Legal Logic, Computational Law & AI (LLCA)
'Legal Logic, Computational Law and AI' (LLCA) is an interdisciplinary research project hosted by the 'Centre for Law in the Digital Transformation' (ZerDiT) at the University of Hamburg in cooperation with the 'Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law' (CIRSFID) at the University of Bologna.
The project convenes scholars from the fields of law, logic, computer science and artificial intelligence and dedicates itself to the development of formal methods for norm-based reasoning that will enable AI-systems to reason with rules in an intelligent way.
The project is directed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Armgardt (University of Hamburg) together with two other legal scholars Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sartor (Università di Bologna, European University Institute) and Prof. Dr. Scott Brewer (Harvard Law School), logician Prof. Dr. Agata Ciabattoni (Technische Universität Wien) and computer scientist Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke (Freie Universität Berlin).
In addition, an interdisciplinary cooperation with philosopher Prof. Dr. Holger Andreas (University of British Columbia) pursues a logical investigation and the development of the concept of causality. Together with Prof. Dr. Emiliano Lorini (CNRS Toulouse) we investigate the application of STIT-Logic to law. With Prof. Dr. Wilderich Tuschmann (KIT) exists a cooperation about the development of explainable AI and Bayesian networks for evidential reasoning. A cooperation with logician Prof. Dr. Shahid Rahman (Université de Lille) investigates the application of 'Constructive Type Theory' and in the field of data protection and data safety in 'cloud computing' exists a cooperation with computer scientist PD Dr. Adrian Spalka (San Francisco).
For more information: Website of the LLCA Project