Book Series on Biolaw, Health Law and Medicine Law
Prof. Dr. Albers Prof. Dr. Ivo Appel, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Gassner und Prof. Dr. Henning Rosenau are the editors of the book series Biolaw, Health law and Medical Law which is being published by Nomos, Baden-Baden. Biolaw, Health law and Medical Law have become a special research field. It includes not only the classical fields of the relationship between doctors and patients or the civil and criminal legal responsibility for medical treatment but extends to the socially and economically relevant health sector or to new ethical questions in the face of, for example, stem cell research or genetic diagnostics. The series are oriented towards intra- and interdisciplinary research and are open to the works in other disciplines. Publishing in English is possible. If you would like to publish a dissertation, habilitation, conference papers or similiar works please feel free to contact us.
Up to now the following books have been released:
Volume 1: Henning Rosenau und Hakan Hakeri (Ed.), Der medizinische Behandlungsfehler
Beiträge des 3. Deutsch-Türkischen Symposiums zum Medizin- und Biorecht, 2008
Die Verrechtlichung der Medizin in Deutschland ist weithin abgeschlossen. Die Arzthaftung und damit die zivilrechtliche wie strafrechtliche Haftung für medizinische Behandlungsfehler folgen etablierten Strukturen. Zufrieden kann man dennoch nicht sein. Es wird kritisiert, dass die Medizin in einem Übermaß mit einem rechtlichen Netz überzogen ist. Die ausziselierte Haftungsrechtsprechung ist kaum noch durchschaubar und noch weniger vorhersehbar. Gibt es Alternativen? Welche Funktionen können den Schlichtungsstellen zukommen? Sollte das Haftungsmodell Deutschlands durch Versicherungsmodelle nach skandinavischem Vorbild abgelöst werden? Muss nicht auch wie in England und Österreich die Strafbarkeit für leichte Fahrlässigkeit des Arztes aufgegeben werden? Diesen offenen Fragen geht der vorliegende Band nach. Dabei hilft bei den Antworten der Rechtsvergleich mit der Türkei; denn dort ist die Verrechtlichung in der Medizin erst im Entstehen begriffen. Neben einer Bestandsaufnahme der zivilrechtlichen Arzthaftung stellt der Band die Alternativen zur Arzthaftung dar. Er befasst sich mit den Besonderheiten im Arzthaftungsprozess und diskutiert schließlich die strafrechtliche Verantwortung des Arztes bei Behandlungsfehlern.
Volume 2: Marion Albers (Ed.), Patientenverfügung 2008
Vor dem Hintergrund aktueller politischer und rechtlicher Diskussionen bieten die Beiträge dieses Buches übergreifende und fundierte Informationen zum Problemkreis der Patientenverfügungen und deren rechtlicher Regulierung. Psychologische und medizinethische Grundlagen werden ebenso geklärt wie die Lage im Verfassungs-, Zivil-, Betreuungs- und Strafrecht. Zu Beginn werden Funktionen, positive Folgen und Leistungsgrenzen von Patientenverfügungen aus psychologischer und medizinethischer Sicht untersucht. Weitere Beiträge erörtern sowohl die gegenwärtige Rechtslage als auch aktuelle Regelungsvorschläge mit Blick auf das Verfassungs-, das Zivil-, das Betreuungs- und das Strafrecht. Patientenverfügungen werden ihre Funktionen in der Praxis nur erfüllen, wenn die gesetzlichen Regelungen problemgerecht gestaltet sind und in einem stimmigen Konzept zusammenwirken. Die entsprechend aufeinander abgestimmten Beiträge beruhen auf der 1. Jahrestagung des Instituts für Bio-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht an der Universität Augsburg. Das Buch ist für alle Personen interessant, die sich über Patientenverfügungen und deren rechtliche Grundlagen informieren wollen.
Volume 3: Ruben Stelzner, Rechtsfragen zahnärztlicher Kooperationen, 2009
Der Autor, Jurist und Zahnarzt, beschäftigt sich mit der neuesten und grundlegend geänderten Rechtslage zu zahnärztlichen Kooperationen. Neue Rechtsformen und erstmals bestehende Expansionsmöglichkeiten begründen ein umfangreiches, juristisch größtenteils noch unerforschtes Neuland. Erörtert werden Rechtsfragen zum Betrieb von Zweigpraxen, zur Gründung von Zahnärzte-MVZs, zur Berufsausübungsgemeinschaft und zur Anstellung von Zahnärzten. Möglichkeiten und Zulässigkeit der Beteiligung externer Investoren im zahnärztlichen Bereich wie beispielsweise das Franchising diskutiert der Autor. Zudem untersucht er kritisch die Rechtmäßigkeit neuester zahnarztrechtlicher Regelungen, vor allem in den Bundesmantelverträgen.
Volume 4: Silvia Lang, Unternehmen Krankenhaus
Mitarbeiterkapitalisierung für Krankenhäuser in privater Trägerschaft, 2010
Intensiver Wettbewerb, Kostendruck und mangelnde Ressourcen - dem Krankenhauswesen steht ein nachhaltiger Strukturwandel bevor. Die Anzahl der Krankenhäuser in privater Trägerschaft wird weiter zunehmen. Aufgrund der erschwerten realen und rechtlichen Bedingungen ist die Erschließung strategischen Kapitals über die Beteiligung der Mitarbeiter ein Baustein für den Erfolg im Unternehmen Krankenhaus. In der Arbeit werden zunächst die Grundzüge der Mitarbeiterkapitalbeteiligung und des Krankenhausmarktes beschrieben. Gegenstand des nächsten Teils sind die einzelnen Kapitalbeteiligungsformen und deren Besonderheiten. Speziell auf das Unternehmen Krankenhaus und deren Mitarbeiter zugeschnittene Kapitalbeteiligungsmodelle bilden den Kern der Untersuchung. Im Zentrum der Erwägungen stehen sowohl fremdkapitalbasierte Einführungsmodelle als auch eigenkapitalbasierte mezzanine Beteiligungsformen für eine dauerhafte Beteiligung.
