CISAL Catalog
The CISAL Catalog is an index of collected publications, bibliographies and complete works in the field of ancient legal history and especially ancient Greco-Hellenistic, Roman and Jewish law.
To suggest additions, please contact Maria Elina Koulouri or Julian Gabriel Schneider.
I. Scholarly Journals and Collections of Publications
Index of collections of publications in scholarly journals, book series and encyclopedias:
1. Ancient Legal History in General
- BYBLOS. Revista de Historiografía Historíco-Jurídica (1973 - 2010)
ed. by Juan Antonio Alejandre Garcia, José Sánchez-Arcilla Bernal, Pedro Andrés Porras Arboledas; pub. by Departamento de Historia del Derecho, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
> link to publisher (no direct access / link may not be working)
- Freiburger Rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen. Neue Folge (FRA) (1978 - today)
ed. by Wolfgang Kaiser, Frank Schäfer; pub. by Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> full works (paywall)
- forum historiae iuris (1997 - today)
ed. by Stephan Dusil, Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina, Frank Roumy et al., Zürich
> full works (free)
- Interpretatio Prudentium. Direito romano e tradição romanista em revista
ed. by Centro de Investigação da Universidade de Lisboa
- Ius Antiquum. Ivs Antiqvvm. Drevnee Pravo (1996 - 2013)
ed. by A. A. Viars, G. S. Gordijenko, D. A. Litvinov, Ju. V. Filippov, M. N. Čelintseva, A. V. Ščogolev; pub. by Centrvm Ivris Romani Investigandi, Moscow
> full articles (free)
- The Journal of Juristic Papyrology (JJP) (1946 - today)
ed. by Tomasz Derda, Adam Łajtar, Jakub Urbanik, Grzegorz Ochała; pub. by Faculty of Law and Administration, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> link to titles (free)
- NEW: Minima Epigraphica et Papyrologica (1998 - today)
ed. by Felice Costabile; pub. by L'Erma di Bretschneider
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> full articles (paywall)
- The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History (2009)
ed. by Stanley N. Katz; pub. by Oxford University Press
> full articles (paywall)
- Quaderni Lupiensi di Storia e Diritto (2011 - today)
ed. by Barbara Abatino, Aurelio Arnese, Eliana Augusti et al.; pub. by Edizioni Grifo, Lecce
> link to publisher (no direct access)
- Révue Internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité (RIDA) (1948 - today)
ed. by Jean-François Gerkens et al.; pub. by Editions de Boccard, Paris
> full articles (free, without four last editions)
- Studia et Documenta Historiae Iuris (1935 - today)
ed. by Angelo De Donatis; pub. by Facoltà di Diritto Civile, Pontifica Università Lateranense
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> link to titles (1969 - 1994: no direct access / link may not be working)
> link to titles (1994 - 2017: no direct access)
- Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis. Revue d'Histoire du Droit. The Legal History Review (1918 - today)
ed. by S. Daunchy, D. De ruyscher, W. Decock et al.; pub. by Brill, Leiden
> full articles (some free, most behind paywall)
- Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung (1880 - today)
ed. by Ulrike Babusiaux, Wolfgang Kaiser, Franz-Stefan Meissel; pub. by De Gruyter, Berlin
> full articles (paywall)
2. esp. Ancient Greco-Hellenistic Law
- Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte (1971 - today)
ed. by Athina Dimopoulou, Martin Dreher, Michele Faraguna, Kaja Harter-Uibopuu, Adriaan Lanni; pub. by Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, Vienna
> full articles (free)
- DIKE. Rivista di Storia del Diritto Greco ed Ellenistico (1998 - today)
ed. by Alberto Maffi, Eva Cantarella; pub. by Università degli Studi di Milano
> full articles (1998 - 2011, free)
> full articles (2011 - today, free)
- Rivista di Diritto Ellenico. Review of Hellenic Law (2011 - today)
ed. by Victor Alonso Troncoso, Pierre Carlier, Silvio Cataldi et al.; pub. by Edizioni dell'Orso, Allesandria
> link to publisher (no direct access)
- Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung (1880 - today)
ed. by Ulrike Babusiaux, Wolfgang Kaiser, Franz-Stefan Meissel; pub. by De Gruyter, Berlin
> full articles (paywall)
3. esp. Ancient Jewish Law
- Entries by Markus Cohn in the 'Jüdisches Lexikon' (1980)
