Veranstaltungen Sommersemester 2021
10-02-720 American Constitutional Law
Dozentin Kathrin von Gierke
This course will explore the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in light of recent developments and the new Presidency of Joe Biden
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-721 Law, Economics, and Technology
Dozent Prof. Dr. Georg Ringe
Prof. Ringe bietet im Sommersemester 2021 ein Seminar zum Thema "Law, Economics, and Technology“ an. Das Seminar wendet sich insbesondere an Studierende des Schwerpunktbereichs VI, „Law and Economics“, steht aber auch anderen Studierenden zur Erlangung eines Fremdsprachennachweises offen.
Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl, Anmeldefrist ist der 16.4.2020.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-722 Game Theory in International Relations
Dozent Filippo Silano
As the World is experiencing an epochal transition, this class aims at applying game theory to explain the strategic interaction among countries, federations, and institutions both in the development of multilateral negotiations and in unfolding geopolitical/geo-economic confrontations. This course focuses on providing a novel way of thinking about the formation of international agreements, considering the role played by Law and technology in shaping balances of power.
Game theory analyses the logic of decision-making, in particular amongst several participants, which has a wide range of applications among the social sciences. Adopting a game theoretical approach to model strategic behaviour aims at gaining counterintuitive insights that may not arise under classic legal analysis. Beyond applying positive jurisprudence, legal experts and policy makers must embrace a strategic approach in carrying out decision-making tasks.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-723 International Protection within European Union
Dozentin Annalisa Morticelli
The matter of Asylum Law and International Protection is very relevant and discussed in the European Union (EU) current context. For this reason the aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental legal elements underpinning European legislation on international protection and asylum law.
A brief introduction on the typologies of migrant categories and on the European legislation on international protection will be addressed, the analysis of European and international Conventions valid within the European Union such as the Declaration of Fundamental Rights of Man, the Geneva Convention (1951), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the regulations enacted by the European institutions related the international protection will be object of the course. The European jurisprudence will also be analysed above all to understand what violations of current legislation have been incurred by Member States so far. The vision of a documentary is also provided to help to better understand the analysis of some part of the program (for example related to the legislation on the examination of asylum claims) as also the solution of legal cases and role-playing techniques.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-724 Ethics and Public Policy
Dozentin Marie Thérèse Montana
Bei entscheidenden und schwierigen ethischen Fragen wie der Legalisierung von Drogen, Experimenten an Tieren, Abtreibung, Glücksspiel, der Todesstrafe, zum Teil riskanten neuen Technologien, Gesundheit, oder Zuwanderung hat die Politik nicht die Option, sich darauf zu einigen, dass man sich uneins ist. Ein Gesetz muss her.
Wie sollte „policy making“ bei schwierigen ethischen Fragen funktionieren? Sicherlich wäre es naiv zu glauben, dass es mit der Verkündung der “wahren Prinzipien“ durch die Philosophie beginnt und mit deren schlichter Übersetzung in ein Gesetz endet. Wie können und sollten also derartige „policy recommmendations“ aussehen? Welches sind die ethischen Überlegungen, die wir in den Gesetzgebungsprozess miteinbeziehen müssen? Welche Bedeutung hat Uneinigkeit über die ethische Bewertung dieser großen Fragen? Gibt es Ausweichstrategien? Welche Rolle spielen insbesondere Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen, ökonomischer Analyse, und weitere konsequentialistische Erwägungen? Was bedeutet Paternalismus? Und was ist eigentlich „nudging“? Welches sind die Charakteristika erfolgreicher Gesetze? Was sind demgegenüber „failed policies“ und warum scheitern sie?
In diesem Seminar nehmen wir sowohl die Perspektive der Legislator:innen, als auch die der Moral- und politischen Philosoph:innen ein. Unsere Textgrundlagen werden sich aus Primärquellen, insbesondere Artikel- und Monographie-Exzerpten, in englischer Sprache zusammensetzen. Es ist kein Vorwissen in Philosophie erforderlich! Ein Englisch-Level von B2/C1 ist ideal. Aber, keine Sorge! Wir werden verschiedenen Englisch-Niveaus Rechnung tragen können (bitte kontaktieren Sie mich dazu vor Beginn des Kurses). Das Curriculum lässt außerdem sehr viel Raum für Ihre Vorschläge – welche moralischen Dilemmata und deren Übersetzung ins Recht möchten Sie diskutieren? Was Sie aber mitbringen sollten: die Bereitschaft, eine state-of-the-art Videopräsentation zu erstellen und kritisch über Ihre Thesen und Ideen zu diskutieren! Und nicht zuletzt auch etwas Enthusiasmus, Neugier und Interesse an einem kleinen Blick hinter die Kulissen richtig schwieriger Gesetzgebungsarbeit! Wir haben Spannendes vor – lassen Sie sich überraschen!
10-02-725 Domestic and International Dimensions of Criminal Law Dogmatics
Dozent Dr. Markus Abraham
The course will deal with the dogmatics of German Criminal Law as well as with European and International Criminal Law. It offers the opportunity of furthering the ability to understand and explain a viewpoint on a legal issue in English.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-726 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Online Platforms
Dozent Erion Murati
Have you ever thought of how data-based economy influences your life, business, government? How do online platforms use your personal data to make decisions which are of relevance for your life? What is their impact on your fundamental rights? More and more companies and government agencies find themselves in the press and courtrooms for data privacy and security law violations. Given the rapidly increasing technological options to collect and commercialize personal data, this area of the law is rapidly growing. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) No. EU 679/2016 came into effect May 25th 2018 and ensures that organisations and businesses are more accountable and transparent in their collection, use, and protection of personal data. The EU recognises that the collection of personal data is big business and aims to ensure that responsible and ethical practices are in place, along with safeguarding procedures. The GDPR is designed to balance the need for businesses’ and customers’ data information to flow freely, and the need to protect the rights of the individual. This course will prepare law students for the challenges and opportunities of European Union data protection law. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the GDPR’s structure, context terminology, and compliance mechanisms. Students will learn how to plan a continuous and longitudinal compliance programme, whilst appreciating the multifaceted role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Data Controller, and Data Processor under the GDPR. Once the student is familiar with the aim and structure of GDPR, its effects on Online Platforms will be subject of practical analyse. In the second part of the Course, the student will learn: firstly, introduction to online platforms, their importance and how do they affect our daily lives; secondly, categorization of online platforms; finally, regulatory challenges and EU legislative approach.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-727 Seminar: International Dispute Settlement
Dozentin Jasmina Funk
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl, oder direkt bei Frau Funk
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-728 Topics in Bioethics and Emerging Biotechnologies
Dozentin Kelly A Dhru
Should genome editing in humans embryos be legally permissible? What, if anything, is wrong with the enhancements of humans, and especially, the cognitive enhancement of the human brain? Should the law allow human organs be “grown” through the creation of human-animal chimeras? Do animals have a right not to be experimented upon?