Volume 5: Jakob Cremer, Berücksichtigung prädikativer Gesundheitsinformationen beim Abschluss privater Versicherungsverträge, 2010
Der Verfasser untersucht, wie private Versicherungen im Rahmen der vorvertraglichen Risikoanalyse aufgrund fortschreitender medizinischer Techniken mit der Möglichkeit umgehen dürfen, Krankheitsrisiken von Versicherungsnehmern zukünftig viel weitreichender als bisher abschätzen zu können. Durch Bezugnahme auf den Begriff prädiktive Gesundheitsinformation wird ein sehr junger Diskussionsansatz aufgegriffen, der die bisherige primär auf einen „genetischen“ Fokus bezogene Diskussion unter dem generalisierenden Blickwinkel der prädiktiven Gesundheitsinformation fortführt. Hierbei nimmt der Autor eine Bewertung und Analyse der mit Erlass des GenDG neuen gesetzlichen Ausgangslage vor. Ausgehend hiervon wird kritisch hinterfragt, ob die im Rahmen des GenDG vorgenommene Steuerung des Interessenkonflikts zwischen Versicherer und Versicherungsnehmer über den Begriff der genetischen Untersuchung sachgerecht erscheint und weshalb darin ein Verstoß gegen den Gleichbehandlungsgrundsatz zu sehen ist.
Volume 6: Sandra Wiesner, Die hypothetische Einwilligung im Medizinstrafrecht, 2010
Die hypothetische Einwilligung ist ein von der Rechtsprechung im Bereich der zivilrechtlichen Arzthaftung entwickeltes Haftungskorrektiv. Die Übernahme dieser Rechtsfigur in das Medizinstrafrecht hat in der Strafrechtswissenschaft lebhafte Diskussionen hervorgerufen. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist es, die Übertragung auf das Strafrecht zu erörtern. Dabei werden rechtspolitische Erwägungen, dogmatische Probleme sowie tatsächliche Schwierigkeiten diskutiert und Konsequenzen der Anerkennung bzw. Ablehnung des Rechtsinstituts dargestellt. Im Ergebnis wird die Anerkennung der hypothetischen Einwilligung im Medizinstrafrecht, nicht zuletzt wegen des funktionalen Zusammenhangs mit dem zivilen Arzthaftungsrecht, bejaht.
Volume 7: Christof Hörr, Passive Sterbehilfe und betreuungsgerichtliche Kontrolle
Die Starfbarkeit von Arzt und Betreuer beim Behandlungsabbruch an einwilligungsunfähigen Patienten, 2011
Aus dem Zusammenspiel von Betreuungs- und Strafrecht ergeben sich Strafbarkeitsrisiken für Arzt und Betreuer beim Behandlungsabbruch an einwilligungsunfähigen Patienten. Ausgehend vom Begriff der passiven Sterbehilfe und ihrer aktuellen dogmatischen Konstruktion wird die Rechtsnatur der Einwilligung des Betroffenen oder des Betreuers in den Behandlungsabbruch ermittelt. Sodann wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Bedeutung dem Betreutenwillen zukommt und inwieweit Patientenverfügungen oder allgemeine Wertvorstellungen am Lebensende von Bedeutung sein können. Der Entscheidung des Betreuers oder des Betreuungsgerichtes und dem Einvernehmen zwischen Arzt und Betreuer kommt besondere Bedeutung zu: Selbst wenn ein Behandlungsabbruch entlang des Betreutenwillens, aber ohne Einhaltung der formalen Voraussetzungen erfolgt, setzen sich Arzt und Betreuer erheblichen strafrechtlichen Risiken aus. Anhand von praxisrelevanten Fallgruppen werden verschiedene Konstellationen des Behandlungsabbruchs und die damit verbundenen Irrtumsproblematiken dargestellt. Eine wissenschaftliche Untersuchung und eine fallgruppenbezogene Betrachtung für Ärzte, Betreuer und Rechtsanwender.
Volume 8: Hans Lilie, Henning Rosenau und Hakan Hakeri (Ed.), Die Organtransplantation - Rechtsfragen bei knappen medizinischen Ressourcen
Beiträge des 6. Deutsch-Türkischen Symposiums zum Medizin- und Biorecht, 2011
Der Band behandelt die aktuellen Probleme der Transplantation, die sich angesichts der geringen Zahl gespendeter Organe schlagwortartig mit dem Stichwort „Tod auf der Warteliste“ umschreiben lassen. Die Debatte ist durch die Lebendspende von Frank-Walter Steinmeier neu aufgeflammt. Die Fragen stehen auch deshalb auf der Tagesordnung, weil in diesem Jahr der Bundestag eine EU-Richtlinie zur Transplantation umsetzen muss. Soll die erweiterte Zustimmungslösung durch die Widerspruchslösung ersetzt werden? Erstmals wird in Deutschland ausführlich das spanische Modell auf der Grundlage der Widerspruchslösung vorgestellt. Berücksichtigung findet auch der sogenannte Framing-Effekt, wie ihn die Erkenntnispsychologie kennt. Als Alternative zur Organspende bietet sich die Lebendspende an. Behandelt sind neue medizinische Verfahren, das Paternalismusproblem und der Organhandel. Optimierungen der Organallokation werden aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht diskutiert, Allokationsauffälligkeiten und der Transplantationstourismus vervollständigen die Thematik.
Volume 9: Marion Albers (Ed.), Risikoregulierung im Bio-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht, 2011
Globalisierung und Europäisierung, Entmaterialisierung, Prozeduralisierung und Reflexivität, Flexibilisierung und Temporalisierung, Pluralisierung, Wissensmanagement und veränderte Zeitkonstruktionen kennzeichnen das Recht der Risikogesellschaft. In den Beiträgen dieses Buches werden Grundlagen und Formen der Risikoregulierung im Bio-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht aus juristischer und sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht sowohl übergreifend als auch in ausgewählten Feldern analysiert. Zu den einzelnen Themen zählen gentechnisch veränderte Organismen, Chemikalien-, Arzneimittel- und Produktrisiken, Forschung am Menschen, Krankenversicherungsmechanismen, Xenotransplantation, Gendiagnostik oder Neuroenhancement. Allgemeine und bereichsspezifische Regulierungsmuster werden ebenso aufgezeigt wie die Besonderheiten aufgrund ethischer Konflikte und Zukunftsprobleme. Das Bio-, Gesundheits- und Medizinrecht erweist sich als ein wichtiges Referenzgebiet sowohl des Risikoregulierungsrechts als auch hinsichtlich der Fortentwicklung des Rechts.
