Call for Applications 2020
4 December 2019
The Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law offers places and scholarships in its structured PhD programme in legal sciences.
We invite applications from outstanding graduates from all disciplines who are keen to produce high quality PhD theses in legal sciences in an excellent and international research environment. The 3- year programme leads to a Dr. iur (respectively PhD in law) in all legal subdisciplines and places special attention on interdisciplinary projects.
Applications for the next intake in October 2020 will be received until February 15, 2020, via mail to
Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of LawUniversität HamburgFakultät für RechtswissenschaftRothenbaumchaussee 3320148 HamburgGermany
or via the
Further information on the graduate school, on the programme and on the application procedure are available at or through the following announcement.