While on the one hand the emerging biotechnologies aim to promote the health and well-being of the society, they also raise serious legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges on the other hand. These legal and ethical questions are no longer restricted to the realm of the “hypothetical”. With the unsurpassed growth in the emerging biotechnologies, these are some crucial questions that the current legal systems have to battle.
The aim of this course is to put forward the ethical questions arising from the emerging biotechnologies into the legal context. This course will provide an avenue for the students to engage in the debates surrounding questions of the legality and permissibility of these technologies, and we will also ask if these technologies challenge our foundational assumptions about law and legal actors, and especially about the nature of the relationship between law and ethics. The course will be primarily discussion-based (although, like the technologies, the discussions, too, will be somewhat regulated), and will foster critical thinking and argumentative skills of the participating students.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-729 Introduction au droit constitutionnel français
Dozentin Sarah Geiger
Ziel der Veranstaltung ist die Schaffung eines Grundverständnisses für das Verfassungsrecht unseres Nachbarlandes Frankreich: auch wenn Frankreich einer unserer engsten politischen Partner ist, unterscheiden sich Staatsaufbau und Grundrechtsschutz in Deutschland und Frankreich ganz wesentlich. Diese Unterschiede sowie Stärken und Schwächen des französischen Rechtssystems möchte die Veranstaltung den Studierenden vermitteln. Dabei wird einführend das republikanische Model, die „Ve République“, dargestellt. Die republikanischen Institutionen werden daraufhin näher beleuchtet: der französische Rechtsstaat zeichnet sich aus durch eine bedeutsame Exekutive und einer Legislative, welche aus Nationalversammlung und Senat besteht. Im Mittelpunkt soll in diesem Kursteil jedoch der französische Verfassungsrat stehen.
Der zweite Teil der Grobgliederung, auf welchem der Schwerpunkt des Kurses liegt, unterteilt sich in eine Vorstellung der Verfassung von 1958 und des vom Verfassungsrat geschaffenen „Verfassungsblocks“. Weiter vertiefen die Studierenden den verfassungsrechtlichen und gerichtlichen Grundrechtsschutz und wird dieser schließlich in einen europäischen Kontext gestellt.
Französisch B1/B2
10-02-730 Seminar: Women in the Context of International, European and Constitutional Law: Legal Thought and Legal Practice - Distinguished Jurists, Gender Perspectives and Legal Protection Mechanisms
Dozenten Verena Kahl und Prof. Dr. Kotzur
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl, oder direkt bei Frau Kahl, nähere Informationen zum Inhalt und zum Zeitpunkt, erfolgen Mitte April.
Englisch B1/B2
10-04-420 Einführung in das türkische Recht – Zivilrecht. Türk Hukukuna Giris – Medeni Hukuk
Dozentin Ülkü Sezgi Sözen
Die Ziele der Vorlesung sind, die Teilnehmer/innen mit der türkischen Rechtssprache vertraut zu machen. Die Studierenden erhalten einen Überblick über das türkische Zivilrecht und das Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht und erlernen die erforderliche Rechtsterminologie. Sie werden in die Falllösung nach türkischem Recht eingeführt und bearbeiten türkische Rechtsfragen mit türkischen und deutschen Rechtsquellen durch die vergleichende Methode.
Veranstaltungen Wintersemester 2020/2021
10-02-730 Emerging biotechnologies and Law
Dozentin Kelly A Dhru
The aim of this course is to put forward the ethical questions arising from the emerging biotechnologies into the legal context. This course will provide an avenue for the students to engage in the debates surrounding questions of the legality and permissibility of these technologies, and we will also ask if these technologies challenge our foundational assumptions about law and legal actors, and especially about the nature of the relationship between law and ethics. The course will be primarily discussion-based (although, like the technologies, the discussions, too, will be somewhat regulated), and will foster critical thinking and argumentative skills of the participating students.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-731 Game Theory in International Relations
Dozent Filippo Silano
As the World is experiencing an epochal transition, this class aims at applying game theory to explain the strategic interaction among countries, federations, and institutions both in the development of multilateral negotiations and in unfolding geopolitical/geo-economic confrontations. This course focuses on providing a novel way of thinking about the formation of international agreements, considering the role played by Law and technology in shaping balances of power.
Game theory analyses the logic of decision-making, in particular amongst several participants, which has a wide range of applications among the social sciences. Adopting a game theoretical approach to model strategic behaviour aims at gaining counterintuitive insights that may not arise under classic legal analysis. Beyond applying positive jurisprudence, legal experts and policy makers must embrace a strategic approach in carrying out decision-making tasks.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-733 Migrationsrecht und Politik in der Türkei (Türkiye'de Göç Hukuku ve Politikasi)
Dozentin Ülkü Sezgi Sözen
Die Ziele der Vorlesung sind, die Teilnehmer/innen mit der türkischen Rechtssprache vertraut zu machen, die Kenntnisse den Teilnehmer/innen über das Migrationsrecht und die Migrationspolitik in der Türkei aufzubauen, und sich auf einem professionellen Niveau über rechtliche Fragen in der türkischen Sprache austauschen zu können. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, werden die wichtigsten Aspekte des Migrationsrechts und der Migrationspolitik mit der Berücksichtigung der Beziehung zwischen der EU und der Türkei dargestellt.
10-02-734 Trafficking in human beings: a form of modern slavery
Dozentin Claudia Pretto
The course focuses on the analysis of international, regional and national law. The course could be or in English or in French, it depends on the decision of the University board.