Volume 10: Martin Hofmann, Die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit des Apothekers für Gesundheitsschäden im Zusammenhang mit berufstypischem Verhalten, 2012
Bislang wurde weder die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit des Apothekers für die Gefährdung seiner Kunden noch deren Schädigung vertieft untersucht. Der Autor greift diesen Umstand auf und stellt dabei die Erörterung des Körperverletzungstatbestandes (§ 223 bzw. § 229 StGB) in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Vor allem sind es Fragen des Körperverletzungserfolges, der Kausalität und der objektiven Zurechnung, die über eine Strafbarkeit entscheiden. Der Verfasser gelangt zu der Erkenntnis, dass die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit des Apothekers in einzelnen Punkten zwar schwierig festzustellen ist, er aber in weit mehr Fällen als bisher wahrgenommen – und zwar gleichberechtigt neben dem Arzt – mit Sanktion bedroht ist. Auch berufstypische nebenstrafrechtliche Vorschriften (AMG, BtMG, HeilPrG) werden erörtert.
Volume 11: Henning Rosenau (Ed.), Ein zeitgemäßes Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz für Deutschland, 2013
Deutschland braucht ein modernes, zeitgemäßes Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz, mit dem es an die rasanten Entwicklungen der Biomedizin Anschluss fände. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen die Beiträge des Bandes, der aus einer Fachtagung 2011 des Instituts für Bio-, Gesundheits-und Medizinrecht (IBGM) der Juristischen Fakultät in Augsburg hervorgegangen ist. Es werden relevante Desiderate aufgezeigt und zugleich erste Möglichkeiten einer adäquaten Lösung benannt. Die Probleme der Reproduktionsmedizin, deren moraltheologische wie verfassungsrechtliche Bewertung kommen ebenso zur Sprache wie derzeitige Brennpunkt der Präimplantationsdiagnostik und Leihmutterschaft. Familienrechtliche Folgefragen werden geklärt. Der Band korrespondiert mit dem Augsburger-Münchener Entwurf eines Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetzes (AME FortpflanzungsmedizinG), den eine Arbeitsgruppe der Universität Augsburg und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München vorgelegt hat.
Volume 12: Eva Marie von Wietersheim, Strafbarkeit der Präimplantationsdiagnostik, 2014
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit § 3a ESchG, der neuen strafrechtlichen Regelung zur Präimplantationsdiagnostik.
Eine Untersuchung der Norm lässt weitreichende Unzulänglichkeiten erkennen: Es bestehen Schwierigkeiten in der Auslegung der Tatbestandsmerkmale, dogmatische Unsicherheiten und Widersprüche im Verhältnis zu anderen Vorschriften zum vorgeburtlichen Lebensschutz.
Es werden Vorschläge unterbreitet, inwieweit diese Schwächen behoben werden können. Die Vorschläge beziehen sich vorrangig auf eine neue gesetzliche Konzeption der Präimplantationsdiagnostik. Daneben wird sich aber im Hinblick auf die bestehenden gesetzlichen Vorgaben auch mit der zutreffenden Auslegung der geltenden Rechtslage beschäftigt. Hier findet jeweils eine inhaltliche Orientierung an den geltenden Normen zum vorgeburtlichen Lebensschutz statt, insbesondere an der Vorschrift zum medizinisch indizierten Schwangerschaftsabbruch.
Volume 13: Bezerra Sales, Überzählige Embryonen in der Reproduktionsmedizin, 2014
This paper aims at making a comparative analysis of German and Brazilian doctrines and jurisprudence in order to contribute to the update of the dialogue of legal experiences of Germany and Brazil, on behalf of the affirmation of the democratic State of law. The reasons that authorize the employment of such comparative methodology and epistemological cut have been observed in the recent political history of the two countries. The hypothesis brought about by this study aims at demonstrating if the degree of complexity is intrinsic to the concept of person and the dignity inherent to him (her), trying to prove its ability as a legal tool in the analysis of the current phenomenon of using Biotechnology in everyday life, especially in regard to its application in the context of procreation by means of the analysis limits of the possibilities of guardianship of embryos from the exceeding items of the practices of highly complex assisted reproduction. Fair dealing is the media research to assist in the solution of problems related to the issue of infertility, safeguarding the need that these knowledge and scientific advances be obtained and used safely, democratically, and publicly regulated by society. Biotechnology must be at the service of man, based upon the grounds of this purpose and assuming that human beings foreshadow the assertion and recognition of a status which provides numerous potentials: the condition of person. The person is and exists in a process that goes from conception to death. The human being, as such is, in his essence, based upon and made up in his existence, as framed by the circumstances that make him unique in his search for recognition of his status as the subject of Law.
Volume 14: Jan Timke, Die Patentierung embryonaler Stammzellen, 2014
Against the background of European Court of Justice’s ruling in the Brüstle case, this book deals with the patent eligibility of human embryonic stem cells.
Besides a detailed analysis of the relevant legal provisions, it focuses on the interplay of prohibitions of exploitation under public law and prohibitions of patenting. It comes to the conclusion that there is an obligatory connection between prohibitions under public law and prohibitions of patenting. Therefore, it is not permitted to establish assessment criteria for the patented technology beyond the standards of the public law, as exercised by the European Patent Office, the Biotechnology Directive and the ECJ.
As a solution, prohibitions of patenting are to be construed as in compliance with the provisions of the public law. With respect to the patent eligibility of embryonic stem cells, the book leads to differentiating results.
