Applicants working on the subjects of this summer school are invited to submit a paper for the two-session workshop, which aims to prepare the selected students for the Workshop in Hamburg. Therefore, these sessions will provide a methodological overview and an opportunity to discuss and get feedback from the lecturers. Selected Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to present their papers or research projects and get feedback also in Hamburg after the Barcelona Summer School. English is the working language of the Workshop.
The selection of the students who are invited to present their papers or research projects will be based on an abstract of no more than 500 words and a CV. The deadline for the submission of the applications is 1st July 2018. For those applying with their Ph.D. project, please provide information on the project´s state of development and indicate the themes or aspects to be discussed. The selected students should hand in an extended version of the project (max. 10 pages) until 15th September 2018. Selected distinguished papers will be published in an edited book in the beginning of 2019.