European Company and Financial Law Review - ECFR
Hinweis Nr. 4 zum ZGR- und ECFR-Herausgeberkreis
Hinweis Nr. 3 zum ZGR- und ECFR-Herausgeberkreis
Hinweis Nr. 2 zum ZGR- und ECFR-Herausgeberkreis
Hinweis zum ZGR- und ECFR-Herausgeberkreis
Liebe Besucher der Lehrstuhlseite,
meine Mitherausgeber in ZGR und ECFR haben am 9. November 2017 einen Beschluss gefasst, der zum Ziel hat, mich als Herausgeber der beiden Zeitschriften auszuschließen. Gegen diesen Beschluss habe ich mit Schriftsatz vom 28. November 2017 eine einstweilige Verfügung beantragt, die das LG Heidelberg unter dem 30. November 2017 erlassen hat. Auf den Widerspruch der Antragsgegner hat das LG den Antrag mit - nicht rechtskräftigem - Urteil vom 29. März 2018 zurückgewiesen.
Ursprünglicher Beschluss und Antrag, sowie alle entsprechenden Urteile, werden hier der interessierten Fachöffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.
Heribert Hirte
The 11th ECFR Symposium was held in Copenhagen (Denmark) on September 29-30, 2016
The European Capital Markets Union (CMU) and other Current Developments.
- 1-Parmentier - Capital Markets Union - one year on from the Action Plan
- 2-Schammo - Facilitating SME Funding
- 3-Paterson - Comment on 'The Cost of Capital - The Normative Foundation of Corporate
- 4-Mock and Stanghellini - The Upcoming Harmonization of Insolvency Law as Part of the Capital
- 5-Conac - The Proposal of the Directive on the SUP
The 10th ECFR Symposium was held in Vienna (Austria) on September 10-11, 2015
The European Model Company Act (ECMA)
The 9th ECFR Symposium was held in Berlin (Germany) on November 7, 2014.
1) The New Single Member Company,
2) The European Banking Union.
The 8th ECFR Symposium was held in Milan (Italy) on September 27, 2013
1) Corporate Groups in the new Action Plan (COM [2012], 740 final),
2) Insolvency of Corporate Groups
3) The Proper Role of Shareholders.
- Program of the Symposium 2013 (Program.pdf)
- Slides:
- The Regulation of Groups in the European Model Company Act (EMCA) by Pierre-Henri Conac (Conac.pdf)
- A Practitioner’s View from the Netherlands by Erik Vermeulen (Vermeulen.pdf)
- Groups of Companies based on Contracts in Italy. Considerations in the Light of the Action Plan by Luigi A. Bianchi (Bianchi.pdf)
- The Endless Problem of Enterprise Groups‘ Insolvency by Arie von Hoe (van Hoe.pdf)
- The Role of Shareholders in the Insolvency of a Company by Lorenzo Stanghellini (Stanghellini.pdf)
- Cooperation between Liquidators and Courts in Insolvency Proceedings of Related Companies under the Proposed Revised EIR by Michele Reumers (Reumers.pdf)
- European Challenges for Institutional Shareholder Engagement by Hanne S. Birkmose (Birkmose.pdf)
- Defining the Optimal Scope of Decision-Making Authority of the Shareholders Meeting by Sofie Cools (Cools.pdf)
- Active Shareholders in Takeover Law - the Action Plan and beyond by Martin Winner (Winner.pdf)
- Acting in Concert in Italy from Disclosure Regime to Mandatory Offers by Chiara Mosca (Mosca.pdf)
The 7th ECFR Symposium was held in Luxemburg on September 28, 2012 on
1) Corporate Governance: Duties and Liabilities of Board Members and
2) The Transfer of Seat
- Program of the Symposium 2012 (Program Luxemburg.pdf)
- Slides:
- Duties and Liabilities of Corporate Fund Directors The View of the Industry by Claude Kremer (Kremer.pdf)
- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - Duties and Liabilities of board members in Investment Funds -The Legal Situation in Luxemburg and in Europe by Pr. Isabelle RIASSETTO (Riassetto.pdf)
- Mapping Directors' Duties: The European Landscape by Carsten Gerner-Beuerle & Edmund Schuster (Gerner-Beuerle Schuster.pdf)
- A Case Based Study on Duties and Liabilities of Board Members by Theis Klauberg (Klauberg.pdf)
- Risk Management, Company Law and Procedures by Luca Enriques & Dirk A. Zetzsche (Zetzsche.pdf)
- Beyond Shareholder Value: Corporate Governance and Corporate Venturing by Erik P.M. Vermeulen (Vermeulen.pdf)
- Conflict of Interest, Secrecy and Insider Information of Directors by Klaus J. Hopt (Hopt.pdf)