Volume 15: Patricia Jofer, Regulierung der Reproduktionsmedizin, 2014
Fortpflanzung ist heute nicht mehr nur Widerfahrnis, sondern zur Handlung menschlicher Verantwortung geworden. Immer mehr kinderlose Paare suchen ihr Glück nach einem eigenen Kind mit Hilfe fortpflanzungsmedizinischer Verfahren zu verwirklichen. In Deutschland ist ein Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz längst überfällig. Das Embryonenschutzgesetz ist lückenhaft und veraltet. Das vorliegende Buch hat sich drei Schwerpunkten gewidmet: der Fremdsamenspende, der Ersatzmutterschaft und dem Problem überzähliger Embryonen. Es werden hochaktuelle Fragen untersucht wie die Gewährleistung des Rechts des Kindes auf Kenntnis der eigenen Herkunft im Rahmen der Fremdsamenspende, die Freigabe überzähliger Embryonen zur Forschung und Spende etc. Eine große Rolle spielt dabei die Frage nach dem Status des Embryos. Auf der Suche nach Lösungen für eine deutsche Neuregulierung der Fortpflanzungsmedizin wird ein Blick nach Österreich, der Schweiz, Großbritannien und den USA geworfen.
Volume 16: Rosenau / Hakeri , Kodifikation der Patientenrechte, 2015
On 26/02/2013 the German law improving the rights of patients entered into force. According to the German Federal Government spirit and purpose of the law is to strengthen the position of patients against the health care providers. The protection of patients‘ rights is one of the most important social issues on the field of health care today. This need is articulated in Germany as well as in Turkey. This finding can be verified by looking at the media in both countries. However the legal positions for the protection of patients are completely different, so that they offered an interesting comparison of law in ordert o find the ideal legislation for the protection of patients' rights. This area of conflict was the onset of the X. German-Turkish Symposium on medical and biomedical law. The contributions of this symposium are gathered in this volume. With contributions by: Christoph Becker, Erwin Bernat, Benedikt Buchner, Carina Dorneck, Ümit Gezder, Hakan Hakeri, Raphael Koch, Michael Linemann, Martin Rehborn, Henning Rosenau, Adrian Schmidt-Recla, Erhan Temel ánd Yener Ünver.
Volume 17: Nina Schäffner, Lifecycle Management im Arzneimittelsektor, 2015
In 2009, the European Commission published the findings of a pharmaceutical sector inquiry. The starting point was the assumption, that the entry of generic medicines to the market had delayed and the innovation as measured by the number of new medicines coming to the market had declined. The Commission declared a number of instruments – the so-called „Evergreening“ – which Originators use to achieve a delay of generic entry, inter alia patent application strategies (e.g. by buidling so-called patent clusters) and second generation or line extension strategies.
The work „Lifecycle Management in the Pharmaceutical Sector“ analyses and evaluates both strategies on the national and European market in the light of patent law, pharmaceutical law and law of reimbursement, especially against the background of a potential abuse of patent law and the national early benefit assessment of pharmaceuticals, which was introduced in 2011 by the AMNOG.
Volume 18: Sven Sosna: Daten- und Geheimnisschutz bei Outsourcing-Projekten im Krankenhausbereich, 2015
Data protection and confidentiality duties present major challenges for outsourcings in the German hospital sector as the relevant data protection laws are manifold. The book strives to analyze this complex legal field. The book’s first part deals with some of the specific conditions of data protection in the hospital sector, such as patient data as a special category of data and the relationship between the different legal regimes; after that, it focuses, inter alia, on the specific requirements for commissioned data processing on behalf of another party, outlines the conditions for processing patient related data under national and federal state law and examines the compatibility of the various legal regimes in Germany with the European Data Protection Directive. In the second part on confidentiality, the book addresses the legal requirements in order to conduct an outsourcing without infringement of sec. 203 of the Penal Code.
Volume 19: Kamila Szutowska-Simon, Wille und Einwilligung im Probandenschutzsystem, 2015
Informed consent, as an expression of self-determination, forms an elementary shield against foreign domination and exploitation. That is why it has become the central condition for the admissibility of medical research involving human beings for all subjects protection systems. But are these subjects protection systems compatible with the idea of informed consent, if it is essential to conduct research with subjects, who may not or can not decide for themselves? How does this comply with the right of these persons to self-determination?
This book seeks to answer these questions, in particular through the analysis of the relation between the legally required consent for the participation in a clinical trial on medicinal products and the real or the presumed will of the test person. Involved in the study is the applicable International, European, German and Polish law, as well as the EU Regulation No 536/2014, which will soon unify the drug testing laws of the EU Member States.
Volume 20: Marina Kohake, Personalisierte Medizin und Recht, 2016
This book integrates diverse legal perspectives on personalized medicine, exploring the shared basic principles of its constitutional, civil, criminal and social law aspects. Personalized medicine aims to facilitate the implementation of preventive and therapeutic methods tailored to the needs of particular patients or patient groups by means of systematic diagnostics, in particular through molecular genetic techniques. This gives rise to legal issues, mainly the scope of personality rights protection with regard to research and use of genetic information. Specifically, the book illuminates both questions about participation in personalized treatment options within the statutory health insurance system and the importance of family member interests in the context of personalized diagnostic measures. Finally, it examines effects of personalized prevention options on the role of personal responsibility in the statutory health insurance system.
Volume 21: Marion Albers, (Ed.), Bioethik, Biorecht, Biopolitik, 2016
This interdisciplinary volume combining contributions from ethicists, medical scientists, lawyers and political scientists deals with the entire spectrum of problems in the field of bioethics, biolaw and biopolitics. The contributions discuss the meaning and the subjects of bioethics, biolaw and biopolitics as well as their backgrounds and implications. They comprise deliberations on how disciplines can learn from each other and how convincing inter- or transdisciplinary approaches can be established. Additionally, key issues such as the handling of knowledge, uncertainty and the unknown, appropriate decision-making procedures in case of fundamental value conflicts or patterns of legitimation with regard to new biotechnological challenges are discussed thoroughly.
With contributions by:
PD Dr. Johann S. Ach, Prof. Dr. Marion Albers, Prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau, Prof. Dr. Ulrich M. Gassner, Prof. Dr. Stefan Huster, Prof. Dr. Renate Martinsen, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems
Volume 22: Josef Lindner (Hrsg.), Die neuronale Selbstbestimmung des Menschen, 2016
The publication offers new insights about the interdisciplinary relevant and much discussed topic of neuro-enhancement.
In addition to asking the question if there is a fundamental right of neuronal self-determination, the topic is analyzed by a point of view of theological ethics and religious pedagogy. Also demonstrated are the connections between neurosciences and law. Other questions look at legal-ethical and constitutional aspect of neuro-enhancement. One article deals with the legal assessment of deep brain stimulation. Furthermore the publication contains articles about neuro-enhancement and substantive criminal law as well as neuro-enhancement and criminal procedural law. Finally there are two articles about special problems with neuro–enhancement and the right of education and neuronal self-determination and data protection.
With contributions by:
Prof. Dr. Marion Albers, Helena Bebert, Prof. Dr. Susanne Beck, LL.M., Prof. Dr. Josef Franz Lindner, Prof. Dr. Jens Prütting, LL.M.oec., PD Dr. Patricia M. Schiess Rütimann, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schroth, Prof. Dr. Dr. Herbert Stettberger, Prof. Dr. Heinrich Amadeus Wolff
Volume 23: Marc Oeben, Der potenzielle Pruduktfehler nach der EuGH-Rechtsprechung. Eine perspektivische Betrachtung für die Haftung der Medizinprodukthersteller in Deutschland
The book reflects the development of the potential defect in case law and literature, analyses the reasoning of the ECJ and highlights the impact on the liability of the manufacturer of medical products in Germany. It identifies the factual and legal problems for forensic practice and develops criteria for the definition of the concept of potential defect.
Further, various case scenarios are analysed, in particular with regard to the transferability of the ECJ case on other medical devices, the impact on the scope of damages, the practical impact on the company organisation and the departments (Vigilance/Legal) as well as the remaining possibilities of a liability reduction or delamination of the manufacturer of medical devices in cases of a potential defect.
Due to the numerous practical constellations, the book is also addressed to practitioners.
Volume 24: Mara Ricarda Bögershausen, Präimplantationsdiagnostik, 2016
The book debates the special role of totipotent cells, which are legally defined in § 8 ESchG as embryos. Regulatory discrepancies to other methods of reproduction medicine like abortion are discussed and also the strain on parents by the ethics commission. After a teleological and constitutional analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the strict rule of § 3a ESchG applies in extenso to the early PID, whereas only parts of the paragraph apply to the late PID.
Volume 25: Caroline Fündling, Recht auf Wissen v. Recht auf Nichtwissen in der Gendiagnostik, 2017
Volume 26: Felix Lubrich, Strafrechtliche Compliance in der stationären Altenpflege, 2017
Band 27: Julia Hornung, Die psychiatrische Patientenverfügung im Betreuungsrecht. Ihre zulässigen Regelungsgegenstände - unter besonderer Beachtung der antizipierten Selbstbestimmung gegen sich selbst, 2017
How can mentally ill persons make use of an advance healthcare directive? This book offers solutions for legal uncertainties regarding the use and the implementation of psychiatric advance directives under German law. It provides advice for lawyers, doctors, custodians and those affected. The book analyses the interaction of advance directives and the German civil law on custodianship, involuntary commitment and coercive medical treatment as well as the corresponding procedural law.
The focus lies on the conflict that arises when a person, who is currently unable to give informed consent due to his mental illness, rejects treatment demanded by or requests treatment prohibited by his own advance directive. The book illustrates the possible legal use of the so-called “Ulysses Contract” – a legal agreement designed to override a present request by a person who is not able to give informed consent due to his illness.
Band 28: Sabrina Kempka, Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Transparenz und Datenschutz. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des FSA-Transparenzkodex, 2017
Volume 29: Julia Berdin, Biobank-Governance. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Trust-Modellen, 2017
Biobanks that store large masses of human biological samples and personal data for research purposes play a crucial role in international biomedical research. The samples and data stored, however, possibly reveal a lot about the individual donor and put him as well as connected individuals or groups at risk of discriminiation. The author questions whether the traditional requirement of the donor’s individual consent to unspecific future uses of his sample and data adequately protects his interests. She addresses the question if and how the donor should and can be further included in decisions regarding the future use of his sensitive samples and data. In particular, she analyses the potential of innovative so-called trust models for biobank-governance in a German context.
Volume 30: Josef Franz Lindner (ed.), Selbst - oder bestimmt? Illusionen und Realitäten des Medizinrechts, 2017
The self-determination of patients – especially the consent of the patient after a comprehensive explanation (informed consent) – is an expression of the patients` right of self-determination, which is present and accepted in almost every area of medical law and also in the medical practice. But the patients´ self-determination is confronted with problems and frictions in the medical practice. The publication offers new insights about the self-determination of the patients by combining theory and practice. The publication is dealing with the topic in a detailed and interdisciplinary way to identify content-related and conceptional problems and to receive new impetus. Therefore the publication offers legal, ethical and medical articles. The publication includes e.g. articles about the medical ethical, sociological and legal problems as well as articles about self-determination and genome examination and self-determination and research.
The right by a patient to take medical decisions about themselves and give informed consent for medical procedures is an accepted practice in medical law and medical practice. However, this is fraught with problems and issues. This publication offers new insights in this area by combining both theory and practice. It deals with the topic in a detailed and inter-disciplinary manner to identify problems and issues related to concepts and content and to receive new inputs. The study thus offers legal, ethical and medical insights. It further explores medical ethics, legal and sociological problems and offers material relating to decision making by patients and genome studies and decision making and research.
With contributions by:
Prof. Dr. Josef Franz Lindner, Prof. Dr. Florian Steger und Dr. Giovanni Rubeis, Prof. Dr. med. Sabine Rudnik-Schöneborn, Stephanie Stadelbacher und Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider, Prof. Dr. Katja Nebe, PD Dr. Dorothea Magnus, Franziska Huber
Volume 31: Anton Friesacher, Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen als öffentliche Auftraggeber im Sinne des GWB-Vergaberechts? Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung des Begriffs des öffentlichen Auftraggebers im Licht der Rechtsprechung des Europ. Gerichtshofs, 2017
As early as in 2009, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) clarified that Germany’s statutory health insurance funds are contracting authorities as defined by European public procurement law (especially the Directive 2004/18/EU, which was meanwhile been repealed and replaced by the Directive 2014/24/EU).
