News18 October 2024|News"Wir halten Kurs - 20 Jahre Anwältinnen"The Working Group (ARGE) Women Lawyers wants to celebrate its anniversary with many members and interested parties from 17 to 19 October, 2024! Here...25 September 2024|NewsMs. Dr. Roda Verheyen: Das Recht auf Klimaschutz: Vom BVerfG zum Urteil des EGMR "Klimaseniorinnen" (The right to climate protection: From the Federal Constitutional Court to the ECHR judgement "Climate Seniors")In its judgment of April 9, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found that inadequate climate protection violates the human rights of...12 June 2024|NewsProf. Dr. Dr. Michel Friedman: Antisemitismus in Deutschland (Antisemitism in Germany)Anti-Semitism and hatred towards Jews have increased to an alarming extent. They are appearing more and more in public. The question therefore arises...4 April 2022|NewsSeminar on international bio patent law with Dr. Rob AertsIn the summer semester, Dr. Rob Aerts will offer an English-language course on Patent Law in Biotechnology. Dr. Aerts is an expert in European and...18 February 2021|NewsDFG Final Conference "Privacy and Digitization"At the final conference of the DFG Research Training Group "Privacy and Digitization", six panels will be devoted to the topics of surveillance and...21 October 2020|NewsPodcast "zurechtgerückt"In the podcast of the faculty, "zurechtgerückt", young scientists talk about their dissertation projects. We at the chair of Prof. Marion Albers...11 October 2019|NewsTitle "Informationelle Selbstbestimmung" published open accessNomos Verlag has made the volume "Informationelle Selbstbestimmung" by Prof. Dr. Marion Albers permanently available under a CC-BY licence as one of...16 May 2019|News"Dein Kind auch nicht"On Tuesday, 4 June 2019, Anna Schimke, an expert on media law, will be at a live talk in Berlin to discuss - from a legal point of view - the personal...18 April 2019|NewsInternational Workshop on the Legal Notions of Privacy and Data Protection in EU law in a Rapidly Changing WorldOn 14 May 2019, an international workshop will take place in Brussels on legal concepts for the protection of privacy and data protection in European...10 December 2018|NewsNew edition of "Digitalisierte Verwaltung - Vernetztes E-Government" published Anyone who is concerned with questions of strategic control, data protection and administrative action against the background of digitisation...10 July 2018|NewsVolume "Recht & Netz" ("Law & Internet") publishedThe scientific and interdisciplinary volume "Recht & Netz" takes up contributions from the lecture series and deals with further selected topics...12 March 2018|NewsSeminar in the summer term 2018 - Legal Tech - The legal services market in the context of digitisationPD Dr. Tobias Herbst Legal Tech - the use of information technology in the application of law - is currently finding new fields of application and is...20 October 2016|VeranstaltungInterdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung Recht & NetzRingvorlesung5 September 2016|VerwaltungNew publication on biolawNomos-Verlag published a new volume on biolaw. Editor is Prof. Dr. Marion Albers: This interdisciplinary volume combining contributions from...19 November 2015|VeranstaltungRingvorlesung im Sommersemster 2015: BioGovernance / Neue gen-, bio- und informationstechnische Entwicklungen als RegulierungsherausforderungIm Sommersemester 2015 findet eine Ringvorlesung zum Thema "Bio-Governance - Neue gen-, bio- und informationstechnische Entwicklungen als...1 November 2015|VeranstaltungBuch-Neuerscheinung: Globales Recht und TerrorismusfinanzierungsbekämpfungVon Prof. Dr. Marion Albers und Lena Groth Dieser interdisziplinäre Sammelband mit Beiträgen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis setzt sich mit dem gesamten...11 November 2014|VeranstaltungSeminar Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit im WS 2014/15Im WS 2014/15 werden Prof. Dr. Marion Albers und der Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Prof. Dr. Johannes Caspar, ein...11 November 2012|VeranstaltungTagung "Globales Recht und Terrorismusfinanzierungsbekämpfung"Am 13. und 14. Dezember 2012 veranstaltet die wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Lena Groth, LL.M. (Emory) eine Tagung im Warburg-Haus Hamburg zum Thema...Show all news