- The OECD report on related party transactions - Global issues but local solutions by Grant Kirkpatrick (Kirckpatrick.pdf)
- Director’s duties in groups of company: legalizing the interest of the group at the European level by Pierre-Henri Conac (Conac.pdf)
The 6th ECFR Symposium "The Role of Central Banks in the Financial Markets and the European Commission’s Green Paper (the EU corporate governance framework)" Zurich (Switzerland), September 30, 2011
- Program of the Symposium 2011 (Program 2011.pdf)
- Slides:
- Central Banks as Supervisors before and after the Financial Crisis" by Donato Masciandaro (Masciandaro.pdf)
- The Division of Capital Markets’ Supervision between Central Banks and Capital Markets Authorities" by Helene Vletter-van Dort (Vletter.pdf)
- Central Banks and the European Stability Mechanism (as proposed by the Council)" by Peter Sester (Sester.pdf)
- The Financial Stability Board in the International Financial Architecture" by Eva Hüpkes (Huepkes.pdf)
- State Aids, Central Banks and the Financial Crisis" by Georgios Psaroudakis (Psaroudakis.pdf)
- A Swiss Response to Systemic Risk: the «Too Big to Fail» Draft Banking Legislation" by Mario Giovanoli (Giovanoli.pdf)
- The Law of Intermediated Securities" by Luc Thévenoz (Thevenoz.pdf)
5th ECFR Symposium "The Allocation of Powers in Stock Corporations" and "The Bankruptcy of Corporate Groups", Brussels, Ocotber 1, 2010
- Program of the Symposium 2010 (Program.pdf)
- Empowering Shareholders in Directors’ Elections: a Revolution in the Making by Marco Ventoruzzo" (Ventoruzzo.pdf)
- The Virtues and Limitations of Shareholder Democracy" by Hans-Ueli Vogt (Vogt.pdf)
- The Foundations of the Separation of Powers in Companies - a Comparative Perspective" by Alexander Schall (Schall.pptx)
- The Balance of Power in Eastern European Corporations by Joanna Warchol (Warchol.pdf)
- Europe's Ius Commune on Director Revocability" by Sofie Cools (Cools2010.pdf)
- The Balance of Power in the Public Corporation in EU Legislation by Matthias Schmidt-Gerdts (Schmidt-Gerdts.pdf)
- The Position of Minority shareholders in Takeovers and under Schemes of Arrangement in the UK by Jennifer Payne (Payne.pdf)
- Restructuring Corporate Groups under insolvency proceedings" by Th. Bosly & M. Alhadeff (Bosly.pdf)
- The papers of the symposium are published in ECFR 2011, 101 ff. (available at )
4th ECFR Symposium „The Financial Crisis“ and „The European Private Company (SPE)“, The Hague, October 2, 2009
- Program of the Symposium 2009 (Program 2009.pdf)
- Slides:
- Resolving Cross-Border Banks by Eva Hüpkes (Huepkes.pdf)
- Regulatory Responses to the Financial Crisis from the Issuers’ Point of View (DiNoia.pdf)
- International Co-operation of Financial Supervisory Authorities by Thomas Schmitz-Lippert (Schmitz-Lippert.pdf)
- The Role of Executive Compensation in and after the Financial Crisis by Roberta Romano (Romano.pdf)
- Mastering the Financial Crisis: Answers from France"by Pierre-Henri Conac (Conac.pdf)
- The Law applicable to the EPC by Christoph Teichmann (Teichmann I.pdf and Teichmann II.pdf)
- The EPC and its Compatability with East European Company Law by Krzysztof Oplustil (Oplustil.pdf)
- Directors’ duties and liability in the EPC by Nuria Latorre (Latorre.pdf)
- The Use and Abuse of the Freedom of Establishment by Companies: Some Recent Data Directors’ duties and liability in the EPC by Wilhelm Niemeier (Niemeier.pdf)
- The papers of the symposium are published in ECFR 2010, 169 ff. (available at
3rd ECFR Symposium "Shareholder Suits", Vienna, October 10, 2008
- Program of the Symposium 2008 (Program 2008.pdf)
- The papers of the symposium are published in ECFR 2009, 161 ff. (available at
2nd ECFR Symposium "Corporate insolvency", Paris, October 12, 2007
- Program of the Symposium 2007 (ECFR Program)
- Photos (pdf file) (Paris Photos.pdf)
- The papers of the symposium are published in ECFR 2008, 135 ff. (available at
1st ECFR Symposium "Cross-border Company Transactions", Milan, October 13, 2006
- Program of the Symposium 2006 (Program 2006.pdf)
- The papers of the symposium are published in ECFR 2007, 1 ff. (available at