During the course the students would work on case work approach learning not only the legal analysis but also how to assess a case of trafficking, a case of child trafficking, which authorities and actions should be taken to guarantee the Victim (VOT) protection, the minor best interest assessment and protection.
Students at the end of the course will be able to define the national and international trafficking of human beings, distinguishing it from smuggling. They will be able to understand what are the obligations of States in the light of the 2000 Palermo Protocol, the rights of victims and minor children of victims of trafficking. Students will be able to argue respect for the complexity of the phenomenon of human trafficking in a global system. Students will be provided with copious bibliography, guidlines, handbooks, references where to find the data of the phenomenon and how to read them
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-735 International Protection within European Union
Dozentin Annalisa Morticelli
The matter of Asylum Law and International Protection is very relevant and discussed in the European Union (EU) current context. For this reason the aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental legal elements underpinning European legislation on international protection and asylum law.
A brief introduction on the typologies of migrant categories and on the European legislation on international protection will be addressed, the analysis of European and international Conventions valid within the European Union such as the Declaration of Fundamental Rights of Man, the Geneva Convention (1951), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the regulations enacted by the European institutions related the international protection will be object of the course. The European jurisprudence will also be analysed above all to understand what violations of current legislation have been incurred by Member States so far. The vision of a documentary is also provided to help to better understand the analysis of some part of the program (for example related to the legislation on the examination of asylum claims) as also the solution of legal cases and role-playing techniques.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-736 American Constitutional Law
Dozentin Kathrin von Gierke
This course will explore the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in light of recent developments and the general election.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-737 Contract Law in a Comparative Perspective
Dozentin Anna Piplack
The course offers attention to different comparative theories and methodologies, as well as to study of foreign legal systems. We will look at similarities and differences in contract law between Civil Law jurisdictions and Common Law ones. The course will provide students with the possibility to get advanced knowledge about the sources, general principles and characteristics of contract law in a comparative perspective.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-738 Freedom of Expression under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Court of Human Rights’ (ECtHR) case law
Dozentin Turkan Khalilova
The Course intends to cover the Freedom of Expression provision (Article 10) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and some of the landmark cases on Freedom of Expression decided by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-739 Domestic and International Dimensions of Criminal Law Dogmatics
Dozent Dr. Markus Abraham
The course will deal with the dogmatics of German Criminal Law as well as with European and International Criminal Law. It offers the opportunity of furthering the ability to understand and explain a viewpoint on a legal issue in English.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-740 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Online Platforms
Dozent Erion Muratti
This course will prepare law students for the challenges and opportunities of European Union data protection law. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the GDPR’s structure, context terminology, and compliance mechanisms. Students will learn how to plan a continuous and longitudinal compliance programme, whilst appreciating the multifaceted role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Data Controller, and Data Processor under the GDPR. Once the student is familiar with the aim and structure of GDPR, its effects on Online Platforms will be subject of practical analyse. In the second part of the Course, the student will learn: firstly, introduction to online platforms, their importance and how do they affect our daily lives; secondly, categorization of online platforms; finally, regulatory challenges and EU legislative approach.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-741 Einführung in das Ägyptische Rechtssystem مقدمة عن النظام القانوني المصرى
Dozentin Dr. Nora Elbialy
Diese Einführung in das ägyptische Recht wendet sich an Studierende, die Interesse am Erwerb von Fachkenntnissen im Bereich der Rechtspraxis in arabischen Ländern und der arabischen Rechtsterminologie haben. Sie ist für die Vorbereitung eines Praktikums im arabischsprachigen Raum besonders geeignet. Während dieser Einführung lernen Studierende unter anderem kurze Verträge in arabischer Sprache zu erstellen und Gerichtsurteile mit eigenen Worten zusammenzufassen.
10-02-742 An Introduction to UK Constitutional Law
Lillian Jewell von Seggern
An introduction to the fundamental principles of the constitutional law of the UK in contrast with the German codified constitution. Initial factors that will be considered are the makeup of the UK parliament (House of Lords and House of Commons), the reforms thereof and the impact that this has had on the UK constitutional landscape. The process of devolution of power from Westminster to regional governments and assemblies will be considered and the benefits will be debated. Finally, the impact of EU and International Human Rights laws on the UK constitutional system will be considered.
Englisch B1/B2
Veranstaltungen Wintersemester 2019/2020
Die Veranstaltungen des Wintersemesters stehen noch nicht fest.
Veranstaltungen Sommersemester 2019
10-02-720 An Introduction to UK Constitutional Law
Lillian Jewell von Seggern
An introduction to the fundamental principles of the constitutional law of the UK in contrast with the German codified constitution. Initial factors that will be considered are the makeup of the UK parliament (House of Lords and House of Commons), the reforms thereof and the impact that this has had on the UK constitutional landscape. The process of devolution of power from Westminster to regional governments and assemblies will be considered and the benefits will be debated. Finally, the impact of EU and International Human Rights laws on the UK constitutional system will be considered.
Assessment will be on the basis of a short essay written in English on a relevant topic of choice at the end of the course.
Language Requirement: English min. B2
10-02-721 Tort Law
Dr. Laura Schmitt
This course provides a general introduction to the law of torts. It covers laws that determine the conditions under which someone might be held legally responsible for having caused harm to another person or another person’s property under civil law. We will study American tort law with a special emphasis on intentional torts (e.g. trespass, assault and battery) and negligence. Further, we will discuss the rationale behind judgments in civil cases. Treating the need for victim compensation as a societal problem, the course will deal with alternatives to the tort system such as no-fault. Throughout the course, there will be an effort to identify the basic purposes, which a tort system achieves or should achieve. Topics include intentional and unintentional injury; fault and no-fault theories of liability; causation; compensatory and punitive damages; affirmative defenses and other limitations of liability; vicarious and strict liability.
Course design: This course is a lecture. Nonetheless, student participation in the debates and preparation of parts of the cases is essential. Required reading will be provided.
