Recording of the second JDR conference "Opacity vs. Transparency"
1 November 2022, by Internetredaktion
On July 22 and 23, 2022, the 2nd conference of the Young Digital Law Research Network, organized by the Center for Law in the Digital Transformation (ZeRdiT) in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute, took place in Hamburg under the title "Opacity vs. Transparency".
“Opacity or Transparency” is a more and more relevant dichotomy in the current debate on digitality, whose technical and business architecture affects the lives of many, both individually and collectively, without being accessible. What should be the role of law in addressing the dichotomy that is shaping modern societies? Led by great talks, we will delve into the core meaning of “Opacity or Transparency”, by analyzing the whys and hows of implementing transparency, the challenges posed by AI and algorithms in legally relevant decision-making, as well as prominent issues in private, privacy, public, medical and finance law.You can find a detailed conference report here and the complete conference program here. here.
Now we are happy to give you a retrospective of the conference with the following videos:
Functions of State Secrecy (Funktionen Staatlicher Geheimhaltung)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Wischmeyer (Professor for Public Law and Information Law, University of Bielefeld)
Combined Approach to Transparency in Artificial Intelligence - How Law Could Sup- port and Benefit from Explainable Decision-Making (Kombinierter Ansatz für Transparenz in der künstlichen Intelligenz - Wie das Recht erklärbare Entscheidungsfindung unterstützen und davon profitieren kann)
Rüya Tuna Toparlak, University of Lucerne
Der Digitale Staat als Gläserner Staat (The Digital State as a Transparent State)
Dr. Jonas Botta, German Research Institute of Public Administration in Speyer
Tansparent and Explainable AI in Healthcare: Do we need it? Can we have it? (Transparente und Erklärbare KI im Gesundheitswesen: Brauchen wir sie? Kriegen wir sie?)
Dr. Rita Matulionyte, Macquarie Law School, Sydney
Tansparenz(alp)traum DeFi (DeFi: Transparency-dystopia or -utopia)
Dr. Christopher Rennig, Phillips University Marburg
Meaningful transparency of the use of AI and ML in the investment context (Robo-Ad- vice) (Sinnvolle Transparenz des Einsatzes von KI und ML im Anlagekontext (Robo-Advice))
Patrick Raschner, University of Innsbruck
Weniger ist Mehr - Impulse für eine Neuregulierung der datenschutzrechtlichen Informationspflichten (Less is More - Impulse for a New Regulation of Information Duties in Data Protection Law)
Gordian Ebner, University of Passau
AI-D des Hippokrates - Hoffnung, Hype oder Hypokrisie (AI of Hippocrates - hope, hype or hypocrisy)
David Schneeberger, University of Vienna
Ent- und Redifferenzierung von Entscheidungsherstellung und -darstellung im Digitalen (De- and Re-differentiation of Decision Making and Representation in the Digital Realm)
Dr. Tobias Mast, Leibniz-Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut