Prof. Dr. Christoph Kumpan, LL.M. (Univ. of Chicago)

Photo: NAIL
Project Leader
Christoph Kumpan is Professor of Civil Law, Corporate Law and Capital Market Law as well as Director of the Institute for Corporate and Capital Market Law and the Notary Law Center for Family Businesses at Bucerius Law School. His research interests lie in corporate and capital market law, including their interdisciplinary and comparative law references. In the course of his research, he has developed a particular interest in the social and legal handling of artificial intelligence. During his work at the University of Halle, he helped found the local network “IT and Law”, a cooperation between professors and doctoral students from the Universities of Halle-Wittenberg and Tallinn, in which the Bucerius Law School is now also involved. Furthermore, in the spring of 2021 he held the event “Capital Markets Law 2.0” at Bucerius Law School, in which students were introduced to capital market-related technological and legal issues related to digitization, computerization and artificial intelligence by academics and practitioners, including from SAP, Mercedes Pay, Scalable, and the startup Fractal.