Suggested level of laguage proficiency: English B2
10-02-722 Statistical Analysis, Simplified
Jatine Patel
Kursinhalte wöchentlich in STiNE
Language Requirement: English B2
10-02-723 Rechtliche Bewältigung von Umweltkonflikten in Lateinamerika
Diana Carolina Sanabria Ramirez
Die Wirtschaft in Lateinamerika basiert zu einem großen Teil auf extraktiver Industrie (Gold, Erdöl, Kohle, Coltan, usw.). Das hat einiges an Wirtschaftswachstum erzeugt, aber auch viele ökologische und territoriale Konflikte geschaffen, insbesondere mit der ländlichen und indigenen Bevölkerung. Daneben leiden die meisten lateinamerikanischen Länder an den Konsequenzen des Klimawandels und schlechter Infrastruktur, deren Ausbau wiederum neue Herausforderungen für die Umwelt schafft. Die Rechtsordnung versucht, die Interessen lokaler und indigener Bevölkerung und der Natur zu stärken. Doch da die Durchsetzung des Rechts gerade in ländlichen Regionen oft nicht sehr gut funktioniert und große wirtschaftliche und politische Interessen hinter der extraktiven Industrie stehen, gelingt das nicht immer.
Diese Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit den dargestellten Problemen aus juristischer Sicht. Kenntnisse der Fachsprache sind nicht vorausgesetzt. Die erforderlichen Fachbegriffe werden in der Vorlesung beigebracht.
Sprachanforderung: Spanisch B1/B2
10-02-723 Rechtliche Bewältigung von Umweltkonflikten in Lateinamerika
Diana Carolina Sanabria Ramirez
Die Wirtschaft in Lateinamerika basiert zu einem großen Teil auf extraktiver Industrie (Gold, Erdöl, Kohle, Coltan, usw.). Das hat einiges an Wirtschaftswachstum erzeugt, aber auch viele ökologische und territoriale Konflikte geschaffen, insbesondere mit der ländlichen und indigenen Bevölkerung. Daneben leiden die meisten lateinamerikanischen Länder an den Konsequenzen des Klimawandels und schlechter Infrastruktur, deren Ausbau wiederum neue Herausforderungen für die Umwelt schafft. Die Rechtsordnung versucht, die Interessen lokaler und indigener Bevölkerung und der Natur zu stärken. Doch da die Durchsetzung des Rechts gerade in ländlichen Regionen oft nicht sehr gut funktioniert und große wirtschaftliche und politische Interessen hinter der extraktiven Industrie stehen, gelingt das nicht immer.
Diese Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit den dargestellten Problemen aus juristischer Sicht. Kenntnisse der Fachsprache sind nicht vorausgesetzt. Die erforderlichen Fachbegriffe werden in der Vorlesung beigebracht.
Sprachanforderung: Spanisch B1/B2
10-02-724 Internationales Privatrecht in der Türkei
Ülkü Sezgi Sözen
Die Ziele der Vorlesung sind, die Teilnehmer/innen mit der türkischen Rechtssprache vertraut zu machen, die Kenntnisse den Teilnehmer/innen über das internationale Privatrecht der Türkei aufzubauen, und sich auf einem professionellen Niveau über rechtliche Fragen in der türkischen Sprache austauschen zu können. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, werden die wichtigsten Aspekte des internationalen Privatrechts in der Türkei, wie etwa, Ausländer-, Staatsangehörigkeits- und Migrationsrecht, behandelt.
Sprachanforderung: Türkisch B2/C1
10-02-725 Anglo-American Law: A Case-based Overview of Civil Law (Torts and Contracts) and Criminal Law (Procedural and Substantive)
Katrin von Gierke
This course introduces a fairly broad spectrum of substantive and procedural issues of Anglo-American law. The three blocks of instruction cover criminal, contract and tort law.
These blocks each end with a formal "negotiation," whereby students are assigned to teams and must prepare "portfolios," ie documentation to negotiate a problem on behalf of their "clients."
Students are assessed on their active oral participation in these negotiations and one oral presentation of 10 minutes. Very active student participation and preparation is required.
Language Level B2 or better.
10-02-726 European Union Asylum Law
Annalisa Morticelli
Fundamental Elements of International Protection in European Union
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental legal elements underpinning European legislation on the international protection. The matter is very relevant in the European Union current context.
A brief introduction on the typologies of migrant categories and on the European legislation on international protection will be addressed with a particular focus on the persons that among the asylum seekers are vulnerable subjects, as for example persons with severe health conditions, persons who are victims of trafficking and unaccompanied minors.
In particular, the course will be dedicated to the analysis of the European and international Conventions valid within European Union such as the Declaration of Fundamental Rights of Man, the Geneva Convention (1951), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the regulations enacted by the European institutions related the international protection. The European jurisprudence will also be analyzed above all to understand what violations of current legislation have been incurred by Member States so far.
Language Level English B1/B2
10-02-727 Introduction to Turkish Legal Culture
Dr. Ugur Kara
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of Turkish legal culture within the field of public law by focusing on the Ottoman-Turkish constitutional development from the beginning of 19th century to the present. This will be done within the Ottoman era by examining the first constitutional steps such as Sened-i Ittifak (Deed of Alliance; 1808), the edicts of Tanzimat (1839) and Islahat (1856) and the Constitution of 1876. The constitutional amendment in 1909 which introduced a parliamentary system will be dealt with as a last stage of this period. For the Republic era, the constitutions of 1921, 1924, 1961 and 1982 with their important amendments will be analysed. Thus, students will gain a broad knowledge with regard to the rise and development of the principles of rule of law, secularism, social state, and parliamentary democracy in Turkey.
The recent legal development affecting these principles will form the last part of the course.
Language Level English B2
10-02-728 Emerging biotechnologies and Law
Kelly A Dhru
Should genome editing in humans embryos be legally permissible? What, if anything, is wrong with the enhancements of humans, and especially, the cognitive enhancement of the human brain? Should the law allow human organs be “grown” through the creation of human-animal chimeras? Do animals have a right not to be experimented upon? While on the one hand the emerging biotechnologies aim to promote the health and well-being of the society, they also raise serious legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges on the other hand. These legal and ethical questions are no longer restricted to the realm of the “hypothetical”. With the unsurpassed growth in the emerging biotechnologies, these are some crucial questions that the current legal systems have to battle.
Language Level English B1/B2
10-02-729 Seminar: Law, Economics & Technology
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Georg Ringe
Das Seminar wendet sich insbesondere an Studierende des Schwerpunktbereichs VI, „Law and Economics“, steht aber auch anderen Studierenden offen. Zielsetzung des Seminars ist es, die Auswirkungen der zunehmenden Technologisierung und Digitalisierung unseres Wirtschaftslebens aus rechtsökonomischer Sicht zu erörtern.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Anmeldung nur über den Lehrstuhl
10-02-730 Seminar: Sustainable Development in the Dynamics of Public International Law
Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur
Sustainable Development in the Dynamics of Public International Law. The seminar’s intention is to dive deeper into the well-known but at the same time ambiguous concept of sustainable development. We are going to look at the notion of sustainable development through a Public International Law lens in order to discuss possible legal and political implications on the basis of a variety of legal fields and settings.
Students have the possibility to give a short presentation in English on the topic of their choice.
Teaching language will be English. The seminar addresses all students of all faculties with an interest in Public International Law. Students from the first semester onwards, Erasmus students and those students feeling uncomfortable with speaking English are explicitly invited since neither previous knowledge of the subject nor excellent English skills are required.
The seminar is a continuation of last semester’s seminar “Classics of Public International Law Revisited” that was created to establish a continuous seminar within the scope of Public International Law. All impulses and/or suggestions - especially concerning the proposed topics - are welcome.
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Anmeldung nur über den Lehrstuhl
Veranstaltungen Wintersemester 2017/2018
10-02-720 Introduction to the Concept of Islamic International Law
Dozent: Sohail Aftab
Sprachniveau: B2
This course has been designed to give a comparative outlook of the major topics of international law as well as Islamic law. Objective of the introductory course titled, "Introduction to the Concept of Islamic International Law (Siyar)" is to provide the students another perspective of how conventional international law could have been influenced by religious principles. This course would generate the interest and intellectual capability whereby students would be able to undertake critical comparative studies of the concepts of international law and Islamic international law.
10-02-721 Anglo American Case Law
Dozent: Kathrin von Gierke
Sprachniveau: B2
This course introduces a fairly broad spectrum of substantive and procedural issues of Anglo-American law. The three blocks of instruction cover criminal, contract and tort law. These blocks each end with a formal "negotiation," whereby students are assigned to teams and must prepare "portfolios," ie documentation to negotiate a problem on behalf of their "clients." Students are assessed on their active oral participation in these negotiations. This method requires very active student participation and preparation.
10-02-722 Introduction to Turkish Legal Culture
Dozent: Dr. Ugur Kara
Sprachniveau: B1/ B2
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of Turkish legal culture within the field of public law by focusing on the Ottoman-Turkish constitutional development from the beginning of 19th century to the present. This will be done within the Ottoman era by examining the first constitutional steps such as Sened-i Ittifak (Deed of Alliance; 1808), the edicts of Tanzimat (1839) and Islahat (1856) and the Constitution of 1876. The constitutional amendment in 1909 which introduced a parliamentary system will be dealt with as a last stage of this period. For the Republic era, the constitutions of 1921, 1924, 1961 and 1982 with their important amendments will be analysed. Thus, students will gain a broad knowledge with regard to the rise and development of the principles of rule of law, secularism, social state, and parliamentary democracy in Turkey.
The recent legal development affecting these principles will form the last part of the course.
10-02-723 Human rights system and state of exeption trough refugee law cases in a comparative a multilevel analysis
Dozent: Claudia Pretto
Sprachniveau: B1
This lecture is an invitation to analyze and reflect upon the principles and values of the Fundamental Human Rights obligations of Nation States in a Rule of Law System. Through the lenses of an ancient (and yet contemporary) paradigm "Antigone versus Creonte", "Rights versus Law", we intent to guide the students into a "sensory" understanding of this paradigm, both through content as well as through a specific set of processes based exercises, in order to possibly unfold a deeper awareness of the controversial relation between Rights and Law.
The juridical approach will include History of Law, general theory of Human Rights, international and European human rights system with a deeper analysis on national cases on the horizon of common constitutional tradition. The content will partially be vehicle through a set of processes based exercises inspired by a Social Sculpture methodology, that aims at connecting with an inner understanding of the subject matter, and finally foster a deeper understanding of its individual and social implications.
10-02-724 The link among migration, human rights and women empowerment
Dozent: Laura Pacifici
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
This lecture is addressed to the students of the Faculty of Law, with the perspective of various professional horizons. In their future, they could take many different life paths becoming members of diplomatic missions, experts in International relations, human rights lawyers and more. Thanks to its frontal and interactive approach, this course will provide the tools to build a framework for structuring their personal vision of problems and solutions.
Students will learn a very specific language, while understanding how the theme of immigration can be related to many other problems thanks to a series of concatenated reflections on various subjects.
This course is designed as an introduction to the basic concepts, issues and problems that pertain to migration, especially forced migration, from the perspective of both migrants and policy-makers, with a special focus on human rights, women empowerment and health.
Students will be taught to critically analyse the migration profiles of countries beyond the forced/voluntary dichotomy and gain critical familiarity with the diversity of stakeholders in mobility management to better assess what avenues of humanitarian, development and political cooperation should be enhanced to protect populations in times of crisis.
Key underlying questions will be considered: Why "managing" migration? How to assess vulnerability as well as safety?
What does "legality" of mobility mean? How much is the international refugee regime well equipped to cope with the changing aspects of these movements? How sensible are categories of migration? What are current crises’ impact on population movements? Why are people moving (causes of migration), and what are they looking for in displacement (drivers of migration) and upon return (reintegration)?
A conceptual introduction to the system and method of global health domain related to immigration will be provided.
This course suggests a global approach to improve the understanding of the theme of immigration and related topics, while trying to answer to some suspended questions:
How and why to link together so different topics? Is empathy in this field an added value or not? The role of women empowerment could be an important support to human rights and in particular the community health?
The aim of this course is also to develop a critical attitude towards international relations and, on the other hand, to give the students the basic theoretical and methodological tools to develop a personal, organized and reasoned reflection in this area.
10-02-725 Refugee Law Principles within the European Union Framework
Dozent: Annalisa Morticelli
Sprachniveau: B1
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental legal principles underpinning European refugee legislation. The matter is very relevant in the European Union current context.
A brief introduction on the typologies of migrant categories and on the European legislation on international protection will be address, so then to focus on refugee status and its specific legislation. A look at the current complex creation of a common European asylum system will be faced.
In particular, the course will be dedicated to the analysis of the European and international Conventions valid within European Union such as the Declaration of Fundamental Rights of Man, the Geneva Convention (1951), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the regulations enacted by the European institutions as for instance the so-called Qualification Directive and the Dublin III Regulation. The European Court of Justice's jurisprudence will also be analyzed above all to understand what violations of current legislation have been incurred by Member States so far.
10-02-726 Einführung in das Französische Recht
Dozent: Sandie Calme
Sprachlniveau: B1
Diese Einführung in das französische Recht wendet sich an Studierende, die Interesse am Erwerb von Fachkenntnissen im Bereich des französischen Rechts und der französischsprachigen Rechtsterminologie haben. Sie ist für die Vorbereitung eines ERASMUS-Aufenthalts im französischsprachigen Raum besonders geeignet. Der Schwerpunkt wird auf die deutsch-französischen Rechtsbeziehungen gesetzt.
10-02-727 Migrationsrecht und Politik in der Türkei
Dozent: Ülku Sezgi Sözen
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
Die Ziele der Vorlesung sind, die Teilnehmer/innen mit der türkischen Rechtssprache vertraut zu machen, die Kenntnisse den Teilnehmer/innen über das Migrationsrecht und die Migrationspolitik in der Türkei aufzubauen, und sich auf einem professionellen Niveau über rechtliche Fragen in der türkischen Sprache austauschen zu können. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, werden die wichtigsten Aspekte des Migrationsrechts und der Migrationspolitik mit der Berücksichtigung der Beziehung zwischen der EU und der Türkei dargestellt.
10-02-728 International Law and Armed Conflict
Dozent: Abhishek Mishra
Sprachniveau: B2
This course intends to introduce to the students scheme of UN not merely as an international organization rather as a concept of use of force and international legal regime that governs it through UN Charter. International Law concerning use of force or what is also called as jus contra bellum is important in international relations as many states resort to it as a means of settlement of their international dispute. Further, this course intends to achieve is that students must be able to conceptualize the aspect of state responsibility under international law as to how a state can be made responsible for its internationally wrongful acts. Additionally, what laws are available to protect the humans once the war has broken out? The inter-relationship among these laws will be carefully examined. International Humanitarian law and International Human Rights Law will not be taught as subject rather as an introduction to their role in armed conflict. Students will be prepared to protect the interest of their State as well as of individual who has been rendered confused as to the legal protection available to him/her during armed conflict.
Veranstaltungen Sommersemester 2017
Legal English
Dozent: Howard Price
Sprachniveau: mind. B2 Niveau
In this course the students will be given an insight into the terminology and vocabulary required for Legal English. We will be practicing vocabulary relating to many areas of English law including company law, contract law, real property law, intellectual law, law of employment and competition law. The level of English is B2/C1 in accordance with the Common European Framework. Active participation in the course is required.
Introduction to International Criminal Law
Dozent: Rustam Atadjanov
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
This course is aimed at introducing the students into the main important principles and concepts of International Criminal Law (ICL) as it stands at the present time. Given the ongoing active and dynamic developments in this relatively recent but reach branch of International Law as well as the ever increasing rate of referring to its material provisions within the modern interactions among States, there exists a number of views and approaches to describing ICL by different legal theoretical schools of thought. This particular course provides the systematic description of ICL as it is understood presently in Europe. It explains the historical development of ICL, general principles, main provisions concerning its material part which consists of four core crimes under International Law: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression, its procedural principles and aspects, issues related to domestic implementation and enforcement of ICL, and prosecution of crimes under International Law by domestic courts. The main aspects underpinning the work of the most significant legal mechanism of international criminal justice, the International Criminal Court, will be addressed. Students will thus be offered a general comprehensive picture of how, at the present stage, ICL fits into contemporary international legal order as an important tool in order to ensure justice and respond to impunity that often characterizes the commission of crimes under international law.
Legal Interpretation - Between hermeneutic and exegesis - considerations on cases from European Court of Human Rights concerning Freedom and Equality
Dozent: Octaviano Padovese
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
This class aims to debate and to analyze the theoretical portrait over the debate which surrounds hermeneutic and exegesis and how such debate affects legal-decision making and our understanding on right of freedom and equality. To give some support on such assumption, we are going to confront the theory with the practical reasoning. For that, some decisions from European Court of Human Rights are going to be under spot. Based on the philosophical concept of Europe, and not only geographical, as Husserl and Jan Patocka once shaped, at end, we are going to deal not only with a regional or supranational, but we will seize on a more deep and intricate question on Western society, consequently what would be reason and responsibility for the West.
Brazilian Private International Law
Dozent: Emilia Lana de Freitas Castro
Sprachniveau: B2/C1
This course aims at providing an overview of the General Part of Brazilian Private International Law, presenting its main subject matters. The importance of the study of this discipline remains mainly on the fact that Brazilian law has been influenced by many European legal orders, including the German one. Some important topics, such as nationality (acquisition, loss and reacquisition of Brazilian nationality); the rights of aliens in Brazilian territory (entry, permanence and exit of aliens in/from the Brazilian national territory); the examination of Brazilian connecting rules; the application of foreign law; and comparative law will be analyzed, so that the student can have a clear notion of the particularities of this subject, based on the work of some Brazilian internationalists.
Arbitramento de inversión internacional: análisis de las decisiones más relevantes en latinoamerica (International Investment Arbitration: the most relevant decisions for Latinamerica)
Dozent: Tomás Restrepo
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
The course focuses in the basic elements of International Investment Law and International Investment arbitration in order to discuss the most important awards for the Latin-American States, as well as provides the students with a basic legal-Spanish vocabulary that they can use in an international context
Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: an Introduction
Dozent: Adriana Pereira
Sprachniveau: B1/B2
The course is based on the description of general and basic concepts of human rights and humanitarian law, they similarities and differences, their legal frameworks and their relation with the human right-protection systems.
