Prof. Dr. Dörte Poelzig
Photo: UHH/Jura
Professor for Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law
Secretary's office
curriculum vitae
1997–2002: Law studies, University of Dresden and University of Konstanz
2002: First State Examination (Staatsexamen) University of Konstanz
2002–2003: Research associate at the Chair for Civil, Business and Corporate Law (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner F. Ebke, LLM (Berkeley)), University of Konstanz
2003–2004: Magister Juris in European and Comparative Law (M.Jur.), Merton College, University of Oxford
2004: Doctorate with the thesis: Die Haftung des Herstellers und des Vertriebsunternehmens im deutsch-russischen Wirtschafts- und Handelsverkehr (The liability of the manufacturer and the distributor in German-Russian economic and commercial transactions), University of Konstanz
2004–2006: Legal traineeship, Higher regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) Stuttgart
2006: Second State Examination (Staatsexamen), Baden-Württemberg
2004–2008: Research associate at the Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, European Law and Comparative Law (Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Röhl), University of Konstanz
2008–2011: Research associate, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Ebke, LLM (Berkeley), Institute for German and European Corporate and Business Law, University of Heidelberg
December 2010: Habilitation by the Law faculty of the Ruprecht Karls-University of Heidelberg with the thesis "Normdurchsetzung durch Privatrecht" (Private enforcements) Venia legendi for the subjects "Civil Law, Commercial and Business Law, Civil Procedure Law,
Comparative Law"
April 2011 to September 2011: Interim professor, the Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg
November 2011 to March 2017: Full Professorship, Chair of Civil Law, German and International Business Law, University of Passau
April 2017 to September 2021: Full Professorship, Chair of Civil Law, German and International Business Law, University of Leipzig
Since October 2021: Full Professorship, Chair of Civil Law and Commercial and Corporate Law, University of Hamburg
Since 2017: Managing editor of the Journal for Comparative Law (Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, ZVglRWiss)
Since 2019: Co-editor of the Journal for Banking and Capital Market Law (Zeitschrift für Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht – BKR)
Since 2021: Member of the Advisory Board of the Association for Corporate Law (Gesellschaftsrechtlichen Vereinigung VGR)
Since 2022: Co-editor of the Journal for substantive and procedural climate law (Zeitschrift für materielles und prozessuales Klimarecht - KlimaRZ)
Since 2023: Co-editor of the Journal of Business and Corporate Law (Zeitschrift für Unternehmens-und Gesellschaftsrecht, ZGR)
Full curriculum vitae (PDF)
The German approach: advantages & disadvantages, Conference “Towards Uniform Prospectus Liability Rules in Europe and Beyond”, Financial Law Centre, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, 15.11.2023
Korea Presentation “Fintech in the EU and Germany”, Conference on the "Regulatory Environment in the Digital Finance Era", Center for Financial Law (CFL) Seoul National University, at Korea Federation of Banks Center, Seoul, Korea, 14.10.2023
Presentation “EU Digital Finance Package”, Korea Exchange (KRX), Busan, 12.10.2023
Lecture “EU Insider Trading Law” at Seoul National University, 10.10. 2023
Insider Trading – Recent Developments in the US and Germany, Graz Company Law Forum, Institute of Civil Law, Foreign and Private International Law, Uni Graz, 25.5.2023
Directors’ Liability in Stock Corporation Law, Second German-Italian Symposium on Company Law, Great Debates in Italian and German Company Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, 21.4.2023
Comment on Prospectus liability under civil law, Regulating EU Capital Markets Union Codification of European Securities Law, LMU München, 15.2.2023
Short Selling – Prohibition and Disclosure, Regulating EU Capital Markets Union, LMU München, 21.10.2022
Private and public enforcement: Tensions and coordination, Conference „Private law and market regulation - interaction, interference or inconsistency? “, 02.12.2016, Leiden Law School
Global enforcement of law by private law and public law tools, Japanese-German Workshop “The jurisprudence’s tasks in Globalisation”, 05.-06.09.2013 University of Konstanz, Germany
Enforcing the Law – Sanctions and Remedies to Prevent Unfair Commercial Practices, 14.12.2012 University of Durham, United Kingdom
European Company Law, Spring School, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), 08.05.2012 Passau, Germany
Articles and book contributions
Insider Dealing by Outsiders in the U.S. and EU, European Company and Financial Law Review (ECFR) 2023, 692-716 ( ; together with Paul Dittrich)
Short Selling – Prohibition and Disclosure, in Rüdiger Veil (ed.), European Securities Regulation Volume 2: The Way Forward (Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
Directors’ Liability in Stock Corporation Law, in Fleischer (ed.), Great Debates in Italian and German Company Law (Mohr Siebeck, forthcoming)
German Stock Corporation: Internal and External Controls, in: Vicaris/Schall (Hrsg.), Company Laws on the EU, 2020
Private or public enforcement of the UCP Directive? Sanctions and remedies to prevent unfair commercial practices, in: van Boom/Garde/Akseli (Hrsg.), The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive: Impact, Enforcement Strategies and National Legal Systems, Ashgate 2014, S. 235-266
Book reviews
Folkert Wilman, Private Enforcement of EU Law Before National Courts, Cheltenham (Edward Elgar Publishing) 2015, 656 S., CMLRev 54 (2017), 306-309