On the other hand, in a later ruling the ECJ did not qualify Germany’s medical associations as contracting authorities. So those institutions do not have to apply the rules of the European public procurement law but only the rules of their respective public budget laws.
Referring to the aforementioned rulings by the ECJ, this work focuses on the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen” (Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors) from the perspective of whether they too should be regarded as “contracting authorities”. An examination of their position in the German public health system reveals that the “Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen” have similarities to both the statutory health insurance funds and the medical associations.
Volume 32: Michael Jordan, Die Verarbeitung von Körpersubstanzen zu autologen Gewebeprodukten nach § 950 BGB, 2018
Lab-produced human tracheae and cardiac valves are no longer a mere futuristic dream. Research teams have already succeeded in producing this complex tissues from human body cells in the context of the so-called tissue engineering and implanting them successfully in a human body. As a rule, the use of patients’ own cells is aimed at in order to prevent rejection reactions of the body following the implantation of tissue.
The production of human tissues can lead to a legal acquisition of ownership on the part of the producer according to § 950 of the Civil Law Code. Using patients’ own cells, however, causes a conflict between the ownership acquired by the producer and the personal rights of the patient. Firstly, this work investigates in which cases the requirements for the acquisition of ownership are met. Then, it discusses the relation between ownership and personal rights and investigates which claims exist between the parties concerned.
Volume 33: Carina Dorneck, Das Recht der Reproduktionsmedizin de lege lata und de lege ferenda, 2018
The jurisprudence as well as the medical research sector have repeatedly issued calls for a reform of the medically and socially out-dated ESchG. The ESchG, which decisively influences the laws and regulations of reproductive medicine until today, has remained almost unmodified since it entered into force in 1991. The law has not withstood the advances in modern reproductive medicine nor the changes to social values. It is therefore time for the legislator to become aware of his legislative responsibility and to create a modern reproductive medicine law. The treatise shows the legislative need for action in the field of reproductive medicine and proposes solutions for this, whereby the provisions proposed in the so-called “Augsburg-Münchner Entwurf für ein Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz (AME-FMedG)”, the Augsburg-Munich Draft for a Reproductive Medicine Law, are included and critically questioned.
Band 34: Susanne Müller, Henning Rosenau (eds.), Stammzellen - iPS-Zellen - Genom-Editierung. Stem Cells - iPS Cells - Genome Editing, 2018
The use of stem cells, iPS cells and genetic engineering methods such as genome editing are tools for the development of new therapies in regenerative medicine. The implementation of such therapies does not only raise scientific, -technological and medical issues, but also those of an ethical, legal, social and economic nature. Therefore, the successful implementation of regenerative medicine therapies relies on a cross-disciplinary approach. Aspects of the use of stem cells, iPS cells and genome editing in research and therapy were discussed at both an interdisciplinary and international symposium and a conference funded by the BMBF (the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany). They both focused on the regulatory handling of such therapies and constitutional questions regarding the commercialisation of human cells and patent issues.
With contributions by
Insa S. Schröder; Susanne Müller and Timo Faltus; Inesa Chmurec; Tereza Hendl; Calvin Wai Loon Ho; Kalina Kamenova; Delphine Pichereau and Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag; Hannah Schickl; Elena Buglo and Stephan Zuchner; Jochen Taupitz and Juliane Boscheinen; Winfried Kluth; Susanne Beck and Frederike Seitz; Timo Faltus; Rosario Isasi; Katrin Vohland, Julia Diekämper, Alexandra Moormann, Tobias Nettke and Wiebke Rössig; Hans Zillmann and Matthias Kaufmann; Ulrich Storz; Timo Faltus.
Volume 35: Josef Franz Lindner, Selbstbestimmung durch und im Betreuungsrecht, 2019
The self-determination of the patient has become a paradigm in medical law. Especially the consent of the patient after a comprehensive explanation (informed consent) is an expression of the patient´s right of self-determination. But a lack of capacity to consent results in an ineffective consent. Nevertheless, the practicability of guardianship law has to be balanced with the patient´s interests. Therefore, the publication offers both legal and ethical articles. The publication includes e.g. a legal introduction into guardianship law, articles about compulsory treatment and the constitutional status of persons under guardianship order, as well as an article about patient decree and the binding character of the free will. Furthermore, there are articles about the current legal situation of guardianship law in Austria and Switzerland.
With contribution by
Prof. Dr. Klaus Arntz, Prof. Dr. Steffen Augsberg, Prof. Dr. Erwin Bernat, Aline Hofer, PD Dr. Dorothea Magnus, Prof. Dr. Adrian Schmidt-Recla, Prof. Dr. Franziska Sprecher, Dr. Erhan Temel.
Volume 36: Josef Franz Lindner (ed.), Transplantationsmedizinrecht. Beiträge zur aktuellen Diskussion um die Widerspruchslösung, 2019
Transplantation medicine is one of the most ethically and legally controversial areas of medicine. In Germany, its legal basis is contained in the Transplantation Act, which has been strongly criticised in various respects. For years, law and politics have discussed how the number of donor organs can be increased. Within the framework of post-mortem organ donation, an opt-out system has been under consideration for some time, which is intended to replace the opt-in system currently in force in Germany. Due to the proposed legislation, a lively discussion is to be expected in the German Bundestag from autumn 2019 on. The publication offers an interdisciplinary outlook on the future of transplantation medicine, also beyond national borders, to Austria. In particular, the opt-out system will be analysed from a medical, constitutional, medical-ethical, moral-theological and health-sociological point of view. In addition, the publication contains contributions from the practice of the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO) and from Eurotransplant.
With contributions by
Prof. Dr. Matthias Anthuber und Dr. Florian Sommer, Prof. Dr. Erwin Bernat, Prof. Dr. Heiner Fangerau, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hufen, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Manzei, Dr. Axel Rahmel, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schroth, Serge Vogelaar, MD
Volume 37: Jutta Mers, Infektionsschutz im liberalen Rechtsstaat, 2019
Volume 38: Ulrich Spiegel, Die Allokation von Rettungsmitteln. Eine Frage der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, 2019
Volume 39: Janet Opper, Das Verbot der präkonzeptionellen Geschlechtswahl. Eine empirische und verfassungsrechtliche Analyse, 2020.
