy Brief No 9, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, 2020).
- Jefferies, R, ‘Data Quality and the Law of Refugee Protection in Australia’ (2019) 13 Court of Conscience 63.
- Jefferies, R, ‘Research Access and Adaptation in the Securitised Field of Australian Refugee and Asylum Law’ (2019) 2019(1) Journal of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies 49.
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘A complicated relationship: The UK in the WTO at the time of Brexit’, in A. Biondi, P. Birksinshaw and M. Kendrick (eds), Brexit: The Legal Implications (Kluwer Law International, 2018)
- M.L Marceddu, ‘The Emerging Profile of the European IIAs’, Transnational Dispute Management, 1 (2016) [peer-reviewed]
- Broude T. and Levy, I., “Outcome Bias and Expertise in Investigations under International Humanitarian Law”, European Journal of International Law (2019).
- Daniel M. Butler and Charles Crabtree. 2017. "Moving Beyond Measurement: Adapting Audit Studies to Test Bias-Reducing Interventions." Journal of Experimental Political Science, 4 (1): 57-67.
- Cohen, H. and Powers, R., Judicialization and Public Support for Compliance with International Commitments (2022).
- Kevin Cope and Charles Crabtree. 2020. "A Nationalist Backlash to International Refugee Law: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 17 (4): 752-788.
- Nicholas Dietrich and Charles Crabtree. 2018. "Domestic Demand for Human Rights: Free Speech and the Freedom–Security Trade-Off." International Studies Quarterly, 63 (2): 346-353.
- Fischer, A., van der Zee, E., 'Green Pictograms on EU Foods: A Legal Study Informed by Behavioural Science', (2018), 7, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, Issue 1, pp. 15-22.
- Micah Gell-Redman, Neil Visalvanich, Charles Crabtree, and Christopher J. Fariss. 2018. "It's All About Race: How State Legislators Respond to Immigrant Constituents." Political Research Quarterly 71 (3): 517-531.
- D. Alex Hughes, Micah Gell-Redman, Charles Crabtree, Natarajan Krishnaswami, Diana Rodenberger, and Guillermo Monge. 2019. "Persistent Bias Among Local Election Officials." Journal of Experimental Political Science, 7 (3): 179-187.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Experimental Data on the Efficacy of International Fact-Finding’, in Research Methods In International Law: A Handbook (Rossana Deplano and Nicholas Tsagourias eds., Elgar Publishing, 2021), 245-266.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘All Is Fair in Law and War? Legal Cynicism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict’ in Cynical International Law? Abuse and Circumvention in Public International and European Law (B. Baade et al, eds., Springer Press, 2020), 235-259.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Law Wars: How Legal Labels Shape Beliefs About Wartime Controversies’ (2020) 11(1) Harvard National Security Journal 106.
- Shiri Krebs, ‘The Legalization of Truth in International Fact-Finding’ (2017) 18(1) Chicago Journal of International Law 83.
- Quintin Beazer, Charles Crabtree, Christopher J. Fariss, and Holger L. Kern. 2021. "When Do Private Actors Engage in Censorship? Evidence From a Correspondence Experiment with Russian Private Media Firms." British Journal of Political Science.
- Ray Block, Charles Crabtree, John B. Holbein, and Quin Monson. 2021. ``Are Americans Less Likely to Reply to Emails from Black People Relative to White People?'' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Katherine Clayton, Charles Crabtree, and Yusaku Horiuchi. 2021. "Do Identity Frames Impact Support for Multiracial Candidates? The Case of Kamala Harris." Conditionally accepted at Journal of Experimental Political Science.
- Kevin L. Cope and Charles Crabtree. 2021. ``Higher-Order Law and Support for Family Separation.'' Journal of Legal Studies.
- Charles Crabtree, S. Michael Gaddis, John B. Holbein, and Edvard Nergård Larsen. 2021. ``Racially Distinctive Names Signal Race and Class.'' Sociological Science.
