Contact—Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg
Seeking legal advice:
To all who seek legal advice, due to the corona-virus situation we moved our counseling to online videochat meetings. You will find every information needed here.
Liebe Ratsuchende, während der Coronaeinschränkungen wird die Beratung per Videochat stattfinden. Sie finden alle nötigen Informationen hier.
Book a legal presentation:
The RLC Hamburg volunteers offer general and specialized presentations on different aspects of the asylum procedure in various languages. To book a legal presentation for your establishment or project, send an email to:
knowyourrights"AT" (Do not use this address to seek individual legal advice—come to our digital counseling!)
Contact—project coordinator:
Have questions about the project? Want to support or cooperate with the RLC Hamburg? Then contact us:
Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg
Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft
Rothenbaumchaussee 33
20148 Hamburg
rlc-team"AT" (rlc-team"AT" not use this email to seek individual legal advice—come to our digital counseling!)
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