The desire to determine your child’s gender is not a new phenomenon, but deeply rooted in human history. The latest Embryo Protection Act prohibits fertilisation with previously selected sperm cells according to sex and thus does not consider the desire of potential parents to determine their baby’s sex. Sex preselection is principally a punishable offense. Exceptions are tightly restricted.
The present paper examines whether this intervention can be justified constitutionally. The ethical and socio-political arguments against gender selection are first translated into constitutional categories. Then, the received arguments are analysed in light of fundamental rights dogmatics and, in addition, supplemented by a study conducted specifically for this purpose.
Volume 40: Janet Opper/Heiner Fangerau/Florian Braune/ Ulrich M. Gassner (eds.), Prädiktive und präsymptomatische Diagnostik spätmanifestierender Erkrankungen. Empfehlungen zur Testung einwilligungsfähiger Minderjähriger, 2019
During recent years, prediction has reached ever wider areas of medicine. This development includes the prenatal, predictive and pre-symptomatic diagnosing of diseases which manifest themselves later in life. Since a cure for a number of the diseases in question is currently not available and cannot be expected in the near future, the problem arises of how to deal with the expected findings of such diagnoses appropriately. Both in clinical application and in research, the question occurs of how to adequately address the expectations of patients and their families with regard to prognostics. In particular, predictive and pre-symptomatic diagnostics in children and adolescents poses challenges because children’s ability to consent to medical tests is even more difficult to assess than adults’. This volume offers an analysis and recommendations regarding predictive diagnostics for late onset diseases in children. Its recommendations are the result of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In addition to content analyses of existing research literature, they are based on interviews with individuals who sought or wanted genetic counselling and on interviews with physicians who are experts in human genetics.
Volume 41: Franziska Huber, Die medizinische Indikation als Grundrechtsproblem. Zum Informed Consent als Indikationsäquivalent, 2020.
Volume 42: Steffen Walter, Der rechtlich gebotene Umgang mit abklärungsbedürftigen (Zufalls-)Befunden in epidemiologischen Studien
The number of so-called incidental findings in epidemiological studies is increasing. Therefore the present dissertation in medical law examines how to handle these findings from a legal point of view. The dissertation primarily focusses on the questions if or rather under what kind of circumstances an epidemiologic scientist is allowed to inform the proband about noticeable and thus potentially pathological findings. It further thematises if this act of information is even legally required in Germany by examining the contractual duties resulting from the treatment contract and the proband contract. Furthermore the dissertation refers to aspects of data protection, medical professional and criminal law with regard to the legally required dealing with incidental findings in epidemiological studies.
Volume 43: Ulrich M. Gassner and Tade M. Spranger, Stammzellen in Forschung und Therapie, 2020
The book is based on two legal opinions that were submitted to the Stammzellnetzwerk.NRW e.V. in 2019. Their starting point is the analysis of the legal framework for stem cells in research and therapy. Based on this, regulatory regulatory deficiencies are identified and reform options are developed. One focus is the analysis of stem cell regulation in Germany. The need for reform under constitutional and stem cell law will be identified. Another focus lies with the analysis of the legal situation regarding the translation of stem cell research results into medical applications. In particular, the regulation of somatic cell therapy medicinal products will be examined in more detail.
Volume 44: Alexandra Esser, Ist das Verbot der Leihmutterschaft in Deutschland noch haltbar?, 2021
Surrogate motherhood is prohibited in Germany; more and more childless German couples therefore look for a surrogate mother abroad. Due to the partly tragic consequences that the use of surrogacy abroad can have for all parties involved, it is now time to rethink the prohibition. To this end, the author examines all the arguments put forward for and against controlled permission for their analytical rigor and coherence and sharpens the state of the debate. The work concludes with a draft law that combines the results obtained - from moral-philosophical, legal-theoretical, developmental-psychological and sociological arguments to fundamental rights.
Volume 45: Dominik Strobl, Apothekerliche Wertreklame, 2021
The thesis examines sales promotion as a main aspect of pharmacy marketing. While the legitimacy of discounts, benefits etc. towards non-professional pharmacy customers is subject to constant legal debate, sales promotion towards healthcare professionals is awaiting more detailed analysis. Therefore, following a comprehensive overview of the legal limits of pharmacy sales promotion, the corruption-law question of incentivizing healthcare professionals to provide patients and refer prescriptions to pharmacies will be examined. Moreover, the thesis discusses sales promotion towards healthcare professionals concerning purchasing behaviour, e.g. of medical supplies, which is subject to complex legislation.
Volume 46: Sebastian Krekeler, Berufsordnungen im Rahmen der Verfassung. Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen des ärztlichen Berufsrechts, 2021
Although the medical employment law addresses only the medical profession immediately, it does have a considerable impact on third-party rights. The statutory prohibitions of the medically assisted suicide are relevant in regard to the legal status of patients as well as in regard to the long-standing prohibition to perform reproductive medical treatments for women in homosexual relationships. This impact provides an opportunity to closely focus on the constitutional boundaries of the setting of norms regarding the functional self-administration Subsequently, these findings are applied to the regulations of the employment law. This work does not only focus on medical law but also discusses basic constitutional doctrines.
Volume 47: Ulrich M. Gassner/Ferdinand Wollenschläger, Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen einer Weiterentwicklung der Unabhängigen Patientenberatung (UPD), 2021
This work is a slightly revised version of a legal opinion prepared in 2020 on behalf of the office of the Federal Government Commissioner for Patients' Affairs. First, the legislative history is presented and the current reform discourse is outlined. This is followed by a detailed analysis and comparative evaluation of feasible legal options for the permanent guarantee of neutral and independent patient counselling. In this context, issues of legislative power as well as the respective legal form including their effects on tax, public procurement and company law are examined in detail.
Volume 48: Henrinke Sophie Bruns, Vorausverfügungen Minderjähriger für die medizinische Behandlung, 2022
This work addresses the question of the extent to which minor patients can make self-determined anticipated treatment decisions. It provides a legal framework for children’s advance directives, differentiating between the decision-making capacity and the decision-making authority of underage patients. It subsequently analyzes the legal prerequisites and consequences of such decisions with respect to parents and physicians. In particular, the study examines in which cases advance directives of minors may be relevant or even binding. It attempts to find practical solutions both in the relationship between the child and his parents/legal guardians and in the context of the doctor-patient-relationship.
