Call for Applications: Ph.D. Scholarship Program "Uncertainty"
24. Juli 2024
We live in times of global uncertainty – this is the tenor of many current debates. Whether it is the consequences of climate change, the Russian war against Ukraine, political polarization and erosion of democratic institutions, the current inflation, the as yet unknown effects of technological innovations or the challenges of global health crises: Uncertainty has become a defining characteristic of our time.
The interdisciplinary, international Scholarship Program “Uncertainty” by ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS reacts to these diagnoses of the times. We invite research proposals from the Humanities, Social Studies, Economics and Law shedding light on this complex issue. The program includes scholarships for different stages of Ph.D. research: six-month “Start Up Scholarships”, “Ph.D Scholarships” of one to three years and “Dissertation Completion Scholarships” of one year. In addition, the Foundation fosters ideas, interdisciplinary exchange, mutual learning and networking through workshops and annual conferences.
You will find further information on the scholarship program and the requirements for applications here.
The Foundation closely cooperates with an academic advisory board in developing the program: Prof. Dr. Michael Grünberger (Bucerius Law School, Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen), Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard (University of Freiburg), Prof. Dr. Sofia Näsström (Uppsala University), Dr. Colin von Negenborn (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Cláudio Pinheiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Dr. Lucas von Ramin (Technical University of Dresden), Prof. Dr. Shalini Randeria (Central European University, Vienna), Prof. Dr. Ranabir Samaddar (Calcutta Research Group), Prof. Dr. Burkhard Schwenker (ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS / HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management), Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (Bielefeld University).
You can apply here until 15 October 2024.
Matthias Koch, Project Manager Research and Scholarship,