Aby Warburg Scholarship at the Warburg Institute in London starting 1 May 2023
7 November 2022
Applications must be submitted between: 21 November – 2 December 2022 (23:59 CET)
“Founded by Aby Warburg in Hamburg at the end of the nineteenth century and exiled from Germany in 1933, the Warburg Institute attracted the greatest humanist scholars and philosophers of the time – from Erwin Panofsky and Edgar Wind to Ernst Cassirer. The Warburg Institute quickly became one of the leading centres in Germany for the understanding of the interactions between images and society across time and space. It transformed the histories of art, literature, and music, and in emphasizing fields such as astrology and magic, anticipated many of the developments in the modern understanding of the history of science. The Institute was moved to London in 1934 and in 1944 it was incorporated in the University of London.” (https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/about-us)
This scholarship from the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg serves to support scholarly projects requiring a sojourn of six months OR one year for studies at the Warburg Institute, University of London, for project realization. This scholarship is available to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students enrolled at Universität Hamburg. In particular projects that have a broad cultural studies approach merit financial support.
The grant is €2,748 per month for a period of six months OR €1,374 per month for a period of one year + verifiable necessary travel expenses.
The application must be written in English. Please submit with the application:
- Exposé and study plan for the scholarly undertaking,
- account of your academic and scholarly background and development,
- letter of recommendation from your academic advisor or supervisor.
For more information regarding the application see:
Please send your application and the requisite attachments electronically as one PDF-document to the following email address: stipendium-nachwuchs@uni-hamburg.de .
The link for more detailed information about the Warburg Institute is: https://warburg.sas.ac.uk/
Complete notice (PDF)