- Charles Crabtree, John B. Holbein, and Quin Monson. 2021. "Patient Traits Shape Healthcare Providers' Choices on How to Best Allocate Life-Saving Care." Nature Human Behavior.
- Kristine Eck, Sophia Hatz, Charles Crabtree, Atsushi Tago. 2021. "Evade and Deceive? Citizen Responses to Surveillance." Journal of Politics.
- Sona Golder, Charles Crabtree, and Kostana Dhima. 2019. "Legislative Representation and Gender (Bias)." Political Science, 71 (1): 1-16.
- Kristo Leung, ..., and Charles Crabtree. 2021. "How Asians React to Discrimination Doesn’t Depend on their Party Identification." Socius.
- Maria Laura Marceddu and Pietro Ortolani, ‘What is Wrong with Investment Arbitration? Evidence from a set of behavioural experiments ’, 31(2) European Journal of International Law (2020) [peer-reviewed]
- Steven Pfaff, Charles Crabtree, Holger L. Kern, and John B. Holbein. 2021. "Does Religious Bias Shape Access to Public Services? A Large-Scale Audit Experiment among Street-Level Bureaucrats." Public Administration Review, 81 (2): 244-259.
- Puig, S., Symposium, Debiasing International Economic Law, 30 Eur. J. Int'l L. 1339 (2020).
- Puig, S., Affiliation Bias in Arbitration, 46 J. Legal Stud. 371 (2017) (w. A. Strezhnev).
- Puig, S., The David Effect in ISDS, 28 Eur. J. Int'l L. 731 (2017) (w. A. Strezhnev).
- Puig, S., Blinding International Justice, 56 Va. J. Int'l L. 647 (2016).
- Yahli Shereshevsky and Tom Noah, Does Exposure to Preparatory Work Affect Treaty Interpretation? – An Experimental Study on International Law Students and Experts, 28 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1287 (2017).
- Zhanna Terechshenko, Charles Crabtree, Kristine Eck, and Christopher J. Fariss. 2019. "Evaluating the Influence of International Norms and Sanctioning on State Respect for Rights: A Field Experiment with Foreign Embassies." International Interactions, 45 (4): 720-735.
- van Aaken, A., Franck, D. S., Freda, J., Rachlinski, J. J., and Guthrie, C., Inside the Arbitrator’s Mind. In: 66 Emory Law Journal (2017), pp. 1115-1173.
- van der Zee, Eva, ‘Sustainability Labels in the Shadow of the Law’, Springer, Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation, forthcoming.
- Yue Hou, Chuyu Liu, and Charles Crabtree. 2019. "Anti-Muslim Bias in the Chinese Labor Market." Journal of Comparative Economics, 48 (2): 235-250.
Field Research
- Jefferies, R and McAdam, J, ‘Locked In: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave’ (forthcoming in Australian Yearbook of International Law).
- Jefferies, R, McAdam, J and Pillai, S, “Can We Still Call Australia Home?: The Right to Return and the Legality of Australia’s COVID-19 Travel Restrictions” (2022) 27 (2) Australian Journal of Human Rights.
- Jefferies, R, ‘Bringing Externalisation Home: The International Civil Aviation Organization and “Entry Screening” in Australia’ (2021) Globalizations.
- Jefferies, R, Ghezelbash, D and Hirsch, A, ‘Assessing Refugee Protection Claims at Australian Airports: The Gap Between Law, Policy, and Practice’ (2020) 44(1) Melbourne University Law Review 162 (open access).
- Jefferies, R, Ghezelbash, D and Hirsch, A, ‘Assessing Protection Claims at Airports: Developing procedures to meet international and domestic obligations’ (Policy Brief No 9, Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, 2020).
- Jefferies, R, ‘Data Quality and the Law of Refugee Protection in Australia’ (2019) 13 Court of Conscience 63.
- Jefferies, R, ‘Research Access and Adaptation in the Securitised Field of Australian Refugee and Asylum Law’ (2019) 2019(1) Journal of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies 49.