Introduction to interdisciplinary legal research
Dozent: Maiara Giorgi
Sprachniveau: B1
In the past decades, there has been an increase on interdisciplinary research with regard to law. In this course we aim to analyze interdisciplinary legal research methods, discuss methodological questions, as well as study the law and its relationship with other disciplines.
Company Law
Dozent: Grzegorz Gorcýnski
Sprachlniveau: B1
The series of interactive lectures (with Power Point presentation) is a short presentation of European company law in the light of comparative company law and international company law. The presentation consists of four independent lectures (circa 90 minutes each):
- Companies and law of companies in treaties of the European Union
- EU Company law - primary outline and the present status quo
- The concept of the company and EU Company law directives
- The problem of recognition of companies (in European law and private international law)
Polnisches Vertragsrecht
Dozent: Anita Strzebinczyk
Sprachniveau: B1
Dieses Seminar gibt den Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen einen Einblick in das polnische Vertragsrecht, insbesondere auch im Lichte des internationalen deutsch-polnischen Rechtsverkehrs. Behandelt werden ausgewählte Themen aus den Rechtsgebieten des polnischen Privatrechts, die für die Vertragsgestaltung maßgebend sind (vor allem das polnische Schuldrecht, aber auch die Gebiete des allgemeinen Teils des Zivilgesetzbuches – z.B. Willenserklärung, Vertragsschluss, Vertretung, Form der Rechtsgeschäfte).
Die Teilnehmer/innen werden die wichtigsten Institutionen, Verfahren und Rechtsgrundlagen kennenlernen. Durch aktive Beteiligung sollen die Teilnehmer/innen auch ihre mündlichen und schriftlichen Fähigkeiten in der polnischen Sprache im juristischen Kontext erweitern. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Polnisch.
Die Veranstaltung wird teilweise in Form einer interaktiven Vorlesung geführt und teilweise werden den Teilnehmer/innen Fälle und Übungen vorgeschlagen, die via STiNE abrufbar sind. Die Fälle werden während der Veranstaltung rechtsvergleichend mit der deutschen Rechtsordnung erörtert.
Sommersemester 2022
10-02-730 Statistics for Lawyers
Dozent Filippo Silano Statistics is the science of describing data and drawing inferences from them. This course’s commitment is to provide a solid introduction to the matter, in light of endowing lawyers, perspective scholars, judges and legislators with empirical methods functional to the far-reaching comprehension of legal phenomena. In particular, lawyers, beyond applying positive jurisprudence, are potentially demanded of carrying out statistical analysis to enhance the quality of their profession. Among others, the deployment of empirical tools might constitute the necessary condition to bring robust evidence at litigations and carrying out legal research on the impact of regulation. Ranging from a detailed overview of descriptive statistics and combinatorics to probability theory, the paramount Bayes’ theorem and inferential methods, this course provides a compelling introduction both to the matter’s principles and advances. From a legal standpoint, this class applies statistics to analyse both Common and Civil law cases, wherein empirical analysis covers a pivotal role in describing disputes. Further, providing introductory tutorials in the programming language R, the class endeavours to embed theoretical statistical preparation in advances in data science. Englisch B1/B2
10-02-731 Game Theory in International Relations
Dozent Filippo Silano As the World is experiencing an epochal transition, this class aims at applying game theory to explain the strategic interaction among countries, federations, and institutions both in the development of multilateral negotiations and in unfolding geopolitical/geo-economic confrontations. This course focuses on providing a novel way of thinking about the formation of international agreements, considering the role played by Law and technology in shaping balances of power. Game theory analyses the logic of decision-making, in particular amongst several participants, which has a wide range of applications among the social sciences. Adopting a game theoretical approach to model strategic behaviour aims at gaining counterintuitive insights that may not arise under classic legal analysis. Beyond applying positive jurisprudence, legal experts and policy makers must embrace a strategic approach in carrying out decision-making tasks Englisch B1/B2
10-02-734 Introduction to Comparative Law:
Dozent Christian Friess Abstract: This course addresses the students who are interested in legal systems other than their domestic system. Questions such as: “How is a contract validly formed in France?”; Why is the role of precedent so crucial in Common Law?”; “Is religion still of legal relevance in the 21rst century?” will be answered. This course familiarizes the participant with comparative law and pursues four goals. 1) It provides an overview of the existing legal systems (macro-comparison). 2) The crucial characteristics of each system are identified, analyzed, and discussed. 3) The interactions between the systems, their way to interface with one another are examined through legal institutes (micro-comparison). 4) Ultimately the participant gains a deeper understanding of the domestic legal system.
10-02-735 Overview of Anglo-American Law
Dozentin Kathrin von Gierke This course introduces a fairly broad spectrum of substantive and procedural issues of Anglo-American law. The three blocks of instruction cover criminal, contract and tort law. These blocks each end with a formal "negotiation," whereby students are assigned to teams and must prepare "portfolios," ie documentation to negotiate a problem on behalf of their "clients." Students are assessed on their active oral participation in these negotiations and one oral presentation of 10 minutes. Very active student participation and preparation is required. Englisch B2 or better
10-02-737 German and International Criminal Law
Dozent Dr. Markus Abraham The course will deal with basics, peculiarities and interconnections of German Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. It offers the opportunity of furthering the ability to understand and explain a viewpoint on a legal issue in English.
The course addresses students of German Law (Studiengang Rechtswissenschaften: Staatsexamen), who want to acquire the foreign language certificate.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-734 Basic Justice and the Law: Autonomy, Equality, and Recognition
Dozentin: Marie Thérèse Montana In the course of this seminar we will be looking at three central aspects of basic justice from an ethics & public policy perspective: autonomy and paternalism, equality and (anti-)discrimination, as well as recognition and identity politics. Our starting points will be provided by the current political controversies surrounding issues such as the nutri score, sugar taxes, the basic income, affirmative action, cultural exceptions and defenses, and many more. These are hot topics for law-makers, highly politicized, and ethically loaded. How can we make sense of these debates and our own views on policy decisions? To find out, we will be looking at all sides of the political controversies and then dip our toes in the water of the philosophical discourse on basic justice. What are possible requirements of basic justice and how do they relate to these extremely relevant topics in law-making?
