Prof. Dr. Nora Markard, MA
Research areas
- International Law, especially International Refugee Law, Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law
- Constitutional Law and Comparative Constitutionalism
- Migration Law in the Multi-level System
- Legal Gender Studies
Research cooperations
DFG Scientific Network Foundations of Forced Migration Studies (Grundlagen der Flüchtlingsforschung). (6/2015 – 5/2018)
Primary Investigator: Dr. Olaf Kleist. Six interdisciplinary workshops on fundamental issues of forced migration studies in the German context. Funded by the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG).
Faculty of the Future (Zukunftsfakultät). Hosted by Recht im Kontext, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. (since Juni 2012)
Working group on the future of legal studies in Germany. Biannual workshops. Funded by Recht im Kontext (until Winter 2013) and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (since Summer 2014).
Network Migration Law (Netzwerk Migrationsrecht). (since 2006)
Network of ca. 150 academics and practitioners, most of them juniors, some of them from neighboring countries and disciplines. Annual conferences and colloquia. Supported by the Academy of the Diocese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, UNCHR, the Sebastian Cobler Stiftung and others.
Network Forced Migration Studies (Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung). (since 2013)
Interdisciplinary academic network on forced migration studies. Conferences and research projects, e.g., DFG Scientific Network "Foundations of Forced Migration Studies" (see above).
- Rat für Migration (Council for Migration). (since 2015)
- International Society of Public Law. (since 2014)
- European Commission on Sexual Orientation Law (ECSOL). (since 2012)
- Scientific board of the Völkerrechtsblog. (since 2013)
- Arbeitskreis junger Völkerrechtswissenschaftler/innen (AjV). (since 2008)
- Deutscher Juristinnenbund (DJB). (since 2010)
- Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien. (since 2011)