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Networking and Informal Cooperation’, in K. Nadakavukaren and T.Cottier (eds) Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (Edward Elgar, 2023 forthcoming).
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘The principle of transparency in post-Lisbon EU investment policy’, in A. Biondi, F. Casolari (eds) Rights, Values and Trade: Is an Agreement between EU and US Still Possible? (Edward Elgar Publishing, January 2022 forthcoming).
- Soave, T., ‘The Puzzle of Freedom: Structure and Agency in International Adjudication’, in D.R. Quiroga-Villamarín and N. Mansouri (eds.), Ways of Seeing International Organizations (under review, forthcoming 2023).
- Soave, T., The Everyday Makers of International Law: From Great Halls to Back Rooms (CUP, 2022).
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘How to ensure Public Participation in FTA Negotiations? A critical analysis of the instruments used in the FTA-making process’, in A. Kent, E. De Brabandere, T. Gazzini (eds), Public Participation in Foreign Investment Law (Brill, 2021)
- Maria Laura Marceddu and Federico Ortino, ‘Intersections between trade and investment law and policy: The common causes underlying the crisis of dispute settlement’, in L. Sachs, L Johnson, and J.Coleman (eds), Yearbook on International Law and Policy 2019 (Oxford University Press, 2020) [peer-reviewed]
- Soave, T., ‘Who Controls WTO Dispute Settlement? Socio-Professional Practices and the Crisis of the Appellate Body’, 29 Italian Yearbook of International Law 13 (2020).
- Soave, T., ‘European Legal Culture and WTO Dispute Settlement: Thirty Years of Socio-Legal Transplants from Brussels to Geneva’, 19 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 107 (2020).
- Soave, T., ‘The Politics of Invisibility: Why Are International Judicial Bureaucrats Obscured from View?’, in F. Baetens (ed.), Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication (CUP, 2019).
- Maria Laura Marceddu and Federico Ortino, ‘Recent Developments at the Intersections of Investment and Trade Law and Policy’, in L. Sachs, L. Johnson, and J. Coleman (eds) Yearbook on International Law and Policy 2018 (Oxford University Press, 2019) [peer-reviewed]
Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Another Brick in the Wall: The EU-India Investment Facilitation Mechanism’, Columbia FDI Perspectives 267 (2019) [peer-reviewed]
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Investment Facilitation in the WTO multilateral trading agenda: Drawing lessons from the EU-India IFM’, XI Indian Journal of International Economic Law, (2019)
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Link: - Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Text as Data
- Hirsch, M., "Social Movements, Reframing Investment Relations, and Enhancing the Application of Human Rights Norms in International Investment Law", Leiden Journal of International Law (2020).
- Peat, D., 'Perception and Process: Towards a Behavioural Theory of Compliance’, (2022) Journal of International Dispute Settlement (forthcoming).
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- Yuan Zhou, Ghashia Kiyani, and Charles Crabtree. 2022. ``New Evidence that Naming and Shaming Influences State Human Rights Practices.'' Journal of Human Rights.
Theoretical Application
- Broude, T., “Prosociality, International Law and Humanitarian Intervention”, in International Law’s Invisible Frames – Social Cognition and Knowledge Production in International Legal Processes (Andrea Bianchi & Moshe Hirsch eds., OUP, 2021).
- Broude, T. and Shereshevsky, Y., “Explaining the Practical Purchase of Soft Law: Competing and Complementary Behavioral Hypotheses”, in Harlan Grant Cohen and Timothy Meyer (eds.), International Law as Behavior, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
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- Broude, T. and Moses, S., “The Behavioral Dynamics of Positive and Negative Listing in Services Liberalization”, in Martin Roy and Pierre Sauvé (eds.), Research Handbook on Trade in Services 385-411 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2016).
- Broude, T., “Behavioral International Law”, 163 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1099-1157 (2015).
