Links and tips
PIASTA is a program from the administration of Universität Hamburg designed both for international students and Hamburg students. Like Buddy Net, the goal of PIASTA is to bring all students together. For example, the program offers advising, workshops, cultural events, and free-time activities.
ELSA (The European Law Students' Association)
ELSA, The European Law Students’ Association, offers students, legal trainees, and young attorneys the opportunity to build community with each other and further their education. In addition to taking part in excursions and informational events, you can also find internships here.
University Sports
University Sports of Universität Hamburg offers a wide range of sports classes. To participate in most classes, all you need is the University SportsCard, which costs approximately €30 per semester.
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AStA cultural program
AStA (student council) also offers an extensive program. For €30 per semester, you can learn to play the guitar, dance, paint, act, speak a foreign language, and lots more.
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Living in Hamburg
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