by M. Cohn in: Jüdisches Lexikon: ein enzyklopädisches Handbuch des jüdischen Wissens in vier Bänden, ed. by Georg Herlitz, Bruno Kirschner; re-pub. by Forschungsstelle jüdisches Recht, Universität Frankfurt am Main
> all entries by M. Cohn (free)
> full lexicon (free)
- Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte. Journal for Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Law (1995 - today)
ed. by Reinhard Achenbach, Hans Neumann, Eckart Otto; pub. by Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> full articles (paywall)
4. esp. Ancient Roman Law
- NEW: Anneus. anales de la tradicíon romanística (2004 - 2005)
ed. by Alfonso Castro Saenz; pub. by El Girardillo libreria universitaria
> link to titles (2004 - 2005: no direct access)
- NEW: Bulletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoja" (1888 - today)
ed. by Elena Tassi, Giovanni Turelli, Massimiliano Vinci et al.; pub. by L'Erma di Bretschneider
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> link to titles (1959 - 2014: no direct access)
> link to titles (2016 - 2021: no direct access)
- NEW: Index. International Survey of Roman Law. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici (1970 - today)
ed. by Luigi Labruna, Cosimo Casione; pub. by Consorzio interuniversitario Gérard Boulvert per lo studio della civiltà giuridica europea e per la storia dei suoi ordinamenti
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> link to titles (2003 - 2021: no direct access)
- NEW:1 Labeo. Rassegna di Diritto Romano (1955 - 2004)
ed. by Casa editrice Dottor Eugenio Jovene CEDEJ
> link to titles (1955 - 2004: no direct access)
- NEW: Revista General del Derecho Romano (RGDR) (2004 - today)
ed. by Francesco Amarelli, Mario Amelotti, Pierangelo Catalano et al.; pub. by iustel
> full articles (free after registration)
- Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano. International Review of Roman Law (RIDROM) (2008 - today)
ed. by Gustavo de las Heras; pub. by Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
> full articles (free)
- NEW: Revista Internacional Seminarios Complutenses de Derecho Romano (SCDR) (1988 - 2022)
ed. by Christian Baldus, Jean Pierre Coria, Wojciech Dajczak et al.; pub. by Fundación Seminario de Derecho Romano 'Ursicino Álvarez'
> link to publisher (no direct access)
> link to titles (1988 - 2015: no direct access)
- Rivista di Diritto Romano (2001 - today)
ed. by Piefranceso Arces, Filippo Bonin, Stefano Liva et al.; pub. by Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Torino
> full articles (free)
- NEW: Roman Legal Tradition (2002 - 2022)
ed. by Ernest Metzger; pub. by Ames Foundation, University of Glasgow School of Law
> full articles (free)
- NEW: Subseciva Gronigana. Studies in Roman and Byzantine Law (1984 - today)
ed. by Daphne Penna, Frits Brandsma, Tom van Bochove; pub. by Chimaira Publishing
> full articles (free)
II. Bibliographies
Index of lists of monographs, edited volumes and journal articles:
- NEW:2 Ancient Greek Laws in the World Wide Web
ed. by Ilias N. Arnaoutoglou; pub. by IMEROS. An Annual Journal for Culture and Technology
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 Arbeitsmittel zu Digestenexegesen in Leipziger Bibliotheken
ed. by Gero Dolezalek; pub. by Universität Leipzig
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 Criminal Law Rome
ed. by François Lareau
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 Droit, justice et châtiment dans le monde grec et romain
pub. by Université Catholique de Louvain
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 DRoits ANTiques (DRANT)
pub. by Centre de documentation des droits antiques (CDDA)
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 Fons Litterarum Iuris Veterum & Medii aevi (FoLIVM)
pub. by Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NOMOI. A Bibliographical Website for the Study of Ancient Greek Law
ed. by David Mirhady, Ilias Arnaoutoglou; pub. by Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (Canada)
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
- NEW:2 Roman Law Resources
ed. by Ernest Metzger
> link to bibliography (no direct access)
III. Online Access to Complete Works
Index of selected scholars' complete works:
- Gerhard Thür. Opera Omnia (1962 - today)
re-pub. by Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
> full works (free)