Volume 49: Anna H. Moreno, Schaffung einer patientenzentrierten Interoperabilität im Gesundheitswesen durch die öffentliche Hand, 2022
The digitalization is creating fundamentally new forms of treatment and prevention. Interoperability and meaningful communication between all IT systems are elementary. Until now, the specifications for interoperability have not been enforced. The present scientific analysis for the creation of the patient-centered interoperability systematically compiles the health-political erroneous developments and shows at the same time concrete solution ways for the creation of the digitized cross-linking. The author's research focus is the digital-ethical method development for the evaluation of technical innovations in the health care system.
Volume 50: Christine Schweikard, Sozialrechtlicher Nutzen und medizinprodukterechtliche Konformität, 2022
Where do the reformed European medical device regime and statutory health technology assessment (HTA) under the Fifth Book of the German Social Security Code intersect? In the context of the new European Medical Devices Regulation and recent social law reforms, the requirements for the reimbursement of new technologies under the German statutory health insurance system have shifted. Focused on the interface between regulatory and reimbursement requirements, the thesis analyses whether and to what extent a product's conformity with medical device law defines the notion of benefit of new diagnosis and treatment methods within the meaning of staturory health insurance.
Volume 51: Katharina Helena Hoffmeister, Reproduktives Reisen und Elternschaft, 2022
More and more intended parents are going abroad to make use of reproductive medicine that is prohibited or restricted in some way in their home country. The legal follow-up questions range from the fundamental question of the intended parents' parenthood to the practical question of the return journey with the child born abroad and its registration in the civil status register. The work examines these questions at the intersection of medical law and family law, international procedural and private law, as well as citizenship law and passport law.
Volume 52: Christian Kanth, Der Beruf des Notfallsanitäters im Kompetenzsystem der Verfassung, 2022
With the Emergency Paramedic Act (NotSanG), a new non-medical medical profession was created on May 22, 2014. The emergency paramedic was to replace the previously established paramedic. The aim was to respond to society's increased need for preclinical patient care by providing longer and more in-depth medical training. To this end, the emergency paramedic was also to be given medically invasive competencies. The regulations of the NotSanG show a multitude of problems. This volume analyzes whether the NotSanG is compatible with the formal and substantive requirements of the constitution.
Volume 53: Leo Butz, Arzneimittelversandhandel und Gesundheitsschutz im Binnenmarkt, 2023
Mail-order pharmacies from other EU Member States have been trying to gain a foothold in the German market for years. At the same time the number of retail pharmacies in Germany continues to decline. Ever since the application of pharmaceutical price fixing to mail-order pharmacies was declared unlawful, German politicians have discussed a ban on mail-order trade of prescription medicines.
The book addresses the question whether such a ban is permissible under EU law. For this purpose, it examines the grounds of review in the case law of the European Court of Justice. The analysis reveals how the Court has tightened the proportionality control of national health policies by focusing its review on the underlying facts.
Band 54: Zeynep Schreitmüller, Regulierung intelligenter Medizinprodukte. Eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der MPVO und DSGVO, 2022
Medicine is achieving considerable success with medical devices based on artificial intelligence (AI). In contrast to traditional medical devices, these are characterized by special system architecture and programming.
This work comprehensively examines whether the existing legal framework is sufficient to address specific features of AI-based intelligent medical devices and to what extent additional AI regulation is needed. The focus is on central requirements of the MPVO and DSGVO that must be complied with in the development and use of intelligent medical technology. The work thus has immense practical relevance.
The work was awarded the Scientific Prize for Medical Product Law by the University of Augsburg.
Volume 55: Gerhard Hegendörfer, der Unionsvollzug des Europäischen Arzneimittelrechts. Eine Untersuchung der Rechtsakte der Behörden der Europäischen Union, 2024
ISBN print: 978-3-7560-0799-8
ISBN online: 978-3-7489-1554-6
Nomos, Baden-Baden
Volume 56: Cornelius Scheffel, Lebensverlängerung gegen oder ohne den Willen des Patienten als Schaden im zivilrechtlichen Sinne, 2024
The work shows that in the case of unlawful prolongation of life, immaterial and material claims for damages on the part of the patient exist in principle. It examines interventions against the patient's express will or those in which the patient's will cannot be ascertained, as well as unlawful resuscitation, prevention of voluntary suicide or blood transfusions against the patient's will. The constitutional anchoring of the right to bodily self-determination and the right to self-determined dying and their demarcation are elaborated. The work is intended to stimulate a more differentiated consideration of the individual damage position in the case of unlawful interventions in patients' rights.
Volume 57: Kim Philip Linoh, Der rechtfertigende Notstand im Medizinrecht. Eine Untersuchung zum systematischen Verhältnis des rechtfertigenden Notstandes zu medizinrechtlichen Ge- und Verboten, 2024
For the first time, this work presents a specific study of the relationship between justifiable necessity and criminally punishable norms of medical law. In this area in particular, situations of necessity occur regularly and are caused by these norms themselves, because limited resources encounter risks for health or life. After clarifying the relevant foundations of criminal law dogmatics, an examination of cases from the entire spectrum of medical law follows. From these findings, a systematization is elaborated which, on the basis of the distinction between substantive law and procedure, specifies the applicability of justification by necessity in medical law.
Volume 58: Inken Weigandt, Die zivilrechtliche Haftung des nichtärztlichen Rettungsdienstpersonals, 2024
The first part of the work considers the authorisations under public law to carry out medical procedures. This includes a critical examination of the practice of medicine in the emergency medical services, which is also crucial for other healthcare professions. The second part of the work then establishes a standard of liability and the application of the principles of medical liability law, in particular for emergency paramedics, based on the public-law duty of care. In order to determine the standard of liability, it is necessary to balance the significantly shorter training period than that required for medical professionals against the comparable responsibility for the patient.
ISBN 978-3-7560-1751-5 (print)
ISBN 978-3-7489-4414-0 (ePDF)