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- Duroy, S. (2021). The regulation of intelligence cooperation under international law: A compliance-based theorization. In A. Vedaschi & K. L. Scheppele (Eds.), 9/11 and the rise of global anti-terrorism law: How the UN Security Council rules the world (pp. 179-198). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Galbraith, J., Deadlines as Behavior in Diplomacy and International Law, in INTERNATIONAL LAW AS BEHAVIOR (Harlan Grant Cohen & Timothy Meyers, eds. 2021).
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- Hirsch, M., ‘The Sociological Perspective on International Law’, in Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack (eds.), International Legal Theory: Foundations and Frontiers (CUP, 2022, forthcoming).
- Hirsch, M., International Law's Invisible Frames - Social Cognition and Knowledge Production in International Legal Processes (2021, co-edited with Andrea Bianchi, OUP).
- Hirsch, M., "Social Movements, Reframing Investment Relations, and Enhancing the Application of Human Rights Norms in International Investment Law", Leiden Journal of International Law (2020).
- Hirsch, M., "Cognitive Sociology, Social Cognition and Coping with Racial Discrimination in International Law", European Journal of International Law (2019).
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- Shiri Krebs & Kevin Cope, ‘Can Rights Discourse Diminish Support for Displaced Persons?’ (2022) Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
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Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Networking and Informal Cooperation’, in K. Nadakavukaren and T.Cottier (eds) Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law (Edward Elgar, 2023 forthcoming).
Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘L’arbitrage d’un point de vue européen: tout n’est pas perdu’, in G. Donà and others (eds), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the European Legal Context: Evolving Legal Tools and Sector-Specific Implementation (Larcier, 2022 forthcoming).
Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘The principle of transparency in post-Lisbon EU investment policy’, in A. Biondi, F. Casolari (eds) Rights, Values and Trade: Is an Agreement between EU and US Still Possible? (Edward Elgar Publishing, January 2022 forthcoming).
- Maria Laura Marceddu, ‘Implementing Transparency and Public Participation in FTAs Negotiations: Are The Times A Changin’?’, 21 (3) Journal of International Economic Law (2018) [peer-reviewed; featured among the top 5 most read article in summer 2020]
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties. International Studies Quarterly 58(1) 2014. (Reprinted in Major Works Collection: Global Governance II (Routledge, 2018).)
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Poulsen, L. and Aisbett, E., When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning. World Politics, 65(2) 2013.
- Soave, T., ‘The Puzzle of Freedom: Structure and Agency in International Adjudication’, in D.R. Quiroga-Villamarín and N. Mansouri (eds.), Ways of Seeing International Organizations (under review, forthcoming 2023).
- Soave, T., ‘Who Controls WTO Dispute Settlement? Socio-Professional Practices and the Crisis of the Appellate Body’, 29 Italian Yearbook of International Law 13 (2020).
- Soave, T., ‘European Legal Culture and WTO Dispute Settlement: Thirty Years of Socio-Legal Transplants from Brussels to Geneva’, 19 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 107 (2020).
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Interviews & Surveys
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- Fikfak., V., 'Against Settlement in the European Court of Human Rights'. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2022.
- Fikfak, V., 'Compliance and Compensation: Money as a currency of human rights.' in Rachel Murray and Debra Long, Handbook on Implementation of Human Rights Law. (Edward Elgar, 2022)
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- Hafner-Burton, E., Puig, S., and Victor, D., Against Secrecy: The Social Cost of International Dispute Settlements, 42 Yale J. Int'l L. 339 (2017).
- Shiri Krebs, ‘The Secret Keepers: Judges, Security Detentions, and Secret Evidence’ in Reasoning Rights: Comparative Judicial Engagement 197 (Liora Lazarus, Christopher McCrudden and Nigel Bowles eds., Hart Publishing, 2014).
- Shiri Krebs, ‘Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Judicial Review of Administrative Detentions in the Israeli Supreme Court’ (2012) 45(3) Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 639.
