Lecture byDr. jur. Ronan Steinke
27 November 2024, 6:00 pm, by Internetredaktion
The saying "They go after the small fry but let the big fish go" is probably familiar to everyone.
Author and journalist Dr. jur. Ronen Steinke has researched this topic. In his opinion, there are systematic injustices in the penal system that can and must be changed.
His theses have met with approval and criticism.
The Gesellschaft Hamburger Juristen is delighted that Ronen Steinke will give a lecture his book
"Vor dem Gesetz sind nicht alle gleich - Die neue Klassenjustiz" (English translation for better understanding: “Not everyone is equal before the law - The new class justice”)
The event will take place on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, 18:00 . The venue is the plenary hall of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Sievekingplatz 2, 20355 Hamburg,
Of course, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and make your own contributions during the discussion, which can be continued afterwards - as always at GHJ events - over a glass of wine.
You are also welcome to bring guests.