In this seminar we will adopt the perspective of the legislator as well as the philosopher in order to think about how questions of basic justice may be considered in the course of making laws. Which normative considerations do we need to ponder in offering policy recommendations and legislating these highly politicized issues? How can we understand the ethical debate in the background? What is the meaning of the concepts of autonomy, equality, and recognition in the context of justice and of public policy? Which frameworks of ethical theory and political philosophy may be useful for arguing the case for and against a specific policy? What is your view on basic justice and these policy issues? More specifically, we will ask and debate questions such as: How far may the law go in making us do what is best for us? Should the state be “perfecting” its citizens? How can we argue for the moral equality of all persons and what follows from this?
What is involved in treating like persons alike – what difference does (which) difference make? To what extent and in what way should the law address the question of identity? The syllabus leaves plenty of room to accommodate student interest in specific law-making dilemmas related to the framework of basic justice suggested.
Everyone is welcome! No prior knowledge in ethics or political philosophy is required!
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-733 International Protection within European Union
Dozentin: Annalisa Morticelli The matter of Asylum Law and International Protection is very relevant and discussed in the European Union (EU) current context. For this reason the aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the fundamental legal elements underpinning European legislation on international protection and asylum law.
A brief introduction on the typologies of migrant categories and on the European legislation on international protection will be addressed, the analysis of European and international Conventions valid within the European Union such as the Declaration of Fundamental Rights of Man, the Geneva Convention (1951), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the regulations enacted by the European institutions related the international protection will be object of the course. The European jurisprudence will also be analysed above all to understand what violations of current legislation have been incurred by Member States so far. The vision of a documentary is also provided to help to better understand the analysis of some part of the program (for example related to the legislation on the examination of asylum claims) as also the solution of legal cases and role-playing techniques.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-740 Introduction au droit constitutionnel français
Dozentin Sarah Geiger Ziel der Veranstaltung ist die Schaffung eines Grundverständnisses für das Verfassungsrecht unseres Nachbarlandes Frankreich: auch wenn Frankreich einer unserer engsten politischen Partner ist, unterscheiden sich Staatsaufbau und Grundrechtsschutz in Deutschland und Frankreich ganz wesentlich. Diese Unterschiede sowie Stärken und Schwächen des französischen Rechtssystems möchte die Veranstaltung den Studierenden vermitteln. Dabei wird einführend das republikanische Model, die „Ve République“, dargestellt. Die republikanischen Institutionen werden daraufhin näher beleuchtet: der französische Rechtsstaat zeichnet sich aus durch eine bedeutsame Exekutive und einer Legislative, welche aus Nationalversammlung und Senat besteht. Im Mittelpunkt soll in diesem Kursteil jedoch der französische Verfassungsrat stehen.
Der zweite Teil der Grobgliederung, auf welchem der Schwerpunkt des Kurses liegt, unterteilt sich in eine Vorstellung der Verfassung von 1958 und des vom Verfassungsrat geschaffenen „Verfassungsblocks“. Weiter vertiefen die Studierenden den verfassungsrechtlichen und gerichtlichen Grundrechtsschutz und wird dieser schließlich in einen europäischen Kontext gestellt. Französisch B1/B2
10-02-741 Migration in Global Context
Dozentin Ülkü Sezgi Sözen
- Climate Refugees
- The New Palestinian Refugees
- Pushbacks from Greece in the Aegean
- The Protection of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors
- The global Compact for Safe, Orderly and regular Migration
- The Effects of Covid-19 on Movement of People
- The Effects of Covid-19 in Host and Transit Countries
- The Notion of Burden-Sharing in the EU-Migration Law Englisch B1/B2
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über Frau Sözen.
10-02-742 Topics in Bioethics, Emerging Biotechnologies, and Law
Dozentin Kelly A Dhru Should genome editing in humans embryos be legally permissible? What, if anything, is wrong with enhancements of humans, and especially, the cognitive enhancement of the human brain? Should the law allow human organs be “grown” through the creation of human-animal chimeras? Do animals have a right not to be experimented upon? While on the one hand the emerging biotechnologies aim to promote the health and well-being of the society, they also raise serious legal, ethical, and regulatory challenges on the other hand. These legal and ethical questions are no longer restricted to the realm of the “hypothetical”. With the unsurpassed growth in the emerging biotechnologies, these are some crucial questions that the current legal systems have to battle. The aim of this course is to put forward the ethical questions arising from the emerging biotechnologies into the legal context. This course will provide an avenue for the students to engage in the debates surrounding questions of the legality and permissibility of these technologies, and we will also ask if these technologies challenge our foundational assumptions about law and legal actors, and especially about the nature of the relationship between law and ethics. The course will be primarily discussion-based (although, like the technologies, the discussions, too, will be somewhat regulated), and will foster critical thinking and argumentative skills of the participating students. Englisch B1/B2
10-04-420: Einführung in das türkische Recht – Zivilrecht
Dozentin Ülkü Sezgi Sözen
Die Ziele der Vorlesung sind, die Teilnehmer/innen mit der türkischen Rechtssprache vertraut zu machen. Die Studierenden erhalten einen Überblick über das türkische Zivilrecht und das Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht und erlernen die erforderliche Rechtsterminologie. Sie werden in die Falllösung nach türkischem Recht eingeführt und bearbeiten türkische Rechtsfragen mit türkischen und deutschen Rechtsquellen durch die vergleichende Methode.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die folgend aufgeführten Seminare, als Fremdsprachenveranstaltung besucht und abgeschlossen werden können. Die Anmeldung erfolgt nicht über STiNE sondern direkt beim Lehrstuhl.
10-02-737 Seminar Legal Reasoning
Dozent: Michael Preisig
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl von Prof. Armgardt.
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-740 Seminar zum internationalen (Bio-)Patentrecht
Dozent: Rob Aerts
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl von Prof. Albers
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-741 Seminar: International Law 4.0
Dozent: Prof. Kotzur und Verena Kahl
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl von Prof. Kotzur
Englisch B1/B2
10-02-742 Seminar: Democracy in the 21st Century
Dozent: Dr. Amal Sethi
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über den Lehrstuhl von Prof. Kotzur
Englisch B1/B2