- Maria Laura Marceddu and Pietro Ortolani, ‘What is Wrong with Investment Arbitration? Evidence from a set of behavioural experiments ’, 31(2) European Journal of International Law (2020) [peer-reviewed]
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and the Diffusion of Modern Investment Treaties. International Studies Quarterly 58(1) 2014. (Reprinted in Major Works Collection: Global Governance II (Routledge, 2018).)
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Poulsen, L. and Aisbett, E., When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning. World Politics, 65(2) 2013.
- Puig, S., How do International Courts Respond to Non-Compliance? (revised & resubmitted, w. J. Kucik).
- Puig, S., Legalization and Cooperation in the Global Trade Regime, 52 B.J.Pol.S __ (w. J. Kucik & L. Peritz).
- Puig, S., Extending Trade Law Precedent, 54 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 539 (2021 w. J. Kucik).
- Puig, S., Symposium, Debiasing International Economic Law, 30 Eur. J. Int'l L. 1339 (2020).
- Puig, S., Contextualizing Cost Shifting in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 58 Va. J. Int'l L. 261 (2019).
- Puig, S., Affiliation Bias in Arbitration, 46 J. Legal Stud. 371 (2017) (w. A. Strezhnev).
- Puig, S., The David Effect in ISDS, 28 Eur. J. Int'l L. 731 (2017) (w. A. Strezhnev).
- Puig, S., Tobacco Litigation in International Courts, 57 Harv. Int'l L.J. 383 (2016).
- Puig, S., Blinding International Justice, 56 Va. J. Int'l L. 647 (2016).
- Puig, S., Social Capital in the Arbitration Market, 25 Eur. J. Int'l L. 387 (2014).
- Soave, T., The Everyday Makers of International Law: From Great Halls to Back Rooms (CUP, 2022).
- Spain Bradley, A., Human Choice in International Law. Cambridge University Press (2021).
Quantitative Methods
Fikfak, V., 'Against Settlement in the European Court of Human Rights'. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2022.
Fikfak, V., 'Compliance and Compensation: Money as a currency of human rights.' in Rachel Murray and Debra Long, Handbook on Implementation of Human Rights Law. (Edward Elgar, 2022)
Fikfak, V., 'Non-pecuniary damages before the European Court of Human Rights: Forget the victim; it’s all about the state.' (2020) Vol 33. Leiden Journal of International Law, 1-34
Fikfak, V., ‘Changing State Behaviour: Damages before the European Court of Human Rights’. (2018) 29/4 European Journal of International Law, pages 1091-1125.
- Galbraith, J., Treaty Options: Towards a Behavioral Understanding of Treaty Design, 53 VA. J. INT'L L. 309 (2013).
- Hafner-Burton, E., Puig, S., and Victor, D., Against Secrecy: The Social Cost of International Dispute Settlements, 42 Yale J. Int'l L. 339 (2017).
- Peat, D., 'The Tyranny of Choice and the Interpretation of Standards: Why the European Court of Human Rights Uses Consensus’, (2021) 53[2] N.Y.U. Journal of International Law & Politics 381-432.
- Poulsen, L., Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The Politics of Investment Treaties in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Poulsen, L. and Aisbett, E., When the Claim Hits: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bounded Rational Learning. World Politics, 65(2) 2013.
- Puig, S., How do International Courts Respond to Non-Compliance? (revised & resubmitted, w. J. Kucik).
- Puig, S., Legalization and Cooperation in the Global Trade Regime, 52 B.J.Pol.S __ (w. J. Kucik & L. Peritz).
- Puig, S., Extending Trade Law Precedent, 54 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 539 (2021 w. J. Kucik).
- Puig, S., Symposium, Debiasing International Economic Law, 30 Eur. J. Int'l L. 1339 (2020).
- Puig, S., Contextualizing Cost Shifting in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 58 Va. J. Int'l L. 261 (2019).
- Puig, S., Social Capital in the Arbitration Market, 25 Eur. J. Int'l L. 387 (2014).