News16 December 2024|NewsIntroduction to programming with PythonProgramming with Python A Cyber Law Clinic workshop will teach basic knowledge of the programming language Python, a versatile and widely used...27 November 2024|NewsDr. jur. Ronan SteinkeThe saying "They go after the small fry but let the big fish go" is probably familiar to everyone. Author and journalist Dr. jur. Ronen Steinke has...18 October 2024|News"Wir halten Kurs - 20 Jahre Anwältinnen"The Working Group (ARGE) Women Lawyers wants to celebrate its anniversary with many members and interested parties from 17 to 19 October, 2024! Here...25 September 2024|NewsMs. Dr. Roda Verheyen: Das Recht auf Klimaschutz: Vom BVerfG zum Urteil des EGMR "Klimaseniorinnen" (The right to climate protection: From the Federal Constitutional Court to the ECHR judgement "Climate Seniors")In its judgment of April 9, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found that inadequate climate protection violates the human rights of...12 June 2024|NewsProf. Dr. Dr. Michel Friedman: Antisemitismus in Deutschland (Antisemitism in Germany)Anti-Semitism and hatred towards Jews have increased to an alarming extent. They are appearing more and more in public. The question therefore arises...24 January 2024|NewsPaul Nemitz: Künstliche Intelligenz - Notwendigkeit und Durchsetzbarkeit eines RechtsrahmensThe use of artificial intelligence (AI) should not and must not be a legal vacuum. As part of its digital strategy, the EU wants to regulate AI in...Show all news